Sunday, 20 November 2016

The 21st Chapter - The Power of Your Thoughts

Oct 2/16

I am thinking about what to create today and my mind is wondering all over - it seems like today's energy is flowing and there is a abundance of ideas coming to me.  I would first like to share about my friend John - also a person with great strength and in-sight to whom I am very grateful that he has influenced me in a positive way.

Yesterday morning was my first day of posting my writings out in public via this blog and sharing my thoughts out to the universe to see what happens.  This experience has been very emotionally for me - fearful ones and thoughts of what happens if people will laugh at this experience.  However quickly they become emotions of happiness that has lead to shedding of many tears as I have been reflecting and sharing these words.  From this experience I have slowly started to feel stronger and the fearfulness that I experienced at the beginning does not even come to my mind now.   I still care and hope that these writings provide value to all - however now I feel I share at a level I have never experienced before.

A moment of reflection - it is incredible what the power of a thought starts with and then the first step and how amazing it feels to walk away from fear and not let it hold you back.  It truly doesn't matter of what you chose to share  has any positive impact on others of whatever creative avenue you find an outlet to heal - as long as your intent is always based on kindness.  Never let your thoughts and actions become negative - but true health is truly about you and the strength you will feel has no replacement.  The highs and lows, happiness and sadness is really all inside of you.  You have a nuclear furnace of energy inside of you and whatever you want to do you can do it.  It is truly that simple - you don't need anything at all from an outside source in regards to drugs or other professional help.  Don't get me wrong - there is always a time for professional consular type of help and it takes a strong person to go for that help.  I have gone and will continue to go for help and look for tools for my continued growth.  Once you get to a point of growth there comes a time when you have to go forward by yourself and no one or drugs can do that for you but you.

Picture a little bird in a nest born completely helpless, with no feathers or skills to successfully survive in the world.  This bird is completely dependent on its parents for its survival and as time passes this little bird is provided with everything it needs in life. This bird slowly grows stronger, develops a culture and masters the language of song and then finally the day comes - this new bird has no choice but to leave the next and to fly away to survive.  The tools that it had relied on at the beginning of life are now no longer present.  This process is comparable to our emotional growth or whatever goal, task or great thing we want to do.  As like the bird - no one but that bird can fly for him.  Imagine the power in that little bird now has as it can fly away and over power the force of gravity.  This is the same pattern we experience of whatever quest we chose to go on....Using the tools around us are paramount at the beginning however a time comes when it is truly up to us to complete the quest and finish the journey.

So as I started my day yesterday I had a thought/hope that it would be nice so nice to meet up with John, but didn't reach out to him as he lives approximately two hours away.  No longer then two hours later I received a text from John asking to meet up for coffee in my town.  The reinforcement of the power of thought and also the reinforcement that the universe is becoming more of a balance place for me.  I have learned when I am making choices that are healthy for me - it will almost seem like a reward that my thoughts and hope will be rewarded.  The bigger overall picture is that energy is balanced and amazing things will start to happen to you.  It is important to watch for what appears to be random events but if you are noticing them - they might not be random.  I feel that this is the universe's way to provide you the fuel you need to live a full and incredible life.

Like the bird that was born to grow and fly away - so the pattern is in you as you grow and it's up to you to take what the universe provides and make something greater based on what comes into your life and replicate positive energy to even further contribute to the universe and being a part of something that is in perfect harmony.  This all starts with you and your strong foundation.

What is the legacy you will create?  Will you make choices that add in a positive way to your life and to the people around you?

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