April 1/17
The recent training of John Maxwell has truly changed my life for the better. One of his teaching techniques is the use of his powerful quotes to promote thinking and self reflection. One of these quotes has remained on my mind. This is "When is the last time you have done something for the first time."
So that relates to me as I recently started up a learning group using the tools I have learned from John. As I was completing this training I made a goal for myself to add value to each person I interact with. So with that in mind and with the use of this new materials I started something new.
As with anything new my confidence on this was low however my thoughts kept coming back to my goal of providing value. So the first session started and was completed. This session was a total of five weeks long with meeting once a week for one hour. Once the first meeting was complete I received a phone call from one of the participates. They communicated that prior to the start of this training was feeling the need for leadership training. As we talked on the phone both of us were moved to tears as the information shared in this session provided value to them. A significant statement was made by this person and that was they said I want to be the change in myself that I would like to see in others. At that moment I realized that yes I can do this and my goal of providing value to others was met to this person.
This conversation provided me the fuel to continue on forward, which I needed at the time to grow my confidence. I reflected on the high sense of gratefulness of the opportunity of what was provided to me with these teachings and to feel the multiplier effect first hand. Prior to this session of learning I had the belief I was on the right track in regards to leadership. What I took away from this session was the shift from belief to knowing.
All of us have a built in leadership ability and all you need is that spark to ignite your ability to lead. Also your ability to lead is not based on positional power or titles. So do not wait for the big promotion before you start to lead. I have met several people that feel that they are not able to lead and are waiting for the big promotion at their work place. I cannot express strong enough do not wait, if you feel the passion and want to lead then do it.
Start doing it right now. Start to practice providing value to others and lead when there are natural opportunities. These opportunities will come to you and when you recognize them follow your intuition to lead. You will not always get it perfect the first time and that is okay. Learn from your experience and move on. The worst possible thing for you to do is not to listen to that voice that is inside of you.
An example of being able to lead others is one of the people I met on my training asked me to do a check in with him a week later. I asked him three questions and he created three goals. He stated he needed to complete them as that would help him grow his business. So we both wrote down our next steps and goals. After the week passed we completed our check in and all three goals were completed by him.
This provided me the fuel that I was indeed providing value and also it reminded me the importance of aligning up to my goal. Nature has designed us to always be moving forward and in a state of constant transition. These are tools that will help us align up to the natural flow of our environment.
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