Thursday, 1 June 2017

The 79th Chapter - Allow Your Challenges to Grow Your Strengths

April 1/17

I would like to share a story that happened yesterday.  The overall theme is when something happens that normally never happens in your day to day routine.  Usually that event will cause some frustrations on some levels, whether its costs you some time or money.  When this occurs there usually is a reason and the universe is actually providing you a lead to follow.  Which in turn aligns up to what you are truly seeking.

So the specific event happened at the close of business on a Friday afternoon.  I was wrapping up my office and I always take my laptop computer home with me as to complete tasks at home during the weekend.  I remember going through my normal routine and I would have bet my last dollar I had put my computer in my bag.  I completed the rest of my day and on Saturday morning I opened my bag and my computer was missing.  I was shocked at first as I was so sure it was in my bag.  I had no idea where it was although my hope was I had left it at the office.  So with some minor frustration I went back to the office to hopefully locate said laptop.  As I opened my office door it was there and I also noticed I had a voice mail on my office phone.  I listened to it and immediately realized the universe was providing me with another gift.

That gift was a mentor-ship opportunity to increase my value with the ability of communicating with others and the goal for others to see their own value.   I knew that if I returned that call on Monday the special moment would have been missed of the level it was intended in that moment.  My minor moment of frustration was quickly over and the gratefulness of what was presented to me was realized just as quickly.

This experience also taught me a lesson as it was not only the voice call but the value of accepting and recognizing a gift that was given to me.  The gift of awareness and to not let what might be a negative experience to you at first allow you to lose that gift put before you.  If one was to focus to long on that negative you will be missing a great opportunity as you will not be able to recognize it when it appears.

That cloud of negative energy will block your sight of another opportunity for you to level up.  Remember if you miss a few opportunities that will not change your momentum.  However if you allow yourself to be drawn down in your own cycle of negative energy and not even realize why that is occurring will change your momentum.  This will start the process of not arriving at where you would like your life to take you.

If that cycle is in you it will become your default process of how you live your life and you will never achieve your greatness.  That greatness is your passion and to unlock that passion you will need to daily focus on your outcome.  It is not about a big title at work or making a world impact.  Those can be a result of ones passion but that always comes after someone unlocks their passion.

It is impossible to start at the top and without unlocking your passion you will never get there.  What I mean is a top athlete in current times has a natural gift and a passion for the sport they are good at.  Along with that there needs to be a tremendous amount of effort put into the practice of that passion.
So in summary you need to complete two things first before you start to unlock your greatness.  Step one is discover your passion and you will know it once you find it.  Step two is practice, practice, practice your passion to create the belief in you that your passion will allow you to move forward.

Once you start doing step two repeat and repeat and don't let your razor focus on this task shift.  As by doing this daily will allow you to grow your passion and capitalize on your opportunities.  

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