Saturday, 4 February 2017

The 43rd Chapter - Self-fulfillment and Internal Happiness of You

Dec 10/16

The quest for self-fulfillment and internal happiness sometimes might feel as allusive as the mystic fountain of youth.  The patterns of life experiences and our current reality, although new to us as we go forward in this life, the general events are nothing that has not happened before.

One of the keys to fulfillment is to own these moments of yours - as they truly are only yours.  Just like years ago when different European powers discovered all of North America - as they slowly explored, they would stake their claim of land and area.  All of North America existed before they arrived, nothing was new to North America or the people living there at the time.  The only difference was the foreign people discovery of North America for the first time and staking their claim.  Please keep in mind I am not suggesting to physically take over things or to be unkind to others - this is a way for me to connect and explain that as long as people are here on this planet - nothing every really changes.  The individual people change that in their life they experience growth (exploring new land) but fundamentally the patterns of life never change.

Like streets in a city or rivers on our landscapes, these are all an example of creating flow and balance.  As we continue our journey of life the importance of maintaining balance and using the patterns around us to achieve our happiness or fulfillment.  What we chose and what we surround ourselves with will propel us with the flow of energy of the universe and by doing this you will start to feel that internal happiness that no one or nothing can provide for you on that level.  Other people or things can sometime fill a happiness void for a short time - but is never lasting.  Like the flash floods of a dessert rain - the rivers flow for a short time then disappear to the lands natural dry state.  Yet in these same areas you can dig down deep enough in the earth and you will find an endless supply of water.
This pattern is the same within you.  The only way to achieve a life long flowing river is within you.  Once you dig down deep enough you will feel the endless gifts of happiness and fulfillment.

Over the last few weeks - this feeling of happiness and fulfillment are growing stronger in me.  This morning waking up and truly being happy and not needing anyone or anything to provide me with that feeling.  As you continue with your quest to dig your well of water or recognize  patterns around you - you will experience moments when you will feel uncomfortable and fail with your quest of fulfillment.  This will happen and with it does, do not quit, it will feel like you should go back to what you used to know.  If your unhappy in your past - do not give in to to going backwards - push forward - reflect - ask why this current setback has occurred to you.  What can you do to learn more?  What has appeared into your life lately?  This recent appearance of a person or experience might also hold a key to unlocking your next level in your quest.  Like the young person learning how to walk - at the beginning they fall more then are successful in their walking attempts but yet they continue to go forward and master the act of walking for them.

This pattern will occur in everything new you do in life - somethings will come easier than other things - yet the pattern of initial failure will happen at different levels and the only true failure will be if you completely quit.  To stop trying to go forward with whatever you feel you need to do will be a personal tragedy to you.  Like the young child - to quit trying to walk is not even an option - use this thought to propel yourself forward to your greatness.

You are entitled to your entire gift of life that was given to each and everyone of us. The gift of greatness was given to you - it is now up to you to identify that gift and live it each moment.

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