Dec 27/16
This is the first Christmas holidays in my adult life that I did not have any holiday plans with family and friends. This was something I was uncomfortable with however with both of my older children's blessing I did book a trip for a vacation.
I have referenced about the movie Hector and His Search of Happiness and just this morning I was able to live, in real life, a part of that movie on this trip. Countless times I have met great people and had incredible experiences on a daily basis. Christmas morning I woke up alone in a beautiful vacation paradise with no plans. Later on that day I ended up having a Christmas dinner on a beach with a doctor, social worker, ex-marine and a investment banker. All of whom I did not know 24 hours previously.
The experience of the moment can be best explained perfect randomness and a great time was has by all - all of us complete strangers and left our families and friends at home. I can not speak of the motivation to the whys of the others in our group - however for myself it was a journey and search for what is missing in my life. Yesterday was a day of rest and reflection and it was only when I was doing my morning run, I realized a leg of my quest was now complete.
I read once of a young boy that would sit close to his home under a tree - often dreaming about finding a buried treasure, as he was a poor boy. He ended up going on a long journey for his buried riches and had several experiences that enriched his life. Near the end of his quest - he was directed back to that original tree he spent so much time dreaming of distant far away treasures and under that tree he discovered a large treasure.
I did not see the full meaning of that story until today and realized this trip has provided me with the realization that my children and family are my treasure. I now know my next part of my life will be dedicated to staying where I currently live and provide the best I can for my family. For truly, like the young boy in the story, I have realized my treasure is in front of me all along.
I have always tried to do this in the past however sometimes I felt a sense of restlessness or a need to life a gypsy lifestyle. The feeling of the need to travel and search for more out there for me to discover. Now I realize all I need is at home and if my children decide to move away someday - I will encourage them to do so but I will remain here.
With excitement I am enjoying the moment and looking forward to my next moment of growth realization of when learning will occur.
I am truly grateful to be able to realize when I have been provided the gift to "Level Up" and to be able to now recognize this process in my life.
A sharing of thoughts to build your greatness that is in you. The book of these thoughts can now be bought here.
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Saturday, 25 February 2017
The 49th Chapter - The Gift of Your Time and Others
Dec 25/16
Almost two weeks now into an unforgettable vacation at a beautiful island. A vacation like no other for me - to get away alone for two weeks with no plans other then what random experiences come my way.
The people I have met in such a short time, no way could I have ever created that experience of the great amount of value the brief conversations of time spent. Once again the great value of actually spending your time with someone and freely receiving their gift of time.
All walks of life I have met - from older retired people to foreign dignitaries to millionaires. Each and every person has their own special story and is truly unique. The story they have wrote for themselves is absolutely incredible in the vast uniqueness of everyone. Once again proof of the world's opportunities is truly open to everyone to receive these gifts.
I have also noticed a pattern that almost every person I had a conversation with, that would start randomly, later on I have bumped back into them again - with no plans to meet up with them again yet it happens. From these random encounters another full adventure would start. I do not have a theory to why this happens other than it is so amazing to be able to enjoy these times of randomness.
Some might suggest - well that is what usually happens when one goes on vacations - yes agreed but imagine to replicate that kind of energy and experiences back at your home. What kind of impact would that have on your community and your own personal growth? I would suggest a large positive impact and by one positive interaction at a time this would start to create a tidal wave of positive energy environment for all.
The growth of people and the community that have that sense of strength would be unstoppable and immune to any outside negative forces that plaque our communities. Which in turn cause us to struggle with feelings of uncomfortableness and directly affect the strong foundation of what we all need to achieve to unlock the greatness that is in each of us.
Like the butter effect we are all connected and by the energy we create will either add or take away from our foundation and balance. The power of a person to provide a strong sense of direction is required and to help others. Like JFK announcing to put a man on the moon, to some this feat seemed impossible - but by positive alignment of dreams - truly anything and everything is possible.
The only limitation is you and when you say you can't.
Today is your day to start your quest for unlocking your greatness.
Almost two weeks now into an unforgettable vacation at a beautiful island. A vacation like no other for me - to get away alone for two weeks with no plans other then what random experiences come my way.
The people I have met in such a short time, no way could I have ever created that experience of the great amount of value the brief conversations of time spent. Once again the great value of actually spending your time with someone and freely receiving their gift of time.
All walks of life I have met - from older retired people to foreign dignitaries to millionaires. Each and every person has their own special story and is truly unique. The story they have wrote for themselves is absolutely incredible in the vast uniqueness of everyone. Once again proof of the world's opportunities is truly open to everyone to receive these gifts.
I have also noticed a pattern that almost every person I had a conversation with, that would start randomly, later on I have bumped back into them again - with no plans to meet up with them again yet it happens. From these random encounters another full adventure would start. I do not have a theory to why this happens other than it is so amazing to be able to enjoy these times of randomness.
Some might suggest - well that is what usually happens when one goes on vacations - yes agreed but imagine to replicate that kind of energy and experiences back at your home. What kind of impact would that have on your community and your own personal growth? I would suggest a large positive impact and by one positive interaction at a time this would start to create a tidal wave of positive energy environment for all.
The growth of people and the community that have that sense of strength would be unstoppable and immune to any outside negative forces that plaque our communities. Which in turn cause us to struggle with feelings of uncomfortableness and directly affect the strong foundation of what we all need to achieve to unlock the greatness that is in each of us.
Like the butter effect we are all connected and by the energy we create will either add or take away from our foundation and balance. The power of a person to provide a strong sense of direction is required and to help others. Like JFK announcing to put a man on the moon, to some this feat seemed impossible - but by positive alignment of dreams - truly anything and everything is possible.
The only limitation is you and when you say you can't.
Today is your day to start your quest for unlocking your greatness.
Monday, 20 February 2017
The 48th Chapter - Survive and Grow
Dec 24/16
Today as I sit on a beautiful beach I am thinking of the last year. The gratefulness I have felt from the experiences derived from all of the gifts of life, from my kids health, healthy family, friends and the abundance of joy I have received. As I reflect a moment, I have been lucky enough to experience, currently, a different culture and country.
From some of these experiences I have learned so much - one of the specific thoughts is our basic human need to survive. In all my travels the never ending quest of people to survive and grow is a common pattern. All in different ways but yet the foundation is the same for that base need for survival.
As I went into the local town today, a day before Christmas, there was a slight change as more people were at grocery stores than on a normal morning. As people are in the mode of getting ready for Christmas with family and friends. Although the overall task of getting ready for Christmas seemed similar from what I am used too in my home town there was a minor difference in the energy of this morning. In general that was the sense of a pace that is more relaxed than I am used too.
Perhaps where I am from there is a rush to have a brief rest is one of the main differences. Where one can make choices, in a different environment to live - the fast pace of all throttle and then quick breaks verses a steady pace provides the sense of a calmness.
As we are all working to survive perhaps that sense of calmness is needed more than we think and perhaps there should be more value placed on this? Then my thoughts went to careful for what you wish - as you will get what you wish for. Once you have it - what are you prepared to do with that gift? It usually quiet exciting to dream and think of ways to grow in ones life however the most important thing is once you have accomplished some of these goals. What is your plan to integrate them into your life for long term sustainability that aligns up with your growth? The easy part has been done by you to ask the universe to provide for you and now that you have your gifts it is vital to allow them to grow and flourish in your life. This pattern replicates in everything you do and experience and all aspects of your life require effort for the sustainability factor to become real in you.
Is that wish you have in your thoughts right now in alignment of your internal calmness that we all need? Is it a new gift? Or one that you have experienced before regardless of either positive or negative alignment to your calmness?
Like a great influence in your life - their choices have been made up of a life time of small choices to create the foundation of what you would like in your life. So whatever it is that is appealing to you, behind the scenes and what you have not seen is all the hard work of alignment on their wish they wanted to create in their life.
What you seek might actually be a short distance for you to achieve yet by choices made by you might create a longer period of time that is required. The shortest route are the ones that take you in a straight line to your destination.
A key concept of finding that straight line in your quest is determined by the choices made by you to have alignment in your calmness.
Today as I sit on a beautiful beach I am thinking of the last year. The gratefulness I have felt from the experiences derived from all of the gifts of life, from my kids health, healthy family, friends and the abundance of joy I have received. As I reflect a moment, I have been lucky enough to experience, currently, a different culture and country.
From some of these experiences I have learned so much - one of the specific thoughts is our basic human need to survive. In all my travels the never ending quest of people to survive and grow is a common pattern. All in different ways but yet the foundation is the same for that base need for survival.
As I went into the local town today, a day before Christmas, there was a slight change as more people were at grocery stores than on a normal morning. As people are in the mode of getting ready for Christmas with family and friends. Although the overall task of getting ready for Christmas seemed similar from what I am used too in my home town there was a minor difference in the energy of this morning. In general that was the sense of a pace that is more relaxed than I am used too.
Perhaps where I am from there is a rush to have a brief rest is one of the main differences. Where one can make choices, in a different environment to live - the fast pace of all throttle and then quick breaks verses a steady pace provides the sense of a calmness.
As we are all working to survive perhaps that sense of calmness is needed more than we think and perhaps there should be more value placed on this? Then my thoughts went to careful for what you wish - as you will get what you wish for. Once you have it - what are you prepared to do with that gift? It usually quiet exciting to dream and think of ways to grow in ones life however the most important thing is once you have accomplished some of these goals. What is your plan to integrate them into your life for long term sustainability that aligns up with your growth? The easy part has been done by you to ask the universe to provide for you and now that you have your gifts it is vital to allow them to grow and flourish in your life. This pattern replicates in everything you do and experience and all aspects of your life require effort for the sustainability factor to become real in you.
Is that wish you have in your thoughts right now in alignment of your internal calmness that we all need? Is it a new gift? Or one that you have experienced before regardless of either positive or negative alignment to your calmness?
Like a great influence in your life - their choices have been made up of a life time of small choices to create the foundation of what you would like in your life. So whatever it is that is appealing to you, behind the scenes and what you have not seen is all the hard work of alignment on their wish they wanted to create in their life.
What you seek might actually be a short distance for you to achieve yet by choices made by you might create a longer period of time that is required. The shortest route are the ones that take you in a straight line to your destination.
A key concept of finding that straight line in your quest is determined by the choices made by you to have alignment in your calmness.
Sunday, 19 February 2017
The 47th Chapter - Live Your Pace - At Your Pace
Dec 23/16
I feel so grateful that I have been able to do some traveling. As I reflect today, I am currently on a beautiful island for over a week now. It has been enough time to meet a lot of people and see folks live their local life. The laid back pace of this experience has caused me to question why - in general - the North American culture of environment of such high and rapid expectations we place on ourselves. This pattern replicates itself from the workplace to our personal life expectations.
Yes of course a strong structure does provide us to live a good quality of life. In fact most of North America lives a life that is better than the life of past kings and queens of centuries past. However perhaps at the cost of us truly living and being able to feel our life. The place I am at has only one major road with no traffic lights and one traffic circle. So in our traditional view we might question how does that work? It should not be possible for traffic to flow? We use traffic controls to prevent accidents and increase flow of traffic - yet how come herethere are not any accidents while I was there and traffic flow was very efficient. Perhaps you might be thinking there was low levels of traffic, which was not the case. There was a great deal of mixed traffic from people walking to large trucks - all using only one road.
It all works and flows - you can feel the traffic around you - it is like because the lack of traffic control specific rules and because of this absence it all seems to work. There seems to be a perfect balance that just seems to be there and living. The feeling of being rushed does not seem to exist.
Then my thoughts turned to the tortoise and the hare story. As I thought of that story as two different choices of how we could live our life on our quest of our life. At the end - it will be no rush at all - when you look back on your life - will the quest be one filled full of memories and laughter? or one of a rush from check point to another?
So the importance of choices come to mind - based on the life style you would like to have. Choose a location and pace that aligns up for what you want. Ask yourself what do you truly want in your life in regards to the pace and challenges. The way we are currently living in North America we need all different type of people providing the value in all the different roles. The point is your happiness and perhaps by using this type of concepts you will be able to make clear choices of what you need to do. In high school we are requested to make choices that will impact the rest of our life and maybe some of us made a decision that required more information at the time. Now that you have been the gift of time and you still have time available to use tools like these to make a change in your life. By doing this - it will be another key to your foundation of providing you the happiness you deserve in your life.
Like the traffic flowing perfectly with no traffic controls on this island - your life as well will flow perfectly. It will also allow you to feel on your quests and experience the great adventures of your life. Each day will begin a new - with abundant experiences that you will never guess what is possible and yet they are.
Once you start making choices for you - you will be amazed to have the feeling of flow and how easy life will become.
Then it is up to you to start enjoying your experience.
I feel so grateful that I have been able to do some traveling. As I reflect today, I am currently on a beautiful island for over a week now. It has been enough time to meet a lot of people and see folks live their local life. The laid back pace of this experience has caused me to question why - in general - the North American culture of environment of such high and rapid expectations we place on ourselves. This pattern replicates itself from the workplace to our personal life expectations.
Yes of course a strong structure does provide us to live a good quality of life. In fact most of North America lives a life that is better than the life of past kings and queens of centuries past. However perhaps at the cost of us truly living and being able to feel our life. The place I am at has only one major road with no traffic lights and one traffic circle. So in our traditional view we might question how does that work? It should not be possible for traffic to flow? We use traffic controls to prevent accidents and increase flow of traffic - yet how come herethere are not any accidents while I was there and traffic flow was very efficient. Perhaps you might be thinking there was low levels of traffic, which was not the case. There was a great deal of mixed traffic from people walking to large trucks - all using only one road.
It all works and flows - you can feel the traffic around you - it is like because the lack of traffic control specific rules and because of this absence it all seems to work. There seems to be a perfect balance that just seems to be there and living. The feeling of being rushed does not seem to exist.
Then my thoughts turned to the tortoise and the hare story. As I thought of that story as two different choices of how we could live our life on our quest of our life. At the end - it will be no rush at all - when you look back on your life - will the quest be one filled full of memories and laughter? or one of a rush from check point to another?
So the importance of choices come to mind - based on the life style you would like to have. Choose a location and pace that aligns up for what you want. Ask yourself what do you truly want in your life in regards to the pace and challenges. The way we are currently living in North America we need all different type of people providing the value in all the different roles. The point is your happiness and perhaps by using this type of concepts you will be able to make clear choices of what you need to do. In high school we are requested to make choices that will impact the rest of our life and maybe some of us made a decision that required more information at the time. Now that you have been the gift of time and you still have time available to use tools like these to make a change in your life. By doing this - it will be another key to your foundation of providing you the happiness you deserve in your life.
Like the traffic flowing perfectly with no traffic controls on this island - your life as well will flow perfectly. It will also allow you to feel on your quests and experience the great adventures of your life. Each day will begin a new - with abundant experiences that you will never guess what is possible and yet they are.
Once you start making choices for you - you will be amazed to have the feeling of flow and how easy life will become.
Then it is up to you to start enjoying your experience.
Saturday, 18 February 2017
The 46th Chapter - Optimize Your Success
Dec 18/16
As I was sitting on a chair outside I was watching a small bird constantly walking around looking for food. Then I thought that it must be tough for that small bird spending so much of it's time just to survive. As I thought about time and energy and realized that in the work force we do exactly the same behaviors as humans in our daily life. Even though we are physically not walking in small circles looking for food like this small bird was we are constantly, at our job, walking in circles creating our exchange of time for energy.
That pattern replicates over and over and there is a constant exchange of time for energy. That enables us to use that energy to live and exist. So a key would be then to unlock your greatness is how do you use your time? As you're using your time how do your choices impact the effectiveness of your time? Do you leverage your time to propel you further than your competition? As this fuel is then translated to energy to enable you to then buy or provide what you need or want. By keeping this simple key foundations in mind this will allow you to truly get what you want.
The concepts from the writings of The Secret and you are allowed to get as much as you want or need. Time is one of the most valuable resource that is given to us daily. The importance to make wise choices with our time is paramount. If you look back into history, whether it is great things or world conflict, the winners had enough time to accomplish their goals. Usually history proves that if the loses or failures had enough time their reality could have been so different.
This the point of always making each point of time in your life count. You make have heard of this kind of thought before - however this is one of the major key's to your foundations of unlocking your greatness. By daily keeping in mind that time and the most efficient use of that time will propel you to your path.
So a strong focus of understanding of why your making each daily choice will provide alignment to your life's quest. Like the marathon runner or someone working out at a gym - each race starts at the beginning and success is found through repeating the same small success steps to your goal or quest.
Like the small bird going around repeating the same act over to create what that bird knows as success - you too can repeat that pattern for whatever you are attracting into your life.
Now what are you going to do with your time right now?
As I was sitting on a chair outside I was watching a small bird constantly walking around looking for food. Then I thought that it must be tough for that small bird spending so much of it's time just to survive. As I thought about time and energy and realized that in the work force we do exactly the same behaviors as humans in our daily life. Even though we are physically not walking in small circles looking for food like this small bird was we are constantly, at our job, walking in circles creating our exchange of time for energy.
That pattern replicates over and over and there is a constant exchange of time for energy. That enables us to use that energy to live and exist. So a key would be then to unlock your greatness is how do you use your time? As you're using your time how do your choices impact the effectiveness of your time? Do you leverage your time to propel you further than your competition? As this fuel is then translated to energy to enable you to then buy or provide what you need or want. By keeping this simple key foundations in mind this will allow you to truly get what you want.
The concepts from the writings of The Secret and you are allowed to get as much as you want or need. Time is one of the most valuable resource that is given to us daily. The importance to make wise choices with our time is paramount. If you look back into history, whether it is great things or world conflict, the winners had enough time to accomplish their goals. Usually history proves that if the loses or failures had enough time their reality could have been so different.
This the point of always making each point of time in your life count. You make have heard of this kind of thought before - however this is one of the major key's to your foundations of unlocking your greatness. By daily keeping in mind that time and the most efficient use of that time will propel you to your path.
So a strong focus of understanding of why your making each daily choice will provide alignment to your life's quest. Like the marathon runner or someone working out at a gym - each race starts at the beginning and success is found through repeating the same small success steps to your goal or quest.
Like the small bird going around repeating the same act over to create what that bird knows as success - you too can repeat that pattern for whatever you are attracting into your life.
Now what are you going to do with your time right now?
Sunday, 12 February 2017
The 45th Chapter - Fate or Free Will
Dec 17/16
The last few days I have been able to experience so many neat experiences which seem to be random events. I am fortunate enough to travel to a warm place near the water and have met several great local people.
My thoughts turn to fate or your path. The thought of free choice come to mind and is there ever really free will? So much information in my thoughts, I hope I can capture a few of these thoughts that will provide value to you reading this.
Three things come to mind - which appear to be random or not? The first one is - I have arrived at my destination after 24 hours of travel and as I am riding to my place of stay I notice a small road and for whatever reason I was drawn to that road. A few days have passed and finally I take a drive down that road. I was ready to have lunch and a few minutes down the road I found a small place on the side of the road. The old lady running the place could hardly speak English and I did a lot of nodding as she was asking me what I would like for my lunch - which turns out the food was incredible. So picture this - I am all by myself in the middle of no-where, maybe seems like a small event, however the feeling of finding that experience made me consider the thought - do we subconsciously on some level always know our future? Is that the reason on my arrival two days prior I noticed that exact road and felt compelled to explore that road?
The second thing was randomly going to the end of a road. At the end of this road in the middle of nowhere was this incredible beach with a few little outside beach bars. So before I went on this trip I heard of a famous actor had purchased an island in the same country I was heading too - with the intent of building a resort. Well I am sure your guessing where I am going with this - As I sat talking to the bartender he brought up that the long island in the distance was in fact this actors. So once again - please keep in mind I had no plan of this whatsoever - and here something totally out of the blue like this happens. So fate or do we on some level know our future?
The third thing was every morning I would do my morning run and the route I ended up going I noticed a small roadside cafe. So finally on the the third day I stopped in - as I was drawn to this place as well. From this experience I have been given the gift of meeting a new friend and has invited me into his own kitchen to cook some fish for me.
So there are three examples of perhaps we know a lot more than we give ourselves credit for? Also this have given me more courage that if I am drawn to something do not let the burden of fear hold me down and stop me from experiencing something more than possibly expected. I am struck with the thought like a marathon of several steps to your goal - so is life's little experiences that make your life full of experiences that no author or movie director can create.
By following your path and what draws you, you will be able to fully live life in the only perfect way for you. True strength can be grown by choosing these paths or adventures. It will provide you the courage to overcome the dark force of fear that stops all of us to truly become the person we are.
On this life quests there area several tests and obstacles that will come your way. By paying attention to what might appear to be a random observations will in fact provide you the fuel to overcome your fears and self doubts. One experience at a time will start to build your own personal momentum to power up life's uphill struggles.
The last few days I have been able to experience so many neat experiences which seem to be random events. I am fortunate enough to travel to a warm place near the water and have met several great local people.
My thoughts turn to fate or your path. The thought of free choice come to mind and is there ever really free will? So much information in my thoughts, I hope I can capture a few of these thoughts that will provide value to you reading this.
Three things come to mind - which appear to be random or not? The first one is - I have arrived at my destination after 24 hours of travel and as I am riding to my place of stay I notice a small road and for whatever reason I was drawn to that road. A few days have passed and finally I take a drive down that road. I was ready to have lunch and a few minutes down the road I found a small place on the side of the road. The old lady running the place could hardly speak English and I did a lot of nodding as she was asking me what I would like for my lunch - which turns out the food was incredible. So picture this - I am all by myself in the middle of no-where, maybe seems like a small event, however the feeling of finding that experience made me consider the thought - do we subconsciously on some level always know our future? Is that the reason on my arrival two days prior I noticed that exact road and felt compelled to explore that road?
The second thing was randomly going to the end of a road. At the end of this road in the middle of nowhere was this incredible beach with a few little outside beach bars. So before I went on this trip I heard of a famous actor had purchased an island in the same country I was heading too - with the intent of building a resort. Well I am sure your guessing where I am going with this - As I sat talking to the bartender he brought up that the long island in the distance was in fact this actors. So once again - please keep in mind I had no plan of this whatsoever - and here something totally out of the blue like this happens. So fate or do we on some level know our future?
The third thing was every morning I would do my morning run and the route I ended up going I noticed a small roadside cafe. So finally on the the third day I stopped in - as I was drawn to this place as well. From this experience I have been given the gift of meeting a new friend and has invited me into his own kitchen to cook some fish for me.
So there are three examples of perhaps we know a lot more than we give ourselves credit for? Also this have given me more courage that if I am drawn to something do not let the burden of fear hold me down and stop me from experiencing something more than possibly expected. I am struck with the thought like a marathon of several steps to your goal - so is life's little experiences that make your life full of experiences that no author or movie director can create.
By following your path and what draws you, you will be able to fully live life in the only perfect way for you. True strength can be grown by choosing these paths or adventures. It will provide you the courage to overcome the dark force of fear that stops all of us to truly become the person we are.
On this life quests there area several tests and obstacles that will come your way. By paying attention to what might appear to be a random observations will in fact provide you the fuel to overcome your fears and self doubts. One experience at a time will start to build your own personal momentum to power up life's uphill struggles.
Saturday, 11 February 2017
The 44th Chapter - The Gift of Your Day - Today
Dec 11/16
Each and every start to your day - you are granted the gift of a completely new day. This day is your gift to make it whatever you want this day to be in regards to your energy outlook. The choice is yours to decide are you going to continue to build on your foundation of your greatness in a positive way or not. The great thing about being given the gift of a new day is even if yesterday was not in alignment of what you truly desire in your life - you now have a new chance to create that alignment within you with this new day.
Sometimes in life we may choose to not give something in our life another chance - and yes sometimes we do need to make choices to end something in our life that does not bring alignment to where we are going. The interesting thought of the universe always remains constant - it does not matter what you have done the day before - you are given the chance to go forward everyday. Everyday with no judgments, expectation or holding your past experiences on you - the gift of the new day gives this to you each morning when you wake up.
The universe provides you to start each day with a true 100 percent reset. The thought of this concept is powerful and if used more with our daily interactions with others - what would the outcome be? verses what you are currently experiencing in your life. If you are currently struggling with some issues in your life and you determine that you need to have these expediencies in your life then start by practising what the universes gives you each day. Does it not seem rational if you are provided the true gift of a reset that you then would use that concept with dealing with others in your life? Everyone starts their day to try to do their best - yourself included - so a tool to help you and others around you is to allow the gift of going forward and not holding onto past experiences.
Would this type of interaction add to the positive energy to us and our communities? Of course this type of interaction would only be impactful if the person we are interacting with also has the same mind set. The mind set of truly believing in the good of others.
Like in a previous chapter of the story of the boy, man and the starfish - the reality faced from each starfish was truly the same - however in that constant state two people had two completely different view points of reality. Based on their interpretations of what they saw and had experienced in their life. The power of being able to start ones thought place - one kind thought at a time - imagine how all of us would feel if each thought we have and others around us always were to start the foundation of that thought based on kindness.
Sounds impossible or improbable? Challenge yourself to start out small and have only one kind thought a day and pay that forward. Focus on - you did make a positive difference at the end of your day and let that experience grow in you. Then the next step is once you start to feel that growth and change in you start teaching this experience to others around you.
Teach others what you have learned and most importantly tell the why's behind this new you that others are seeing.
Like anything or anyone great - whatever the component is in the building blocks - it all starts small and grows to great one thought at a time.
What are you going to do today after reading this chapter? Before I started writing these thoughts I was a person that was in a negative cycle of self doubt and in a "poor me" mind set. The reason I share that personal thought is if your thinking there is no way this type of thoughts can make a difference in your life or your not able to change your current thought pattern. It is possible - I am proof you can make a difference and if I can do it - you can as well.
As I go on my journey of life my relationships with my kids have grown stronger and my work performance has improved. With all that increased richness I now feel in my life it can be contributed to what I have wrote about and continue to write about.
Now is your time to make a difference.
Each and every start to your day - you are granted the gift of a completely new day. This day is your gift to make it whatever you want this day to be in regards to your energy outlook. The choice is yours to decide are you going to continue to build on your foundation of your greatness in a positive way or not. The great thing about being given the gift of a new day is even if yesterday was not in alignment of what you truly desire in your life - you now have a new chance to create that alignment within you with this new day.
Sometimes in life we may choose to not give something in our life another chance - and yes sometimes we do need to make choices to end something in our life that does not bring alignment to where we are going. The interesting thought of the universe always remains constant - it does not matter what you have done the day before - you are given the chance to go forward everyday. Everyday with no judgments, expectation or holding your past experiences on you - the gift of the new day gives this to you each morning when you wake up.
The universe provides you to start each day with a true 100 percent reset. The thought of this concept is powerful and if used more with our daily interactions with others - what would the outcome be? verses what you are currently experiencing in your life. If you are currently struggling with some issues in your life and you determine that you need to have these expediencies in your life then start by practising what the universes gives you each day. Does it not seem rational if you are provided the true gift of a reset that you then would use that concept with dealing with others in your life? Everyone starts their day to try to do their best - yourself included - so a tool to help you and others around you is to allow the gift of going forward and not holding onto past experiences.
Would this type of interaction add to the positive energy to us and our communities? Of course this type of interaction would only be impactful if the person we are interacting with also has the same mind set. The mind set of truly believing in the good of others.
Like in a previous chapter of the story of the boy, man and the starfish - the reality faced from each starfish was truly the same - however in that constant state two people had two completely different view points of reality. Based on their interpretations of what they saw and had experienced in their life. The power of being able to start ones thought place - one kind thought at a time - imagine how all of us would feel if each thought we have and others around us always were to start the foundation of that thought based on kindness.
Sounds impossible or improbable? Challenge yourself to start out small and have only one kind thought a day and pay that forward. Focus on - you did make a positive difference at the end of your day and let that experience grow in you. Then the next step is once you start to feel that growth and change in you start teaching this experience to others around you.
Teach others what you have learned and most importantly tell the why's behind this new you that others are seeing.
Like anything or anyone great - whatever the component is in the building blocks - it all starts small and grows to great one thought at a time.
What are you going to do today after reading this chapter? Before I started writing these thoughts I was a person that was in a negative cycle of self doubt and in a "poor me" mind set. The reason I share that personal thought is if your thinking there is no way this type of thoughts can make a difference in your life or your not able to change your current thought pattern. It is possible - I am proof you can make a difference and if I can do it - you can as well.
As I go on my journey of life my relationships with my kids have grown stronger and my work performance has improved. With all that increased richness I now feel in my life it can be contributed to what I have wrote about and continue to write about.
Now is your time to make a difference.
Saturday, 4 February 2017
The 43rd Chapter - Self-fulfillment and Internal Happiness of You
Dec 10/16
The quest for self-fulfillment and internal happiness sometimes might feel as allusive as the mystic fountain of youth. The patterns of life experiences and our current reality, although new to us as we go forward in this life, the general events are nothing that has not happened before.
One of the keys to fulfillment is to own these moments of yours - as they truly are only yours. Just like years ago when different European powers discovered all of North America - as they slowly explored, they would stake their claim of land and area. All of North America existed before they arrived, nothing was new to North America or the people living there at the time. The only difference was the foreign people discovery of North America for the first time and staking their claim. Please keep in mind I am not suggesting to physically take over things or to be unkind to others - this is a way for me to connect and explain that as long as people are here on this planet - nothing every really changes. The individual people change that in their life they experience growth (exploring new land) but fundamentally the patterns of life never change.
Like streets in a city or rivers on our landscapes, these are all an example of creating flow and balance. As we continue our journey of life the importance of maintaining balance and using the patterns around us to achieve our happiness or fulfillment. What we chose and what we surround ourselves with will propel us with the flow of energy of the universe and by doing this you will start to feel that internal happiness that no one or nothing can provide for you on that level. Other people or things can sometime fill a happiness void for a short time - but is never lasting. Like the flash floods of a dessert rain - the rivers flow for a short time then disappear to the lands natural dry state. Yet in these same areas you can dig down deep enough in the earth and you will find an endless supply of water.
This pattern is the same within you. The only way to achieve a life long flowing river is within you. Once you dig down deep enough you will feel the endless gifts of happiness and fulfillment.
Over the last few weeks - this feeling of happiness and fulfillment are growing stronger in me. This morning waking up and truly being happy and not needing anyone or anything to provide me with that feeling. As you continue with your quest to dig your well of water or recognize patterns around you - you will experience moments when you will feel uncomfortable and fail with your quest of fulfillment. This will happen and with it does, do not quit, it will feel like you should go back to what you used to know. If your unhappy in your past - do not give in to to going backwards - push forward - reflect - ask why this current setback has occurred to you. What can you do to learn more? What has appeared into your life lately? This recent appearance of a person or experience might also hold a key to unlocking your next level in your quest. Like the young person learning how to walk - at the beginning they fall more then are successful in their walking attempts but yet they continue to go forward and master the act of walking for them.
This pattern will occur in everything new you do in life - somethings will come easier than other things - yet the pattern of initial failure will happen at different levels and the only true failure will be if you completely quit. To stop trying to go forward with whatever you feel you need to do will be a personal tragedy to you. Like the young child - to quit trying to walk is not even an option - use this thought to propel yourself forward to your greatness.
You are entitled to your entire gift of life that was given to each and everyone of us. The gift of greatness was given to you - it is now up to you to identify that gift and live it each moment.
The quest for self-fulfillment and internal happiness sometimes might feel as allusive as the mystic fountain of youth. The patterns of life experiences and our current reality, although new to us as we go forward in this life, the general events are nothing that has not happened before.
One of the keys to fulfillment is to own these moments of yours - as they truly are only yours. Just like years ago when different European powers discovered all of North America - as they slowly explored, they would stake their claim of land and area. All of North America existed before they arrived, nothing was new to North America or the people living there at the time. The only difference was the foreign people discovery of North America for the first time and staking their claim. Please keep in mind I am not suggesting to physically take over things or to be unkind to others - this is a way for me to connect and explain that as long as people are here on this planet - nothing every really changes. The individual people change that in their life they experience growth (exploring new land) but fundamentally the patterns of life never change.
Like streets in a city or rivers on our landscapes, these are all an example of creating flow and balance. As we continue our journey of life the importance of maintaining balance and using the patterns around us to achieve our happiness or fulfillment. What we chose and what we surround ourselves with will propel us with the flow of energy of the universe and by doing this you will start to feel that internal happiness that no one or nothing can provide for you on that level. Other people or things can sometime fill a happiness void for a short time - but is never lasting. Like the flash floods of a dessert rain - the rivers flow for a short time then disappear to the lands natural dry state. Yet in these same areas you can dig down deep enough in the earth and you will find an endless supply of water.
This pattern is the same within you. The only way to achieve a life long flowing river is within you. Once you dig down deep enough you will feel the endless gifts of happiness and fulfillment.
Over the last few weeks - this feeling of happiness and fulfillment are growing stronger in me. This morning waking up and truly being happy and not needing anyone or anything to provide me with that feeling. As you continue with your quest to dig your well of water or recognize patterns around you - you will experience moments when you will feel uncomfortable and fail with your quest of fulfillment. This will happen and with it does, do not quit, it will feel like you should go back to what you used to know. If your unhappy in your past - do not give in to to going backwards - push forward - reflect - ask why this current setback has occurred to you. What can you do to learn more? What has appeared into your life lately? This recent appearance of a person or experience might also hold a key to unlocking your next level in your quest. Like the young person learning how to walk - at the beginning they fall more then are successful in their walking attempts but yet they continue to go forward and master the act of walking for them.
This pattern will occur in everything new you do in life - somethings will come easier than other things - yet the pattern of initial failure will happen at different levels and the only true failure will be if you completely quit. To stop trying to go forward with whatever you feel you need to do will be a personal tragedy to you. Like the young child - to quit trying to walk is not even an option - use this thought to propel yourself forward to your greatness.
You are entitled to your entire gift of life that was given to each and everyone of us. The gift of greatness was given to you - it is now up to you to identify that gift and live it each moment.
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