Monday, 12 February 2018

The Third Book The 1st Chapter - Changing Habits

Feb 12/2018

Life is a journey and we are always on a quest to find our home.  To find a place that will wrap us with a comfortable energy.  A place that we feel safe and a place where we belong.  I heard if you aren’t were you belong but don’t know where to go. Then this is a start of your journey because at least you know you need to make changes in your life.

I would like to share a story of changing one of my habits.  Almost three years ago I knew I had to make changes in my life to improve my physical health.  At that time, I also enjoyed eating unhealthy foods and enjoying responsibly a beer on occasion. 
Over the years as I daily pushed my self on my physical journey, I would keep track of my time and distance.  I slowly noticed the correlation from the effects of unhealthy eating and the increase in the time I took to complete my run.  At first, I didn’t spend much time thinking about this observation but recently it took a whole new light.

I went on vacation with friends and when I returned it took me almost a week to get back to my level of performance prior to the vacation.  As I went through the process of repairing tired muscles I had a new thought followed by a new feeling.  That was I don’t want to make choices any more that hinder my performance.  The feeling that followed immediately after was one of comfort.

It was like I realized on my own a large component of making smart choices. Not because anyone was telling me too or that I wanted to impress someone, I made it for me.  This I realized was another step completed on my journey home.
Choices like these are the ones you body and mind are suggesting you take.  Your built in DNA is showing you a path that will allow you to live an incredible life.  When you complete difficult follow throughs is when there are moments of comfort and satisfaction.  

Make a list of 5 self-improvement areas that you would like to improve on in your life.  Once that is completed, spend 5 minutes on each idea.  While you’re doing that with each item, what is your emotional response to each of your 5 points?  How does it feel as you think of these ideas?  Give yourself enough time for these ideas to be planted deep within your thought process.

With these ideas planted deep they will be able to stand the test of your storms and struggles of life’s distractions.  They will remain long enough for you to come to your realization that you don’t want your status quo any longer.  You don’t have to have a tired life and low energy.

Once you have arrived at this spot you know you have taken your first step towards home.  All the distractions you face will be just that, distractions and they will not take you off your destination.  

The Third Book - The Introduction

This is the beginning of my third book.  The summer of 2015 is when I started my first book and I never thought I would ever write one book prior to the summer of 2015. 
This book is a series of short stories of life experiences that have a theme of using these experiences to become a better person.  To learn from others and your mistakes so that you don’t keep repeating the same actions and never fully achieving what you want in your life.

The title of this book was selected by my son and me.  The journey home doesn’t reflect your physical home but your journey that returns you back to where you have started.  You return with a vast amount of experiences that have made you a better person.  While you have been away you have gathered a life time of riches so that you can continue to grow. 

This leads me to the thought of beyond your tree line.  If you have noticed trees don’t normally grow in great numbers above 10,000 feet.  The environment at these high elevations make it difficult for a forest to grow.  So, the thought is to push your known limits and go above your current tree line.  Push further and higher than you have ever thought you could.  By doing this you will be given a clear line of sight that is an unobstructed view of where you need to go next.

My son and I came up with the new title when he was returning home from a long shift away for work and it seem fitting.  The alignment and the symbolism seem correct as I started to create this book.

As I look at all the blank pages of this book that needs to be filled with valuable words to you.  I am filled with a sense of wonder of where the journey will take me.  I wonder the value I will be able to provide to you and if these words will help make a difference in your choices.

Once this work is sent to the editor I am excited to see the gold nuggets that will enable others to travel above their tree line.  To be a part of others establishing a new norm of achievement for themselves.  Followed by a brief rest and then moving on up again.

Steve Jobs was a person that changed the world and he did it by always improving what was created.  This skill of transition is what will make you achieve more than you ever thought possible.  A daily focus on creating value for you and others and by adding transition to the mix is your gold mine.  Continue coming back to this thought and you will achieve more than you thought was your possible.  The only difference between you and Steve Jobs is allowing yourself to follow your passion.

Thank you for taking the time and sharing your time with me, as you read this book.  I am looking forward to hearing your stories on your journey home. 

Monday, 5 February 2018

The Second Book The 102nd Chapter - The Final Chapter

Feb 4/18

It is will mixed emotions that  I have today, as I write this chapter.  Happy that my second book is almost complete, yet a little sad as the creation of this book has come to an end.  Yet isn't that like life though, everything always comes to an end, with the cycle of life.

There is always a beginning and there is always an ending, the important part is what we do with the in between these two points.  I would like to thank all the people I have met over the writing of this book.  Some are mentioned by name in this book and others shared by an experience.

Currently I am writing this at the Snow Slip Inn in Northern Montana.  The snow is falling heavily and there are mounds of snow piled higher than I have ever seen it here before, during my past winter visits here.

This book has been with me in four countries and thousands of miles, all with a common theme.  That common theme is the incredible people I have met along the way.  Some have remained close friends and others, it was just a brief interaction that has left a positive impact on me. 

The gratefulness I feel at this moment is incredible and a few years ago I never thought that there would be so much joy in my life.  This journey from the first entry in June 2017, I have felt all the topics of this book first hand.  It is my sincere hope that you have felt positive direction and support as your have read this book.  During the creation of this work I have felt strong emotions that ranged from tears of sadness to tears of laughter.  As always, I want to thank my kids and my parents, for their continued support of my random notions of my endless adventures and distractions.  As my attention is daily diverted to another adventure and experience they have always remained.  When I return from the last experience they are there to welcome me and share in that experience.

In my journeys the pattern of the power of thoughts have occurred several times.  Life can be great and full of positive experiences, if you believe it in your mind.  Just as quickly this awesomeness can change to a valley of despair with a thought based of a negative origin.

I have faced some challenges and growth over the last year but my challenges truly are ones that are minor compared to what others experience on a daily basis.  By words like these I hope, if your currently struggling, you will believe in yourself to have the ability to change your life.  Its a simple as change your thoughts - change your life.  This is not about a promotion or financial wealth to expereince life in a positive way, it is about choosing to live your life in a way that life provides you with an invisible ocean of energy.  Though that energy you are able to achieve whatever your greatest dreams are. 

This sense of you living your authenticity is what needs to be first in your life before you put any other plans in place.  If your not truly find yourself you will not be truly successful in anything you do.  Your authenticity is the seed that needs to be planted first for you to be able to grow.  Without planting the seed its like putting an empty pan into an over and expecting it to produce a delicious and hot apple pie.  It just doesn't work that way in life and you need to put in your effort.

The thought of change is incredibly easy but the follow through is extremely difficult.  If you truly want change and you truly want to live a life that is full, it will take a tremendous amount of effort on your part.  You have practiced for years and created a current habit of living a reality of you.  This your habit, like any habit you want to break, from quitting smoking to getting off that couch, it is extremely difficult to successfully complete.  The more your prepare your mind of the hard work ahead of you, the easier the change will come to you.  Prepare your mind that this change you seek to be successful and long lasting will be the hardest thing you will ever do.

Don't give up. as you can be successful and after you master this task, all the rest of your goals will come easier.  As you truly start your journey and truly star changing your life then share with others your accomplishments.  Share with others your accomplishments and to encourage them to become the amazing person they too already are.  Contact me, as I would love to hear your story of how you kept on climbing.  By doing this, it will provide me with the energy I need to keep going forward.

Out of the 5 themes of this book, which one are you going to focus on first?  Write them down in order of importance for you and once that is completed, set some goals.  These goals need to tie directly back to your change you seek.  Set timelines and determine the resources you need and then hold yourself accountable for your goals.  Create your road map to your success to continue your journey of growth.

I have now arrived at Columbia Falls Montana, where I will rest of the night.  It seems fitting as the day closes, so does this book.  The snow has stopped falling and the sky's are clearing as the sun is settling behind the mountains.  Tomorrow will be a new day, a new day for you to do something extraordinary that will lead yourself to your success.  By that success you will understand yourself and show your true leadership.  As your practice that process you will be given a true gift of growing yourself and others.

Now is the time like no other in your life to take charge and hold yourself accountable.  For you to keep climbing and to continue your quest.  Until next time and the next book, I love you all and I truly appreciate you taking your time to read these words.


P.S.  The third blank note book had been purchased by me and is waiting for me to fill it with words.

Your Servant CC 

The Second Book The 101st Chapter - The Moment You Now Know

Feb 1/18

Do you know how to effectively lead yourself?  What plan do you have in place to help you develop your leadership?

One of the most important things you can do is to have a personal coach.  A personal coach will provide training to help you with your self-development which is key and will help you go further than on your own.  Your entire blueprint and strategy to live a fulfilled and happy life is already inside of you.  With the proper selection of a coach, this person will allow you to uncover your blind spots and you will see your blueprint.

This leads me to my coach Mark, I have wrote about Mark before and I am grateful of the value our relationship provides me.  As he has been helping me lay out a blueprint for me, I recently had a large next step revealed to me, this step was of a new mini-journey of travel.  This time I knew with confidence I need to take a random travel of a road trip throughout the west and southern United States.

It was through his coaching and asking questions I found my next step.  Now the difficult part is for me to actually take that first next step.  I know all of what I need will be found on this trip to allow me to level up to my next level.  I can see it clearly, as if it is already happening yet I can feel my fear sinking in. 

This is where self-leadership will reveal itself to me.  The thought of what am I going to give up to go up come to mind now.  An opportunity waits, yet I can feel my own hesitation grow inside of me.  I know whatever path I take, I will arrive at my goal, but one path is a shorter route.  This moment of clarity provide a sense of excitement, almost like going on a treasure hunt as a kid.  You know your almost at a major check point and a significant find.

With any kind of challenge in self-leadership these uncomfortable conversations and or new paths need to be completed for you to continue to grow.  The choice is yours to become extraordinary or to remain ordinary.  There is no one thing or person that forces you to be ordinary other than your choices.

If you don't have your choices yet, I encourage you to ask yourself what are you going to give up to go up?  What are you going to sacrifice in you day to get to your future improvement?  Developing and following your plan will provide you the skill of self-leadership.

Once you fully own your life and command your own decisions is when you will feel the growth of your development.  Make your choices based out of kindness to yourself and others and that is when your effort will show you your moment of knowing.

The Second Book The 100th Chapter - Develop Your Strategy

Feb 1/18

How do you get from here to there?  How do you accomplish your desires?  How do you create a strategy that is tailored for your success?

These are all questions that I have thought about for years and I was paralyzed to act on.  I was not able to act because I didn't know what to decide on and I didn't have the confidence in myself to even try an idea when I had one.  Overtime I knew I had to try something new, so slowly I started to explore a different life for me.

I slowly changed my entire direction of my life in a way that was what I wanted to live instead of one that people expected me to live.  I noticed that as I slowly left my comfort zone of my past, I started to have experiences that would provide me a sense of support from other people with my new life choices. 

A story I would like to share is about meeting Katherine and becoming friends.  It was the third time to Belize and I was at El Norte, north of San Pedro 10 miles.  As she walked up with her husband, I immediately knew this is a special person.  It was during this time I was considering to stop writing and sharing my random thoughts with the goal to provide value to others. 

After about a hour of conversation she randomly blurted out, you can't stop and quit, you have so much to give.  Now keep in mind I never shared the thought I was thinking of quitting.  I was shocked when she made this statement and caused me to pause and reflect and think about my current mindset.  In that moment I realized I was given the gift of perseverance and to keep going forward to get where I need to go.

The story doesn't end there and I did decide to keep going with my sharing.  It was about a month after returning home and I was feeling unsettled and not clear of my direction.  The feeling I had encompassed my entire being and I felt a drain of my energy.  One morning I received a random text from Katherine and asking how I was doing.  I shared with her I was struggling and she said without hesitation, "I know".  She went on to say she could feel it even though there was no communication and we live thousands of miles apart.

Once again her support gave me the courage to follow my strategy.  Creating your own strategy is key for you to enjoy your life.  Take all the things you don't want in your life and do a mental purge of all the clutter.  Then make a list of 5 things you actually want to have in your life. 

Take all your learned skills and apply them to your top choice of the list of 5.  Then start to take action on strategy and to cross over and out of your current comfort zone.  Repeat this process and listen to positive support from others that cross your journey, as they have been sent to help you.

The Second Book The 99th Chapter - I Know Where I am Going

Jan 30/18

Do you feel you know where you want to go in life but you don't know how to get there?  Can you feel and see your destination but you don't have your road map to show you how to get there?

One of my extreme goals is too speak to 1000's of people in a stadium setting and help everyone in attendance to see their own greatness.  I want to be the bridge that helps connect people to be able to live a life that they dream of.  But right now I don't know how to get there, I don't know all the steps required to arrive at that god goal.

In the meantime I am daily following my intuition and creating more words to increase my brand and to expand the awareness to what I speak about in topics for the future.  Isn't it interesting when there are moments of self-doubt something or someone will come along and help provide support to our goals.

That happened to me a few weeks ago by a conversation with my mentor Todd.  As we were sharing about our general last few months, since the last time we talked, all of a sudden he blurted out.  Maybe you can speak at a John Maxwell event in Orlando Florida.  The moment he spoke that statement I had a surge of energy come into my body.  I had never shared that dream of mine with him, yet here he was communicating that with me. 

I thought about John Maxwell and there was a time when he was younger he didn't command the attention he does now when he speaks.  He teaches and give out his experience of success in a beautiful way.  If you ever have the chance to attend a conference where John is speaking, do it, you will not regret it. 

One of the lessons John talked about was filling your vision.  How he did that was as a young pastor he would crate an outline of topics for the next quarter that he was going to speak about.  As time would go on, life experiences would provide him with examples of the outline he had created weeks prior.  Once the date would come to talk about a specific topic, he would have mountains of material ready.  When I heard that I realized this is my road map, this is how I need to create to get to stand along side of John on stage in Orlando.  That each day I make time and put in effort to where I need to go.

Ask yourself if your god goal is a need or want for you?  If it is only a want, you will have to switch that word out for need.  Once you view your goals as needs then you will start to accomplish them.  The moment you change your view is the moment you have started creating your road map that will show you how to achieve your dreams. 

The Second Book The 98th Chapter - Make Your Second

Jan 29/18

Do you want more out of your life?  Are you searching for more success but yet while others seem to be getting ahead you are not?

I would like to ask you a question, that is how you view everything that comes into your life?  As with that view point you have then what action do you take next and what thoughts of emotions are generated?  I have always been a person that is active either with my thoughts or moving physically.  So when bed time comes, I am always very tired and I always enjoyed the feeling of being well rested in the morning.  On occasion I would not sleep throughout the entire night and I would toss and turn for hours.  Then just before the alarm was to go off, I would finally fall asleep after hours of unproductive time preforming the act of trying to fall asleep.

In the morning this would leave me with a sense of frustration now that I am mentally tired and the day hasn't even started.  For years when this did happen I always ended up with the same result until finally I started to have a change of mindset. This mindset was that I started to grow and want to become a better person.  Then one night a few months ago I couldn't sleep, so instead of being frustrated, I changed my focus to what can I do in that moment which can lead me to do something productive.

I already knew I wasn't going to sleep for hours so I decided to create some value in the time I had awake.  What I did was open my mind to the random thoughts that came to me.  From there I posted them on my twitter account combined with a chapter from this book.  By doing that I noticed my twitter stats of view increase to a level I had not yet experienced.  I was amazed of what a huge positive change that had occurred with my simple change of my thought pattern.  Instead of being frustrated and tired, this experience left me with an outcome of being satisfied and tired.

I knew I couldn't control the state of me being tired but I knew I could control the outcome of providing value to my dreams.  Success takes a large amount of work to be realized.  Once you find your passion you need to take each moment you can to provide value to your passion.  The gift of your passion was given freely to you and it's up to you how much value you receive from your gift.  The harder and smarter you work will see your success come to you at a higher lever.

In moments of frustration ensure you make each one of your seconds count.  As these seconds pass away to waste, you will never get them back and recover that time.  Eventually with enough wasted seconds you will realize you have wasted your biggest opportunity and you will be out of time.

Friday, 2 February 2018

The Second Book The 97th Chapter - Self-esteem and Thoughts

Jan 29/18

Do you have days or weeks where you feel you are struggling with having a positive self-esteem?  When you have days like that have you stopped your mind long enough and asked yourself what is the focus of my thoughts?

I would like to share a story of past Craig, a Craig who had low self-esteem, during the last year and a half I have been giving the gift of time to reset myself.  Both my personal life and my work life, this rebuilding has taken place.  The last year and a half has been difficult but yet very rewarding.  The easy part was recognizing and planning next steps of what I had to do in my life for positive change.  The hard part was my follow through, to daily harvest my positive thoughts and not allow my negative ones to grow.

Six years ago I was a different person than the person that is writing these words today.  I used to be a person that had a negative thought pattern on almost everything and everyone I interacted with.  With that negative thought foundation the law of attraction applied to me.  My negative thoughts attracted someone into my life that was like minded and because of that relationship, my self-esteem suffered ever more. 

Slowly I continued to spiral down the stair case of my own self-worth until finally I asked myself why I was so unhappy.  I now had a need to not live a negative life like I was anymore.  I knew I was a happy and kind person by nature but yet I was living a life that wasn't filled with happiness.  I realized my thoughts were creating an environment for me that was based on fear.  As that fear built more strength in my life so did my avoidance factor.  So much avoidance I started to live a life of I wish I could do things differently but I never made the choices to live differently. 

If any of this experience applies to you, then ask yourself why this is occurring with you?  Ask yourself what is your current mindset and your thought base.  Write down your next 10 thoughts that you have.  Once that is complete, tomorrow at the same time write down another 10 thoughts that come to you.  At the end of that day sit down and write down your 20 thoughts and separate them into two categories.  One category to be labeled positive and the other to be labeled negative.  Then count up the total of each thoughts in the two columns and chances are most of them are in your negative side of your ledger.

You have just completed the easiest first step in your life to start raising up your self-esteem and tearing down your walls of fear.  Now the hard part starts for you to daily make sure your thoughts always follow under your positive column.  By doing that daily you will start to feel like a better person and others will see your change in your hard work.