Jan 29/18
Do you have days or weeks where you feel you are struggling with having a positive self-esteem? When you have days like that have you stopped your mind long enough and asked yourself what is the focus of my thoughts?
I would like to share a story of past Craig, a Craig who had low self-esteem, during the last year and a half I have been giving the gift of time to reset myself. Both my personal life and my work life, this rebuilding has taken place. The last year and a half has been difficult but yet very rewarding. The easy part was recognizing and planning next steps of what I had to do in my life for positive change. The hard part was my follow through, to daily harvest my positive thoughts and not allow my negative ones to grow.
Six years ago I was a different person than the person that is writing these words today. I used to be a person that had a negative thought pattern on almost everything and everyone I interacted with. With that negative thought foundation the law of attraction applied to me. My negative thoughts attracted someone into my life that was like minded and because of that relationship, my self-esteem suffered ever more.
Slowly I continued to spiral down the stair case of my own self-worth until finally I asked myself why I was so unhappy. I now had a need to not live a negative life like I was anymore. I knew I was a happy and kind person by nature but yet I was living a life that wasn't filled with happiness. I realized my thoughts were creating an environment for me that was based on fear. As that fear built more strength in my life so did my avoidance factor. So much avoidance I started to live a life of I wish I could do things differently but I never made the choices to live differently.
If any of this experience applies to you, then ask yourself why this is occurring with you? Ask yourself what is your current mindset and your thought base. Write down your next 10 thoughts that you have. Once that is complete, tomorrow at the same time write down another 10 thoughts that come to you. At the end of that day sit down and write down your 20 thoughts and separate them into two categories. One category to be labeled positive and the other to be labeled negative. Then count up the total of each thoughts in the two columns and chances are most of them are in your negative side of your ledger.
You have just completed the easiest first step in your life to start raising up your self-esteem and tearing down your walls of fear. Now the hard part starts for you to daily make sure your thoughts always follow under your positive column. By doing that daily you will start to feel like a better person and others will see your change in your hard work.
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