April 16/17
A experience came back to me this morning when I was waking up that relates to my physical journey of improving my fitness So roughly ten years ago I was very active and as my daily job actives changed around that time my activity levels dropped. This environment created a lower level physical actives at the level where it was almost nonexistent.
As with any change in life, it took a while for the effects of low physical activity to start to appear and manifest in me. So it was about five years ago I went to my doctor for my check up, as I was starting to enter into the age where I realized I will not live forever. Also feeling my poor choices in regards to physical health would be making an long lasting impact.
The doctor did the normal middle aged man checks and when I returned in a few weeks for blood results along to hear the recommendations of change needed. This is when the doctor had a conversation with me that changed my life. He started out by asking question of my family history and them communicated to me my current blood work results.
Then the conversation started out with kindness stated I have one of two choices to make right now. One choice was to continue to live my life as I was with low levels of physical actively combined with poor eating habits. If I made that choice he state that probably within ten years I would be back and he would be putting me on all kinds of medication to control the poor heath symptoms.
If this was to happen and I continued to not change my life style in about another ten years I would probably have a high possibility of passing away. So I was like what is the other choice? He said that if I became physically active and change my eating habits to healthy ones. I would create a big impact on my health reality.
So I started by getting a program to help me to understand the impact of the food I was eating and the amount of calories I was eating. From there I determined how much wight I needed to lose and a time period of when to lose that weight. I then did the math of how many calories a day that I had to maintain to lose that weight.
Once that process was complete I started to walk everyday and slowly started to level up my physical activity. Over time has lead me to my current reality of running every weekday in the morning. Also all my physical health concerns are completely gone and not on any medication.
I am so grateful that doctor had that conversation with me that planted a seed of self-improvement. Which leads to the question, has anyone come into your life lately with positive intentions and energy? If so, what have you done with that conversation? Are you waiting for the day soon to appear and then you will start making positive changes? Or possibly you are denying there is any kind of issues and are not acting on changing any behavior in your life?
I will encourage you to do some deep self-reflection if you are not changing your choices. Firstly the health well being is a stake and secondly your loved ones around you could also be suffering due to your poor choices. They could be suffering by seeing you slowly fade away in your health. With due respect to you, you must stop these bad choice for you. As the result of your selfish choices are causing pain to other around you.
The root is to start right now by taking your life off of your current auto pilot and program your new course direction. This course that aligns up to your destination of greatness. Make that course correction right now based on your light houses that are giving you your positive guidance.
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