Monday, 12 February 2018

The Third Book The 1st Chapter - Changing Habits

Feb 12/2018

Life is a journey and we are always on a quest to find our home.  To find a place that will wrap us with a comfortable energy.  A place that we feel safe and a place where we belong.  I heard if you aren’t were you belong but don’t know where to go. Then this is a start of your journey because at least you know you need to make changes in your life.

I would like to share a story of changing one of my habits.  Almost three years ago I knew I had to make changes in my life to improve my physical health.  At that time, I also enjoyed eating unhealthy foods and enjoying responsibly a beer on occasion. 
Over the years as I daily pushed my self on my physical journey, I would keep track of my time and distance.  I slowly noticed the correlation from the effects of unhealthy eating and the increase in the time I took to complete my run.  At first, I didn’t spend much time thinking about this observation but recently it took a whole new light.

I went on vacation with friends and when I returned it took me almost a week to get back to my level of performance prior to the vacation.  As I went through the process of repairing tired muscles I had a new thought followed by a new feeling.  That was I don’t want to make choices any more that hinder my performance.  The feeling that followed immediately after was one of comfort.

It was like I realized on my own a large component of making smart choices. Not because anyone was telling me too or that I wanted to impress someone, I made it for me.  This I realized was another step completed on my journey home.
Choices like these are the ones you body and mind are suggesting you take.  Your built in DNA is showing you a path that will allow you to live an incredible life.  When you complete difficult follow throughs is when there are moments of comfort and satisfaction.  

Make a list of 5 self-improvement areas that you would like to improve on in your life.  Once that is completed, spend 5 minutes on each idea.  While you’re doing that with each item, what is your emotional response to each of your 5 points?  How does it feel as you think of these ideas?  Give yourself enough time for these ideas to be planted deep within your thought process.

With these ideas planted deep they will be able to stand the test of your storms and struggles of life’s distractions.  They will remain long enough for you to come to your realization that you don’t want your status quo any longer.  You don’t have to have a tired life and low energy.

Once you have arrived at this spot you know you have taken your first step towards home.  All the distractions you face will be just that, distractions and they will not take you off your destination.  

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