Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Third Book The 4th Chapter - Walk Along The Pier

May 14/2018

When is the last time you have moved to an area in your life that required less energy? Or when have you acted on something when your intuition is telling you to do something? I have been so lucky to have been given the gift of travel. Over the last few years, I have been to several destination cities and have met so many amazing people. A few months ago, my dad had mentioned that he would like to go to Victoria BC. I was recently there in July of 17 and was amazed by the beauty of the area. I as time went on over the last few months Victoria visit with my dad came up a few times.
I could feel my intuition telling me that the time was now to make this trip. Fast forward to the early morning of May 12th, and away we left Calgary to fly into Victoria. During our three-day adventure, we filled the time with meaningful visits, travel, and food. It all officially started with a pickup all the rental car. It was the first time I had driven a hybrid and was immediately confused as to when I pushed the start button; there was not any engine noise. I looked over to my father and stated this new car doesn't start after a few brief moments I realized it was running on the battery and soon after that some chuckles filled the car.

From that starting point off we went to Tofino BC and a ferry ride. Each experience seemed as rich and full as the next and time seemed to fade away effortlessly. From clam chowder on a patio in Tofino to ceviche in the Victoria harbour, each moment was meant to be. Several sites we saw that neither of us had seen before. As each moment went on, I knew that following my intuition had increased the value to a special moment in time with my father. Several times my dad commented of how grateful that we were able to take this trip together.

After our last dinner on the harbour I took a walk by myself. As I was walking, I bumped into an incredible street performer named Jacqueline Dawn and the talent that she has is amazing. Not long after she started to plug in and sing another performer came up and informed her that she had to move, as this was his spot. She quickly apologized and started to pack up, and a few of us in this audience also started to help her. We all moved down about 100 meters and helped her set up again. Not only does Jacqueline have musical talent but she also has a talent for life. Her grace and gentle spirit that she showed during and after her move was a true gift to observe. Free energy she was like a feather floating in the breeze and following with the current. Completely at peace with what is and what a minor adjustment she kept on with her goal of providing a special moment for all of us in the crowd.

We all have challenges in life and have gifts all around us to enjoy. The hard part is to keep our focus even when faced with challenges. The difference between significance and ordinary is determined by how we view the experience. Whether your intuition is talking to you or you have a challenge, the gift of life's positive experiences is waiting for you. Hope and dreams are your starts, but then you need to put in the hard work to make your dreams start to come alive. It is up to you to make your magic and start to act on your intuition. As your intuition is your invisible treasure map for you to live your dreams and it is critical for you to open your gifts.

If you are feeling comfortable with life and you want to achieve more than you need to do more. The uncomfortable feeling is required, and that is your support to move along to your treasure map of dreams.