Thursday, 1 June 2017

The 84th Chapter - Keep Growing Your Success

April 23/17

The end is here.  The first empty book is now full.  This is the last entry in this series of random thoughts and observations.  The start of this journey was in Sept 2015 and has been an experience of growth for me that I would have never guessed of how good it has been.

I started out with a goal of trying to heal myself and search for tools in the form of expression to help me grow.  Also for a way to ensure I do not repeat the mistakes of my past.  I knew I had to do something different as my end results in my life were the same.  I was tired of the pain I was causing myself and I was exhausted.   I was like a powerless ship drifting in the sea with no direction or even tools to fix the powerless ship even if I had a direction.

My second goal was to provide value to at least one person with the sharing of personal stories, observation of natures patterns and sharing others people's work.  All of which had the goal of providing some of keys people all need to unlock their doors.  By starting to unlock these doors will help unlock the greatness we all have inside ourselves.

I have met that goal of providing value for at least one and in fact there has been many more than one.  Which now has lead to the creation of my first book that is based on these random thoughts.  I want to thank a great couple of friends of mind right now.  These two people that are married to each other were the first people that unlocked my first door in my journey of self discovery.

That occurred eight years ago with a visit to their home.  I just finished a experience of another failed relationship that was causing me pain.  I did not understand what was going on at the time.  I had tried my best and thought it was going to last but it did not.  With kindness and love they both made the suggestion that I read The Secret and The Monk That Sold His Ferrari.

I remember reading these two works and it was like reading something wrote in a different language.  I could read the words but I was not able to understand the meanings.  But it was a start of searching and trying to understand myself.  At the time eight years ago my confidence was very low and did not see the greatness in me.  This greatness in me was a foreign to me as the concept in the books I was reading.

I am so grateful that they saw the greatness in me and spent their time to freely give to me their experiences.  Also the patience that they have in me and still have in me.  I have stumbled so many times over the eight years, yet they always were there for me.  Never once did they give up nor did they get frustrated to me.  Yes they was conversations they had with me asking why I was making choices that were still causing me pain, yet there were there for me as my light house.

I know that I have not arrived at my potential and I never will as life demands me to keep improving and to always become better.  Yet through this eight year journey has lead me to my next quest.  The quest of creating a book that will go to print.  That specific journey started with Todd of sharing my journey with you as thoughts turned to words on paper.

There are days where I feel tired and am at a low energy but never to the extent I was at before.  My journey will continue to keep growing as a person and I will need to practice every journal entry that I have wrote over the last year and a half.  For those of you reading this, you will also need to keep working on your greatness you will never be able to stop.  You will gain momentum and you can rest a bit when your tired, but rest too long and your momentum will fade.  When this happens so will your feelings of greatness.

One of my great friends shared a quote with me this morning that seems fitting to add here in this chapter and that is "if you need others to be your glue, you will always stay broken".  Joyce Berkner.  So many people have helped me and continue to help me and now I know that is ok.  I had trained myself in the past that I can only rely on myself and to never let other in close to help me.  I was scared that they would hurt me or want something in return for helping me.  I have realized through the practice of surrounding myself with great people that will not happen.  I have also realized I am not able to go where I need to go by myself and I need these great people to help me.  Also to believe that it is ok to have others help me.

In one of the patterns in nature, there are several daily example of nature helping each other in the form of communication and cooperation.  So why wouldn't I allow myself to let go and grow?  That was a big moment of me realization of how small I actually am and to realize there is so much other there in life then I can not provide for myself.  As I look back, it brings tears to my eyes to realize how broken I was and how many opportunities I have missed because of my internal brokenness combined with a ego.

Yet with the grace of nature my thoughts slowly started to change, slowly one by one I started to accomplish things in my life of positive growth that I thought I would never be able to do.  I also wanted to bring up my parents and to acknowledge them and all the support they have given to me.  Over the years I truly would not be able to be where I am right now without them  They are not perfect people however they are perfect in how they are able to love me.  Is that not the greatest gift one parent can give to your kids?  No matter what the current choices your children make and even those choices make different levels of impact to our parents.  At the end of the day their love remains in the way they know how to love you.  So thank you mom and dad for showing me the gift of love.  Although it took me a long while to understand and practice this concept.

I now know how to live with love in my life which is another key to unlocking your greatness and allows you through this love to be your true self.  If you struggle from self esteem tell yourself everyday you love yourself even if you don't.  By dong this, trick yourself into loving yourself. As for any growth to start and for you to start attracting great loving people you will have to start to actually love yourself.  After time you will start to love yourself and you will start to feel the pain of growth.

We all have heard of growth  pains when we were young and accept them as a fact of life.  So then as well you need to be searching for positive growth tools and you will need to feel uncomfortable.  This is the process of growth and you need to feel that pain to truly grow.  You might think this is counterintuitive right now as I am suggesting you search for pain.  But like the laws of nature when you were a child you experienced the pain of your physical body growing you will also need to feel that in you emotional self to grow.

As you start to love yourself you will be able to identify when emotional pain is in alignment to your greatness.  Also you will be able to identity when that pain is coming from a negative place and by being yourself you will be able to take back your power.  By taking back your power it will show you to remove yourself from those that are causing you this pain.  As we always want to help other continue to do that and be the lighthouse to others.  When they start taking too much from you allow yourself to be ok that you will not be able to be their lighthouse any longer.  Like the young boy on the beach returning the starfish to the ocean and to life.   Take comfort in knowing you are saving and providing value to others as you can by one conversation at a time.

As like my story here it has involved a lot of different people.  Some people I don't personally know have helped be my lighthouse.  So in you it is ok if you come into a life for a brief moment to create that value in them.  The important thing is to work your sweet spot and daily make a difference.  Firstly with yourself and them to every person you come in contact with.  This is where you hard work will pay off and needs to be.

This is one of the most important parts of this book.  This is the daily focus on your consistency.  Like Henry Ford said your choices make you right.  Positive or negative choices will create your consistent results.  If you are not sure how to grow your positive circle of friends.  Start by doing some volunteer work or join some kind of positive based focus group.  As time passes you will start to identify positive people and they will help you.  Don't be afraid to ask as you as you will get all you need.  Be aware it will take time for this process to happen.  Like the apple tree from a seed being planted to providing healthy apples to eat it will take time as well in this growth for you.

The laws of nature will apply to you and take comfort in knowing that up to this time you have done your best.  However now comes the hard part to experience growth and to start to change.    If you truly want your positive change to happen and you truly want to grow.  The time is right now to start moving forward to the creation of the new you.  You have to be your own glue, all the struggle you have gone through, all the heartache and pain.  All the damage only you can start putting yourself together again.

You have lost your innocence as a child and the child like curiosity in you can be recreated and grown.  From there you can feel the growth and it will start to happen.  Compare that to the feeling of a cold morning being displaced by the warm rays of sunshine beating down on you.  Allow this warmth or growth to fill you starting with your core.  Your center, your inner child and allow that growth to radiate out so that it extends out to everyone you connect with.

To others that seek what you now have growing inside you, teach them the ways of finding their center.  Be the person you were seeking, be the non-judgmental lighthouse for their growth.  Remember as like you, they did the best they could at the time.  You can be the moment where you provide that conversation spark to ignite their passion.  To be the bridge to someone else to allow them to recognize their passion.  For them to realize they are great and that their natural gift will provide them with everything they wish for.

Once that process of growth is starting in them and they have learned how to ride their own bike.  Encourage them to stand up and to help others that are struggling.  Ones that are a drift in the sea of life without tangible tools to move forward.  Give freely and give your all to everyone you come across.  When your tired push harder, dig deeper, as like physical growth that is where you real growth will be starting to take root.

As you grow and push yourself you will also experience a miracle.  That miracle is when you are tired and push yourself out into the world.  Out of your comfort zone you will randomly bump into people that will help you.  With this help you will feel the energy grow which you will feel in the form of fuel.  This miracle will surprise you at first and will not know what is happening.  You may wonder why you feel a increase in energy.  This is why - you have attracted what you need and when you needed it.  The miracle will happen repetitively and it is truly never ending.  You will accomplish so much more than you ever thought possible.  Like the video game you will level up and your natural ability of greatness will continue to be unlocked.  Unlike a video game there are no limits on how far you can go.  The only time the game is over is when your not growing anymore.

So truly life is better than any video game will ever be.  So to all those people that have told you no in regards to your natural passion of gifts.  Start right now by one yes at a time and erase each and every single no that has grown in  your life.  By the power of your thoughts create all the no's into yes's.  As you start with one it will come faster of you stepping towards your new reality.  This reality of your new you at amazing energy.

In closing I truly thank you for spending your time reading this work of words that have been put to paper.  I hope that you have received at least one thing to help provide a key for you to use for as long as you chose.  I also extend my love to each and everyone of you that has spent the time reading this.

Until the next book, I shall talk to you soon, in the meantime climb your mountain and I can't wait to hear your stories of growth and accomplishment.

The End.

The 83rd Chapter - Physical Reflection and Growth

April 16/17

A experience came back to me this morning when I was waking up that relates to my physical journey of improving my fitness  So roughly ten years ago I was very active and as my daily job actives changed around that time my activity levels dropped.  This environment created a lower level physical actives at the level where it was almost nonexistent.

As with any change in life, it took a while for the effects of low physical activity to start to appear and manifest in me.  So it was about five years ago I went to my doctor for my check up, as I was starting to enter into the age where I realized I will not live forever.  Also feeling my poor choices in regards to physical health would be making an long lasting impact.

The doctor did the normal middle aged man checks and when I returned in a few weeks for blood results along to hear the recommendations of change needed.  This is when the doctor had a conversation with me that changed my life.  He started out by asking question of my family history and them communicated to me my current blood work results.

Then the conversation started out with kindness stated I have one of two choices to make right now.  One choice was to continue to live my life as I was with low levels of physical actively combined with poor eating habits.  If I made that choice he state that probably within ten years I would be back and he would be putting me on all kinds of medication to control the poor heath symptoms.

If this was to happen and I continued to not change my life style in about another ten years I would probably have a high possibility of passing away.  So I was like what is the other choice?  He said that if I became physically active and change my eating habits to healthy ones.  I would create a big impact on my health reality.

So I started by getting a program to help me to understand the impact of the food I was eating and the amount of calories I was eating.  From there I determined how much wight I needed to lose and a time period of when to lose that weight.  I then did the math of how many calories a day that I had to maintain to lose that weight.

Once that process was complete I started to walk everyday and slowly started to level up my physical activity.  Over time has lead me to my current reality of running every weekday in the morning.  Also all my physical health concerns are completely gone and not on any medication.

I am so grateful that doctor had that conversation with me that planted a seed of self-improvement.  Which leads to the question, has anyone come into your life lately with positive intentions and energy?  If so, what have you done with that conversation?  Are you waiting for the day soon to appear and then you will start making positive changes?  Or possibly you are denying there is any kind of issues and are not acting on changing any behavior in your life?

I will encourage you to do some deep self-reflection if you are not changing your choices.  Firstly the health well being is a stake and secondly your loved ones around you could also be suffering due to your poor choices.  They could be suffering by seeing you slowly fade away in your health.  With due respect to you, you must stop these bad choice for you.  As the result of your selfish choices are causing pain to other around you.

The root is to start right now by taking your life off of your current auto pilot and program your new course direction.  This course that aligns up to your destination of greatness.  Make that course correction right now based on your light houses that are giving you your positive guidance.

The 82nd Chapter - Surround Yourself With Greatness

April 15/17

I was briefly scanning my notes and I came across a bullet that read - surround yourself with greatness including your friends.  That is exactly the thought I was thinking about lately.  Specifically as of late a new friend has come into my life where I met at a training seminar.

At the moment of meeting we both agreed to a further commitment of helping each other grow by mentoring and coaching each other.  So sometime has passed and two scheduled meeting have taken place over the phone.  Each time we leave the session with a personal plan and commitment to each other as what we are going to accomplish in our life until our next meeting.

I have realized that is valuable in regards to helping us both move forward in our growth.  However the greatest benefit I feel from these meetings is the depth of perspective that they are currently adding to my life.  I remember at the beginning of our last call session I was feeling low energy and as the session naturally evolved I realized my energy level increased.   Not only was my energy level increasing I was feeling refueled to go further on my personal growth.

It was then I fully realized that another component of my rebuilding of my alignment foundation was occurring at that moment.  The quest to become the best I can be is starting to evolve.  I have realized I have grown so much and with great excitement I am looking forward to continuing on that path.

Which leads me to my first statement of this chapter of the importance of surrounding yourself with great people.  By doing this and ensuring your alignment is your passion.  You will start gaining momentum of your growth journey.  There was a time in my life I would look at healthy successful people and would admire what they had in their life.  Yet it seemed like a complex code to me of how to accomplish that overall sense of greatness in myself.

As you have read some of these words in previous chapters you will remember the need for me to have positive energy in my life.  Step one for me to realize what I need in my life by thought.  Once that was complete then to daily make choices that would bring that positive greatness into my life.  Also this next point is of key importance of when you realize a new person in your life is not aligning up to your positive direction.  To immediately and reference back to your purpose, once that realization is made to let that person go.

Picture falling out of a boat in deep water holding onto a hundred pound unique rock that has captured your attention.  Because this rock is so unique you want to hold onto it and not to loose it.  As you grip that rock tightly and you kick with all you might to return to that surface of the water you are drawn deeper under.  As your lungs start to strain and fight for air, eventually you have one of two choices to make.  One is to continue to hold onto that rock and eventually your lungs will fill with water.  Or as your reading this, you are probably thinking the obvious  choice and in alignment to living is to let go of that rock.  Once you let go you can now use your hands and feet to propel yourself to the surface.  To your freedom of escaping from the darkness of the depth to the safety of the boat that is waiting for you on the surface.  Like a positive influence in a friend this boat will be patiently waiting for your return.  However it is not possible for this boat to come down to save you as you hold onto this rock.  Just like positive great friends in your life, they will not allow themselves to go down on such negative circles.  This is a journey that they will not take with you.  Yet are more than willing to go with you to a positive place.  Not only willing but will add to your life and positive energy.

Take this moment to ask yourself who in your life is helping you right now at this moment.  Ask also who are the rocks that are pulling you down?  Take this moment to let go and return to the surface and surround yourself with greatness.

The 81st Chapter - Accept Your Intuition

April 9/17

I am reflecting about the importance of following your intuition and also how important of accepting what your intuition is telling you.  An example of this concept is when you meet someone new in your life.  What I mean by that is whatever action or interaction you have with a person the importance of not having a preconceived outcome.  Like a river flowing with nature that is totally at peace by allowing the environment to direct the speed and course of the water.  The water does not have a desired outcome other than that of just being there.

Like our interactions with others there is a reason that this new person has come into our life.  The time spent is unknown however by using your intuition you will find that answer.  Also know when you can add value to someone and just as importantly to not provide more than a person can receive.  There will be moment when you have to let things be.  A example is of the water that goes over a waterfall and try as hard as that water can, once the water has gone over that drop it can no longer return.  The water take its gathered energy in the from of added injection of air into the water.  Which in turn provides more oxygen for the fuel for all living creatures within that water.

Like you when you face some difficult and pain with some relationships.  Let them go and allow the fuel of positive growth in you to propel your growth.  As well as when you interact with others to provide that oxygen rich environment for their growth.  When either ourselves or others cannot see what the next steps will be.  By using this concept of key foundation of kindness will be a component to help you see what your next steps are.

There was a time that even after I had gone over the falls I would continue to try to help and provide value to others.  However what I have learned is to follow my internal compass and know I have tried my best.  To also let nature take its natural course.  The importance to respect all people and realize they are making the best decisions they can at a time.  Using the information they know at that same moment in time.

Also the importance of not allowing people close to you to hurt you as they themselves could be in pain.  A key take away is to not take it personal when a love one lashes out at you.  Respond back with love and kindness.  By doing this will allow you to lead yourself in the direction you need to go.
When you start to do this action it will feel effortlessly, like the water flowing down a river and providing a safe haven of growth to many living things.

Just be you and allow your loving and kindness show through that alone is more than enough.

The 80th Chapter - The Power of Your Intuition

April 8/17

I am reflecting on the power of ones intuition and how much you can impact others in a positive way.  If you act on your intuition and if your coming from a place of kindness your impact will be large.  This is your sweet spot and where your focus needs to be to always be coming from a place of kindness.

Once this starts to happen in your life you will find yourself providing value to others at almost every moment.  The universe will provide you with a great abundance of people needing to benefit from your kindness.  I am not suggesting providing kindness in the form of material things.  What I mean is providing your time and to be actively engaged with others.  It is in these moment that you will be able to impact someone in a positive way that unlocks them to level up.  Perhaps at the time they don't realize the significance of what just happened however with time that seed you have planted will grow.

My story today of following my intuition is at a volunteer position at the community that I live in.  There was a list of folks that wanted to join this organization.  This list is formed generically and no one person has contacted these people to provide them a status update.  I had a feeling this is something that should be done to provide feedback to these people.  While doing that it will also build some positive connections within the community.  So then I cleared my plan to the lead of this volunteer group and was granted permission to proceed.

The intuition feeling was completely realized on my first call I placed.  Meaning as I talked to the first person and let them know of the current status update the energy of positive interaction grew with each moment.  The goal of providing value to this person as well as creating further connections in the community was achieved.  The net effect in me and what I experienced with this interaction was a higher level of my confidence to my intuition.  The alignment I received of unlocking my purpose of passion was realized and appreciated.   I also felt another stepping stone of creating a solid house by the task of slowly building my masterpiece of house was completed.

For so many years I would not act on these feelings and would feel that I was not accomplishing enough.  Which lead to a slow decline in my self-esteem due directly to the lack of results of providing value to others.  Over the last year I have slowly acted on these type of positive feelings and from these actions have produced a net positive gain in my self-confidence.

It has been a hard journey and at first it felt uncomfortable followed quickly with the thought am I on the right track?  My patience also was impacted, as it also seemed like it was taking forever to see some positive results of what I was working towards.  Then almost magically pieces of my puzzle just seemed to fall into place.  I noticed it was not as difficult and more positive events seemed to happen at a faster rate.  I also noticed the more I gave the more I was given back more in the form of my growing self-confidence.

A while ago I wrote about if you have endless amounts of time in your day and you are bored combined with low levels of enjoying life.  This could be a sign for you to recognize you could be doing so much more and start to ask the universe to show you your next steps.  This will happen and you will find your life will be completely full.  You will find that you will not have enough time in each day combined with the feeling of being productive.   To some you might find this point negative however when you get to this spot in your life you will not feel negative in anyway.  You will enjoy each moment with the sense of fulfillment with knowing the fact you did your best everyday.

You were given in this life to create your greatness and you have all the tools you need to create this greatness.  All of which are governed by your choices and using your power of intuition.    

The 79th Chapter - Allow Your Challenges to Grow Your Strengths

April 1/17

I would like to share a story that happened yesterday.  The overall theme is when something happens that normally never happens in your day to day routine.  Usually that event will cause some frustrations on some levels, whether its costs you some time or money.  When this occurs there usually is a reason and the universe is actually providing you a lead to follow.  Which in turn aligns up to what you are truly seeking.

So the specific event happened at the close of business on a Friday afternoon.  I was wrapping up my office and I always take my laptop computer home with me as to complete tasks at home during the weekend.  I remember going through my normal routine and I would have bet my last dollar I had put my computer in my bag.  I completed the rest of my day and on Saturday morning I opened my bag and my computer was missing.  I was shocked at first as I was so sure it was in my bag.  I had no idea where it was although my hope was I had left it at the office.  So with some minor frustration I went back to the office to hopefully locate said laptop.  As I opened my office door it was there and I also noticed I had a voice mail on my office phone.  I listened to it and immediately realized the universe was providing me with another gift.

That gift was a mentor-ship opportunity to increase my value with the ability of communicating with others and the goal for others to see their own value.   I knew that if I returned that call on Monday the special moment would have been missed of the level it was intended in that moment.  My minor moment of frustration was quickly over and the gratefulness of what was presented to me was realized just as quickly.

This experience also taught me a lesson as it was not only the voice call but the value of accepting and recognizing a gift that was given to me.  The gift of awareness and to not let what might be a negative experience to you at first allow you to lose that gift put before you.  If one was to focus to long on that negative you will be missing a great opportunity as you will not be able to recognize it when it appears.

That cloud of negative energy will block your sight of another opportunity for you to level up.  Remember if you miss a few opportunities that will not change your momentum.  However if you allow yourself to be drawn down in your own cycle of negative energy and not even realize why that is occurring will change your momentum.  This will start the process of not arriving at where you would like your life to take you.

If that cycle is in you it will become your default process of how you live your life and you will never achieve your greatness.  That greatness is your passion and to unlock that passion you will need to daily focus on your outcome.  It is not about a big title at work or making a world impact.  Those can be a result of ones passion but that always comes after someone unlocks their passion.

It is impossible to start at the top and without unlocking your passion you will never get there.  What I mean is a top athlete in current times has a natural gift and a passion for the sport they are good at.  Along with that there needs to be a tremendous amount of effort put into the practice of that passion.
So in summary you need to complete two things first before you start to unlock your greatness.  Step one is discover your passion and you will know it once you find it.  Step two is practice, practice, practice your passion to create the belief in you that your passion will allow you to move forward.

Once you start doing step two repeat and repeat and don't let your razor focus on this task shift.  As by doing this daily will allow you to grow your passion and capitalize on your opportunities.