Saturday, 25 February 2017

The 49th Chapter - The Gift of Your Time and Others

Dec 25/16

Almost two weeks now into an unforgettable vacation at a beautiful island.  A vacation like no other for me - to get away alone for two weeks with no plans other then what random experiences come my way.

The people I have met in such a short time, no way could I have ever created that experience of the great amount of value the brief conversations of time spent.  Once again the great value of actually spending your time with someone and freely receiving their gift of time.

All walks of life I have met - from older retired people to foreign dignitaries to millionaires.  Each and every person has their own special story and is truly unique.  The story they have wrote for themselves is absolutely incredible in the vast uniqueness of everyone.  Once again proof of the world's opportunities is truly open to everyone to receive these gifts.

I have also noticed a pattern that almost every person I had a conversation with, that would start randomly, later on I have bumped back into them again - with no plans to meet up with them again yet it happens.  From these random encounters another full adventure would start.  I do not have a theory to why this happens other than it is so amazing to be able to enjoy these times of randomness.

Some might suggest - well that is what usually happens when one goes on vacations - yes agreed but imagine to replicate that kind of energy and experiences back at your home.  What kind of impact would that have on your community and your own personal growth?  I would suggest a large positive impact and by one positive interaction at a time this would start to create a tidal wave of positive energy environment for all.

The growth of people and the community that have that sense of strength would be unstoppable and immune to any outside negative forces that plaque our communities.  Which in turn cause us to struggle with feelings of uncomfortableness and directly affect the strong foundation of what we all need to achieve to unlock the greatness that is in each of us.

Like the butter effect we are all connected and by the energy we create will either add or take away from our foundation and balance.  The power of a person to provide a strong sense of direction is required and to help others.  Like JFK announcing to put a man on the moon, to some this feat seemed impossible - but by positive alignment of dreams - truly anything and everything is possible.

The only limitation is you and when you say you can't.

Today is your day to start your quest for unlocking your greatness.

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