Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The Second Book The 93rd Chapter - Strange Coincidence

Dec 29/17

Have you ever had an experience that seems almost impossible to happen but it does?  If that happens how do you integrate that experience into your life to provide value?

I would like to share a strange coincidence that happened to me a week ago.  It was on the plane on my way home from Belize.  I arrived at my seat and beside me there was already seated a man in his mid fifties.  A brief hello was exchanged and as I sat down I pulled out my book that I am writing my second book in.  I enjoy Ernest Hemingway, so on the front of my note book there is a quote that states - "In order to write about life first you must live it."  As my new travel friend saw my book he looked at me with a smile and I could see his excitement.  He asked what I was doing with this book and it was then he shared his story.

He stated he had just bought exactly the same note book that I had with me.  He also went on to explain he had just completed his first entry a day before.  He shared with me that he suffered a serious stroke five years ago.  The stroke was so survive and rare the doctors didn't even have statistical odds of his survival.  The doctors called a family meeting to let his family know to prepare for his death.  However that didn't happen and 31 days later he came out of his coma and started the long road to rehabilitation.

He went on to explain to me he wanted to write about his story.  He shared he always liked to write and something that he always wanted to do, so he started.  The effects of his stroke are now barely noticeable now when I met him, yet I was in awe of his strength and courage.  It was only a few days prior to meeting him, I was considering giving up on my dream of writing.  To give up on my dream and go back to my kennel of my safe zone.

With this experience I know this was the universes way of saying to not give up and to keep writing.  I have no idea of what the odds would be if all the factors and details were accounted for on this chance meeting of my new friend.  To even come to the same place, time and seat beside him are rare.  Add in the fact all the details on the books and surviving the massive stroke, the odds to be meet him would be slim.

It is in you moments of insecurity of your path and what choices to make in your future, a moment will come like this to you.  We are all faced with doubt in our confidence to break our new trail however it would be a shame to not talk the support given to us when these strange coincidences occur.

Your mindset is key to notice them and then to follow through when these type of stories happen to you.  This unpredictable magic is the energy that will shift your life into extraordinary. 

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