Dec 13/17
Are you living your dream right now? Most of us would probably answer no to that question. So what steps should you take to start to live your dream?
First you need to start to create small steps to living your dream and by doing this it will unlock your unlimited passion. The hard part is to burst through your self-imposed limits that you have put on yourself by creating your own fear. The worst possible decision in your life would be to not act on your initiation of your dream insight. Your dream insights are the breadcrumbs that will lead you to live your dream. These are the things you need to do when you think about doing them but you never do.
I have had the privilege to hear so many successful talks about the beginning of people living their dreams. One thing that they all had in common was that they didn't know exactly how to create their dream or how the dream would unfold at the start. Yet all of them started to follow what attracted them to their dream and as they started to actually pursue this dream, their next steps to how to create their dream became clear. Once that shift started in their mindset then the taste of the passion of feeling their dream was unlocked.
I absolutely love to create and convey an idea or a story that others can find value in the sharing. Yet for over 30 plus years I ignored my dream of wanting to create and help others. I remember in high school and college doing writing assignments and how much I enjoyed them. Once I graduated from college I had no idea what my specific dream was let along of how to live my dream. It wasn't until later on in my life did I realize I love to share. But it took me years to get to this moment and over my fear of rejection.
The educational system taught me how to be successful in getting and holding onto a great job however I wasn't taught how to develop my dream intuition. This topic is extremely complex to teach yet so important to learn this skill. Take a moment and think of 10 of your closest friends and ask yourself - are they living their dream? Once again the chances are the percentages are quite high that most are not living their dream. The reason most of them are not living their dream is probably very similar to my story.
To achieve your vision of next steps and to live our dreams you must start moving forward with those small steps. With this forward movement you will be provided your clarity. Do something new that you haven't done before yet it feels you need to do it. This is a clue to start figuring out your dream. One thing I always wanted to do was create a live video to support my writing in my shorts, yet on camera it would appear I am formally dressed. I know this sounds silly but it was a start of something new and I had a sense of accomplishment because I did it.
As I am posting this on the first day of 2018, I think it is very fitting that you act on something you always wanted to accomplish. You have the time now and I have never heard of a older person regretting the times were they pushed their comfort zones and explored when they had their time.
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