Feb 4/18
It is will mixed emotions that I have today, as I write this chapter. Happy that my second book is almost complete, yet a little sad as the creation of this book has come to an end. Yet isn't that like life though, everything always comes to an end, with the cycle of life.
There is always a beginning and there is always an ending, the important part is what we do with the in between these two points. I would like to thank all the people I have met over the writing of this book. Some are mentioned by name in this book and others shared by an experience.
Currently I am writing this at the Snow Slip Inn in Northern Montana. The snow is falling heavily and there are mounds of snow piled higher than I have ever seen it here before, during my past winter visits here.
This book has been with me in four countries and thousands of miles, all with a common theme. That common theme is the incredible people I have met along the way. Some have remained close friends and others, it was just a brief interaction that has left a positive impact on me.
The gratefulness I feel at this moment is incredible and a few years ago I never thought that there would be so much joy in my life. This journey from the first entry in June 2017, I have felt all the topics of this book first hand. It is my sincere hope that you have felt positive direction and support as your have read this book. During the creation of this work I have felt strong emotions that ranged from tears of sadness to tears of laughter. As always, I want to thank my kids and my parents, for their continued support of my random notions of my endless adventures and distractions. As my attention is daily diverted to another adventure and experience they have always remained. When I return from the last experience they are there to welcome me and share in that experience.
In my journeys the pattern of the power of thoughts have occurred several times. Life can be great and full of positive experiences, if you believe it in your mind. Just as quickly this awesomeness can change to a valley of despair with a thought based of a negative origin.
I have faced some challenges and growth over the last year but my challenges truly are ones that are minor compared to what others experience on a daily basis. By words like these I hope, if your currently struggling, you will believe in yourself to have the ability to change your life. Its a simple as change your thoughts - change your life. This is not about a promotion or financial wealth to expereince life in a positive way, it is about choosing to live your life in a way that life provides you with an invisible ocean of energy. Though that energy you are able to achieve whatever your greatest dreams are.
This sense of you living your authenticity is what needs to be first in your life before you put any other plans in place. If your not truly find yourself you will not be truly successful in anything you do. Your authenticity is the seed that needs to be planted first for you to be able to grow. Without planting the seed its like putting an empty pan into an over and expecting it to produce a delicious and hot apple pie. It just doesn't work that way in life and you need to put in your effort.
The thought of change is incredibly easy but the follow through is extremely difficult. If you truly want change and you truly want to live a life that is full, it will take a tremendous amount of effort on your part. You have practiced for years and created a current habit of living a reality of you. This your habit, like any habit you want to break, from quitting smoking to getting off that couch, it is extremely difficult to successfully complete. The more your prepare your mind of the hard work ahead of you, the easier the change will come to you. Prepare your mind that this change you seek to be successful and long lasting will be the hardest thing you will ever do.
Don't give up. as you can be successful and after you master this task, all the rest of your goals will come easier. As you truly start your journey and truly star changing your life then share with others your accomplishments. Share with others your accomplishments and to encourage them to become the amazing person they too already are. Contact me, as I would love to hear your story of how you kept on climbing. By doing this, it will provide me with the energy I need to keep going forward.
Out of the 5 themes of this book, which one are you going to focus on first? Write them down in order of importance for you and once that is completed, set some goals. These goals need to tie directly back to your change you seek. Set timelines and determine the resources you need and then hold yourself accountable for your goals. Create your road map to your success to continue your journey of growth.
I have now arrived at Columbia Falls Montana, where I will rest of the night. It seems fitting as the day closes, so does this book. The snow has stopped falling and the sky's are clearing as the sun is settling behind the mountains. Tomorrow will be a new day, a new day for you to do something extraordinary that will lead yourself to your success. By that success you will understand yourself and show your true leadership. As your practice that process you will be given a true gift of growing yourself and others.
Now is the time like no other in your life to take charge and hold yourself accountable. For you to keep climbing and to continue your quest. Until next time and the next book, I love you all and I truly appreciate you taking your time to read these words.
P.S. The third blank note book had been purchased by me and is waiting for me to fill it with words.
Your Servant CC