Sept 18/16
This chapter is based on to provide support to those of us folks that are a empath and can feel or pick up other people's energy they are giving off to their environment. I have struggled in the past with feelings of un-comfortableness and confidence on whether or now what I was feeling from another person was accurate or not. As what would happen was once I picked up that emotion from someone else, (good or bad) I would ask the person if what they were putting out was in alignment to what I felt. In my case when this would happen, it would be with someone that is very close to me hence the power of their words would affect me dramatically more than general life interactions. Usually they would deny what I was feeling from them.
To those of you reading this that have this gift, you will immediately identify to these words, and you just know. To answer the how this happens, that I do not know, as my goal is to support you when this does happen.
So I thought of a tangible tool or a way to try to help vet out this feeling. This seems to have helped me and my intent is to share with others that might feel the same complexity and use this tool to present as sense of relief. Once again I am drawn to a form of a pattern of starting with steps one, two and three.
Step 1 - Once the feeling has come to you and you "just know" listen to the communication coming to you when you ask this person about this feeling - in regards to the verbal communication. Actively listen and hear to understand what the person is communicating with the intent to understand and be mindful to not formulate a response at that time.
Step 2 - as they are verbally communicating with you and you are actively listening, start to observe the non-verbally communication that is getting provided to you. Are the words and non-verbal actions in alignment at that moment in time? A simple example of this is if they are saying they are happy and they appreciate you in their life - does their non-verbal communication have alignment to these words that are getting expressed? eyes are happy and glowing? Smile on their face? Looking at you with kindness on their face?
Step 3 - so based on what you experienced on the steps and two and if you can feel feel's energy. You add into what you felt during this conversation, Does it all have aliment? Does it feel right? If it does not then perhaps ask some more questions to them to try to understand what is really going on. It is possible there are several different scenarios going on with that person and you could be feeling something from them that is painful to them, yet not directly related to the current experience you are having with them.
With practice this gift can help provide you with a great amount of comfort however with not learning how to read and understand the information coming to you - it can become very painful. When that happens it may actually feel like your gift is actually a burden vs. a gift. Also remember when you know your gift the intent is to never change people if you find that you are not having alignment with them. One of the key ingredients of this communication to work between two people is that both people are completely honest with their communication on all forms. If one of these two people for whatever reason are not able to be honest - you will never receive the feeling of relief. Be mindful when this starts to happen, it will slowly drain you of your energy and will cause you to become very unsettled. When those times happen - start asking yourself what does the core of you direct you to do? Picture that core as a light house on a cliffs edge - like the light house to the ship providing warning to the ship passing by - so does your internal light house. What will happen if you chose to ignore your internal life house warnings long enough - you will end up experiencing some kind of emotional damage.
When you finally reach the point that you are unable to provide any more energy to this person and they are unable to communicate in a way that does align up to your feelings. No further amount of communication with them can change the outcome of non-alignment. Then you have to let them go at this point in time. If you do not let them go at that time the result will be a slow downward spiral of energy drain which will ultimately you could end up losing yourself. The confidence in you could be so damaged to the point you start to think you maybe starting to lose your sense of reality.
Never give up, do not be afraid to be strong. Your thoughts and feelings are yours alone and no one else owns them except for you. So as long as you know the foundation of you is based on kindness to yourself and others around you - take comfort in being you and chose to have people in your life that bring you alignment.
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