Monday, 3 June 2019

The Third Book The 8th Chapter - GPS Self-Destinations of Achievement

GPS Self-Destinations of Achievement
June 3/2019

Most of us have heard motivational speakers that discuss the importance of self-growth and improvement. The speakers are amazing at what they do and create a feeling in a moment that makes us feel that we can achieve the unachievable. After that feeling fades, so does our ability to achieve the unachievable for most of us. As I was thinking about this concept, I wanted to share a tangible way to create long term value from this high ability to achieve more feelings. One of the first things that came to mind is how? How do I capture a feeling that you have experienced and add to your life that will then remain replicable for your lifetime?

Two different experiences come to mind as I thought how to share this concept today. Within these two different experiences, there are two different examples that come together to capitalize on making something achievable to you that at one time was unachievable. The first concept is the high-level experiences that provide the energy you need now to realize you are achieving your goals. The second concept is, how do you pick something specific in a moment and actualize you are goals. An analogy of these two concepts is like the wind in the air meeting the sail of a ship. Without these two components coming together, there is not any movement to that ship as like this pattern will replicate with you. One is completely useless without the other, but together, the value can change civilizations.

The last few months for myself have been months of transition. As I got to the end of this current transition, I realized I had forgotten the small things that I have to do every day to achieve momentum and success. As I realized where I was at, I then remembered my core values and what was important to me. Once I realized this, I started to write my 3rd book on leadership. As I was writing, I also made sure to restart my daily physical activity routine. I remember starting this process over again and how hard it seemed to be able to achieve my goals. That it seemed a lot easier to sit down to let life pass me by instead of pushing forward. I didn't let life push past me; instead, I focused harder on what I knew I needed to do to become successful.

Time always passes so quickly when you look backwards although in a moment it seems like it's standing still when you're caught in life’s whirlpool of fear. Each day I started my routine with physical activity followed by writing and writing and more writing. I have no idea if my 3rd book will be a success in the commercial world; however, I am confident, at least one person will read it and receive value. My thoughts continued to flow as I put the words together, and as I got closer to finishing the book, the emotion a fear started to surface in me. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, the fear of conflict were all foundations that were starting to build a focus point for me. It was at this time I realized the importance of shifting my focus point and that the law of attraction applies right at this moment. What I started to do in these moments when fear would creep into my thought, I would actively stop that thought and remind myself the feeling of uncomfortableness is good, which is positive. Then I started to practice searching out for that uncomfortable feeling as I realized the importance of this feeling. It is so much more than a feeling because you are reprogramming your brain to do something completely different and these are moments that are the hardest moments in your life end up being the most valuable moments when you look back.

After several months of struggles and mini restarts of regaining my focus, the 3rd book is ready to be shared to all on June 1st. I excitedly logged on to my Facebook and I couldn't believe a memory that was posted exactly two years to the day. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected what I saw that morning when I opened my Facebook. It was amazement as I looked on my memory exactly two years ago to the day my very first book is ready to be shared. What are the chances that randomness to come together at that moment, and it reminded me of the fact that I was following my internal GPS. I realized this was like the wind coming to my sail and provided me with the gift of energy. Moments like these when they are unplanned should not be wasted random moments by you. These moments are from the gift of life that allows you to move forward. They allow you to create and grow the belief that you are a valuable person and that you do deserve what you are working towards. I am reminded of a stat I heard years ago by the time we turn 18 years old we have been told no on average 150,000 times and have only heard yes on average about 5000 times. So, when life gives you the gift of wind for your sail, take that gift, embrace that gift and erase one time of the number of times you heard no.

As I was searching how to create an effective analogy for our sail, my thoughts shifted to the question of what my focus is? What am I looking at in my day and is it in alignment to my growth, or is it not? In my physical routine, I have kept track of 658 of my runs, which have taken me over three years to complete. A few months ago, when I started running again, I was disappointed by my time and how sore and uncomfortable I felt at the end of each run. Before each run, the feeling of dread would slowly come over my thoughts, which would then generate my feeling that I want to stay in bed. As each run passed, my feeling of dread continued to grow, and my pace slowly plodded along. With each footstep, my focus was on how uncomfortable I felt, and I just wanted the run to be over. Then I realized my problem was my direction of focus I was focusing on all the negative aspects of my activity and not one positive aspect of my activity. During the last four weeks, my performance has stayed close to the bottom, and it was on June 1st, I realized I was going to change my focus while I ran.

With each step and each breath, I didn't allow myself to focus on the negative thoughts, and I focused on running fast. At the halfway mark, I looked at my time, and I could see a significant difference in my performance. I could feel the wind blow against my sail as I realized I was on the right track by changing my focus. As I completed my distance, I pushed stop and checked my time, with a great sense of satisfaction. I just completed my 376 fastest time, and I completed this by a simple change in my focus. I allowed the gift of life that comes in the form of wind to push me forward on my sail.

The randomness of life is freely given to you, and it is up to you to take that wind and connect it to your sail. Is up to you to love yourself and by loving yourself, you invest in yourself, and you gain value from the randomness of life. For far too many years, I ignored the gift of wind and allowed fear to dictate my life. I will never allow my thoughts of fear to choose for me and miss the opportunities provided for me. I have realized these GPS moments are the moments where a U-turn is required for me to achieve my goals.

Now it is your turn and time to take your moments and put them into action. Take the gift of the randomness of life’s wind in whatever form it may come to you and allow it to blow your sail freely. Remember, it's never too late to complete your U-turn in life and create your focus every morning to your success and your achievement.

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