Sunday, 27 November 2016

The 23rd Chapter - Lean From Your Past But Not Too Long

Oct 8/16

My thoughts turn to self-reflection and self-analyzing.  In my past I have sometimes spent too much energy doing too much reflection of myself.  It is healthy to do this process with balance and this can be a tool that helps promote your emotional growth.  Basically you can learn from your past experiences - whether these experiences were good or bad.

To help determine what you want to learn from or grow from is remember your experiences and the end result of how they made you feel.  In the current state or in the now your choices will create that emotions again.  Be mindful of your choices and how they will impact your emotions as these emotions are a driver of your choices you make.

So some positive advice I have received is to be able to interlock both my analytic mind and my emotional self.  Sometimes our emotional self will make decisions for us that are completely opposite of what our analytical mind would chose.  Feelings can be so powerful that you will ignore your mind or what your gut feeling of the now.  This result may propel you to enter a place of irrational behavior with the hope that the outcome will be different then the last time.  However the reality is usually the exact same outcome will repeat.  The classic detention of insanity.

Thus my past reflection - my past state will sometimes seem to operate to much on emotions and has caused internal emotional pain.  Once again I am reminded of the importance to have balance in life. It is still very important to experience emotions however when you are making decisions that continually cause you emotional paint - to then be aware of this process.  Look back to why and what is causing you to make these decisions.  Quiet your mind - look inward and ask yourself why - you might have to ask yourself more than once why to get to the root of the issue.  Usually if you are lacking clarity of what your emotions are telling you, you might need to has yourself why again several times as you might not be fully understanding of what the issue is.  Remember there is not a time limit on how long this could take but to have confidence that you can believe yourself with the key to balance.  There is a possibility that you will never fully be able to get clarity and when that happens to be able to let it go and move on is also very important.  Even though we usually all want to be successful in our journey of life there will be times you will not be able to get the resutls that you feel that you need.  That is ok - with time you will understand what the experience was and remember the universe provides you what you need and when you need it,

To often it is thought this process can be handled in a easy manner - using the traditional manner of using anti-depressants or  use some other type of self-abusive behavior to suppress the feeling of uncomfortable emotional pain.  However like everything in life - you may have to fully experience the pain of these past experiences.  Of course use healthy means to deal with your current journey and like the person training for the marathon, use the tools to help you train to reach your goal, but it is up to you to actually cross the finish line.

As the universe always is in perfect harmony  and  to realize that the effort you have put into your current emotional state will need the equal and opposite effort to change that emotional state.  Perhaps not a easy process to accomplish however at least a road map has now been provided to you to complete this next quest in your life's journey.

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