Dec 18/17
Have you ever wondered how to create an environment for sustainable growth? Have you answered how to find something that is always there for you and is healthy?
The concept of going to the old fishing hole comes to mind. I have heard stories of folks that find an excellent spot to fish in a body of water. Every time they need to fish they return to the same spot and receive their catch in a short period of time. In nature, animals are always using this constant of the highest rate of return with the least amount of energy expended. As our most precious gift is time, so with every waking thought your choices should provide you with the highest return and value.
Today I am sitting on a beach writing this entry in Belize. This is my third visit back to this island in a year. For me there is such a natural peace here that provides me with a sense of direction. Each time here I have received high value in the people I have met. This value is in the form of learning more about great people. The theme is we all have a great life story to tell and most of us are really great people trying our best to make our mark on this world.
One of the folks that I have met on the island is Chris and he runs a small bar on the beach. His gift is to make people feel special and make them laugh. Through this act he is able to connect with people and they will return for multiple visits. Most people are on vacation when they visit this island and are looking for a relaxing and fun time, which Chris provides both. With this created environment both the visitors and Chris are receiving a high value of time invested in these moments.
This pattern is very important to add to your life, as with this type of relationships you will be creating more success and out perform your competition. The concept of cutting your losses when they occur comes to mind now. When you start something with the hope to have a high return and you realize that won't happen. Then is is okay to communicate your exit and move onto your next opportunity. It is key for your growth and integrity to always communicate in a kind manner your decisions in whatever environment you are in.
The first time I met Chris was over a year ago and I was looking for another spot, which was never open. When I arrived at this spot it was closed and so randomly I stumbled across Chris's location. I have learned to follow my intuition and head to the general direction I think I should. Once I get close the auto pilot of the universe will take over and show me an experience that I would have never conceptualized.
The lesson of moving forward comes to mind and even if something doesn't turn out exactly as planned, to be able to come up with a plan b is vital. Movement is life and with that movement comes your growth.
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