Monday, 23 September 2019

The Third Book The 9th Chapter - Correlation Between Thought and Reality

Correlation Between Thought and Reality

June 6/2019

Our thoughts drive our quality of life, and far too often we ignore ones that are positive. Sometimes our focus may be on our improvement and the large gap of our current reality to our desired reality. We set our sights on a brief moment on someone else’s success, yet we miss the amount of effort that a person has done to pave their way.

In my journey of life, one of my focus is of random adventure, and through these experiences, I'm able to write down these experiences and share with others. These brief moments of enjoying life I enjoy to capture and share with others. As I thought of my current pace of writing this book, I feel that I can do better and I was missing opportunities. I feel that too much time has passed with me missing my randomness of adventure.

As I reflected on this thought, I felt I needed to share my feelings of being stuck, and I wasn't achieving what I could with a beautiful woman. This beautiful woman came into my life completely unexpected. Her spirit and soul is one of curiosity, strength, love and accepting nature. We had a discussion that I felt I couldn't fully be myself in public with her regarding me being able to experience my random adventures. I shared that I felt that I couldn't fully engage with others I met for fear of offending her.  Over the last few years, I have learned that relationships need to share both positive and negative thoughts for a relationship to work.

By sharing this concern, I felt sadness come over her, and she communicated her feelings. The result was her expression of love and support to me to go out on my own to start writing again and to experience randomness without out the fear of offending her. My original thought had a desire to move forward with my writing I had to share with her what I was feeling and why I was not able to write.

I then went on my first road trip by myself to seek my next random adventure. As I travel today, I realize that my thought is different than my reality. The powerful moment came to me is the realization of having the courage to discuss something negative and realize it was about the ability to have the discussion. The reality was I needed to share to grow and not grow to share. It was not about me pausing my work, but a life test of my ability to be open and trust someone. The root cause of what I believed to be the issue of my lack of writing and lack of accomplishment had nothing to do with my current reality.

My current reality finds me feeling of how grateful I am of her and my ability to share with her with the goal that allows me to keep growing and developing at the same time I'm in a relationship with her. Without this uncomfortable discussion, this moment now wouldn't have occurred, and the thought would have remained unaddressed, and that was not an accurate reality.  

As our thought’s drive our reality and our current experiences in life, it is critical to listen to that small inner voice that is given us direction on our next steps. Too often as we ignore our inner voice, this impacts the decision to grow daily, and that blinds our vision to see how amazing each one of us are. The longer we ignore this voice the further we get from our truth and the further we become to realizing our true reality. When you have a quiet moment allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to hear what that voice is speaking to you. By making this small investment in self this will start allowing you to feel life and actualizing the greatness that is inside of you. This greatness doesn't come through living through somebody else’s vision but only can come by living your vision.

The effort others put into their success is now required by you to replicate that same pattern. By doing this daily, you will achieve your success that will align with your reality.   

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