May 30, 2020
How many times have you had a thought or a feeling or wish
to do something or respond to moments around you? How often have you ignored
your internal warnings and radars? Ignore the fact that your red flag warning
bells were going off like a air horn? But you chose to believe in the good of
others and not wanted to disappoint others. Then with the gift of your time,
you realize that your intuition was correct the entire time.
I thought of a direct impact of not listening to your
internal danger system is a lowering of your self-esteem. With time you are
given the gift that your thoughts are true to you. How often do you keep ignoring
yourself yet want growth and an increased sense of enlightenment? Over the last
few years, I have experienced moments I've trusted myself followed with almost
as many moments of putting off myself or ignoring myself. When I felt moments of moving and knowing my
strength, I felt growth and a sense of accomplishment. Then when I have moments
of losing myself after ignoring my intuition, to others that are focused in a
way that is not in alignment with my sense of self. A sense of frustration occurs,
and understanding of why did I make these decisions, even though I knew of the
outcomes before they happened.
Recently I was chatting with a friend and mentor and shared
the thought of a mindset—the mindset of how you view others. One can either
think the best or the worst in others. Depending on your viewpoint drastically
will impact your interactions and how you experience life. This can be a
positive thing; however, the negative can be the complete lack of listening to
your intuition. Red flags are going off, and you know you shouldn't be making those
choices, but it's like you are in autopilot heading towards the sea of regret.
In the past, as I was feeling myself become weak, more often than not, I would
give in to cynical impulses and ones that didn't add value to my life.
I realize a significant change has happened to me and that
it is a strength to make better choices, that has come from embracing Christ
into my life. I realize the force is
coming from an unlimited source, a source from Christ that genuinely is
empowering and a cause that keeps on giving. That source is the power of prayer
for me. Now when I am feeling a moment of regret or the need to repair moments
that I cannot repair, I turn and ask for strength to not repeat the same
experiences that I have done in the past. I can move forward now, and even
though it is difficult to make different choices, I can make positive choices.
The direct result is a growth of strength and a growing sense of trusting my
intuition. That intuition comes from everlasting strength and source and is
based on the act of having a relationship with Christ.
When I was talking to my mentor, I realized a gift I have
been given is always choosing to see the best of others. I also thought of how
grateful I am to live a life believing in the positive. I couldn't imagine
living a life where a person feels the worst thing others. A life of misery and
unhappiness and victimhood will follow with that mindset. I'm also grateful I'm
able to recognize the gift of thinking the best.
The skill I am now learning through the gift of prayer is to
walk away from others that aren't adding value and have my strength to walk
away. Forgiveness is powerful and needed trait, but when people hurt you, not going back to that relationship is essential. Even though Jesus forgave Judas, he
didn't ever go back to help Judas after his betrayal. This all relates to
making your truth, and by using the power of prayer, you can change your life
for the better. Using prayer for strength and to truly forgive others allows
you to forgive yourself. Through this act of forgiving others, will enable
you to move forward and will let you to not repeat the same experiences over
again. By doing this, you can avoid the definition of the insanity of doing the
same thing yet wanting to experience different results.
I have experienced this only by turning to Christ a higher and
enduring power greater than myself. By using the power of prayer, this has moved
my growth, and I wouldn't have done it without the help of Christ and his love.