Saturday, 5 September 2020

The Third Book The 22nd Chapter - Love is Life


Love is Life

September 4, 2020

Using a building metaphor, the importance of having a perfect and true cornerstone cannot be overstated. Once a building is started, for it to be straight and have a solid foundational base, it is vital to have a perfectly set cornerstone.  As construction continues, the building will follow the blueprint of the genesis of the stone. As important as a cornerstone is to a new build, how many times have you seen an entire building built out of cornerstone? You never have, as it not possible. As a building is constructed, many different components come together to form the completed structure. Bricks to paint and drywall to roofing materials, all are needed. All of those components need to be in alignment and originate from the cornerstone, even though they are all drastically different.

In the New Testament, Jesus was asked about the most important thing we can remember to ensure is in our daily life. He replied we must have love. It is that simple and there are no other religious rules or protocol. It is that love is life. Yes, it is essential to have our foundation with the cornerstone of Christ in our lives, but there is a need to have more components to build our spiritual house. Always having love in our life is vital for our build and this is added to the perfect cornerstone of Christ.

As I have thought about love and the concept of true love, I realized that there were times in my life when I did view someone else or a thing with judgment. I have realized it was a mistake. I am not in a position to judge others as they try to live their life based upon love. What may work for some people may not work for others. As long as the cornerstone of Christ is in his or her life, why would anyone want to tear down someone’s hard work? When love operates within a person, it truly makes a difference and no one can identify where that love will end. It will never stop having a positive impact.

I recently experienced the power of love. Sometimes we may feel that the only way to share Christ is through church and through contact with someone that is of like mind. I realized that it is through having a relationship with Christ that allows his love to flow through and touch people positively, even when conventional wisdom will suggest love can't exist.

I had reached out to someone to see if it was possible to discuss some concepts that could add value to their life. Initially, they responded and agreed to meet up. Just before we were to meet, I received word that the meeting wasn’t possible and they would contact me another time. I was saddened, as I wanted to give a personal apology to this person and felt it may no longer be possible.

You may recall I have referenced God will provide us with either gentle nudges or a spiritual sledgehammer. When I woke on a specific Saturday morning, I felt a gentle nudge prompting me to travel to a specific mountain lake. I learned that even if you can’t say something in person to another, through the power of prayer, you can speak an apology. While I had been in a relationship with someone special, we spent a good deal of time together. One of my most precious memories, was sharing time with her at a lake. As a result, I felt compelled to visit the boat docking area and say a prayer. In that moment, I owned the hurt I interjected into the relationship, specifically for being emotionally unavailable. I realize now how painful that had been as feelings were developing and I was emotionally vacant. I remember looking down at my watch at 7:50 am, as I began speaking my prayer, apologizing and asking forgiveness.  

When I returned to an area that provided better cell services, I noticed at exactly 7:50 am, she had emailed me and said we could meet up. Unbelievable? Not at all, I stopped using the word “unbelievable” because if a person is born again and has a cornerstone of Christ in their life, everything you think is believable. The wonders will never cease if you continue to invite the love of Christ into your life.

A few days later, after 4 years on not seeing each other, finally met up. We were both nervous and uncomfortable with high levels of anxiety. I shared the story of my prayer to her and the timing of her email. I was now able to say the prayer of apology in person. I will never forget that experience of allowing the love of Christ to flow through me and touch someone else. The “old Craig” was reluctant to show weakness or ask for forgiveness. The “old Craig” was always right about his decisions and never lovingly apologized. The anxiety and discomfort was being replaced by warmth and happiness – Love is Life.

In a moment, the environment completely and beautifully changed. When we had previously parted ways, conventional wisdom suggested we would never have loving words spoken again. Yet it happened. After all the time that had passed between us, the power of Christ’s love was still able to make an impact.

The key ingredients of the cornerstone of Christ and following the gentle nudges combined with the belief that anything is possible will help move your life forward in ways that you may have never imagined. The benefit will continue and like the air in the Flight of Faith – in a brief moment, something you didn’t realize existed was beside you the entire time. In a brief moment, will be able to exceed anything you thought was achievable. Whatever you use to build your house after your cornerstone is laid can be used, as long as it is based on love. There are no specific modern rules or protocols that make my decision better than yours and vice versa. God is one that has set us in a world that has unlimited possibilities of wonder, growth, and love. He is a loving God and He wants us to experience transformation and development in order to be in harmony with all around us.

All we need to do is allow ourselves to believe that we are given His gift of love. Through His gift, we are able to live our lives in a way that was intended. Imagine a life full of the believable instead of a life full of the burdens of fear, doubt, low self-esteem, and lack of resources. A life that is full of love and experiences that enrich all of those we encounter is a life that allows us to become an ever-developing better version of ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. One can tell that you truly believe that a life filled with Christ love is so rich & with so many possibilities! Thank you for sharing your love & hope. Praying for the best for you in your continued journey of discoveries
