Monday, 23 September 2019

The Third Book The 9th Chapter - Correlation Between Thought and Reality

Correlation Between Thought and Reality

June 6/2019

Our thoughts drive our quality of life, and far too often we ignore ones that are positive. Sometimes our focus may be on our improvement and the large gap of our current reality to our desired reality. We set our sights on a brief moment on someone else’s success, yet we miss the amount of effort that a person has done to pave their way.

In my journey of life, one of my focus is of random adventure, and through these experiences, I'm able to write down these experiences and share with others. These brief moments of enjoying life I enjoy to capture and share with others. As I thought of my current pace of writing this book, I feel that I can do better and I was missing opportunities. I feel that too much time has passed with me missing my randomness of adventure.

As I reflected on this thought, I felt I needed to share my feelings of being stuck, and I wasn't achieving what I could with a beautiful woman. This beautiful woman came into my life completely unexpected. Her spirit and soul is one of curiosity, strength, love and accepting nature. We had a discussion that I felt I couldn't fully be myself in public with her regarding me being able to experience my random adventures. I shared that I felt that I couldn't fully engage with others I met for fear of offending her.  Over the last few years, I have learned that relationships need to share both positive and negative thoughts for a relationship to work.

By sharing this concern, I felt sadness come over her, and she communicated her feelings. The result was her expression of love and support to me to go out on my own to start writing again and to experience randomness without out the fear of offending her. My original thought had a desire to move forward with my writing I had to share with her what I was feeling and why I was not able to write.

I then went on my first road trip by myself to seek my next random adventure. As I travel today, I realize that my thought is different than my reality. The powerful moment came to me is the realization of having the courage to discuss something negative and realize it was about the ability to have the discussion. The reality was I needed to share to grow and not grow to share. It was not about me pausing my work, but a life test of my ability to be open and trust someone. The root cause of what I believed to be the issue of my lack of writing and lack of accomplishment had nothing to do with my current reality.

My current reality finds me feeling of how grateful I am of her and my ability to share with her with the goal that allows me to keep growing and developing at the same time I'm in a relationship with her. Without this uncomfortable discussion, this moment now wouldn't have occurred, and the thought would have remained unaddressed, and that was not an accurate reality.  

As our thought’s drive our reality and our current experiences in life, it is critical to listen to that small inner voice that is given us direction on our next steps. Too often as we ignore our inner voice, this impacts the decision to grow daily, and that blinds our vision to see how amazing each one of us are. The longer we ignore this voice the further we get from our truth and the further we become to realizing our true reality. When you have a quiet moment allow yourself to feel, allow yourself to hear what that voice is speaking to you. By making this small investment in self this will start allowing you to feel life and actualizing the greatness that is inside of you. This greatness doesn't come through living through somebody else’s vision but only can come by living your vision.

The effort others put into their success is now required by you to replicate that same pattern. By doing this daily, you will achieve your success that will align with your reality.   

Monday, 3 June 2019

The Third Book The 8th Chapter - GPS Self-Destinations of Achievement

GPS Self-Destinations of Achievement
June 3/2019

Most of us have heard motivational speakers that discuss the importance of self-growth and improvement. The speakers are amazing at what they do and create a feeling in a moment that makes us feel that we can achieve the unachievable. After that feeling fades, so does our ability to achieve the unachievable for most of us. As I was thinking about this concept, I wanted to share a tangible way to create long term value from this high ability to achieve more feelings. One of the first things that came to mind is how? How do I capture a feeling that you have experienced and add to your life that will then remain replicable for your lifetime?

Two different experiences come to mind as I thought how to share this concept today. Within these two different experiences, there are two different examples that come together to capitalize on making something achievable to you that at one time was unachievable. The first concept is the high-level experiences that provide the energy you need now to realize you are achieving your goals. The second concept is, how do you pick something specific in a moment and actualize you are goals. An analogy of these two concepts is like the wind in the air meeting the sail of a ship. Without these two components coming together, there is not any movement to that ship as like this pattern will replicate with you. One is completely useless without the other, but together, the value can change civilizations.

The last few months for myself have been months of transition. As I got to the end of this current transition, I realized I had forgotten the small things that I have to do every day to achieve momentum and success. As I realized where I was at, I then remembered my core values and what was important to me. Once I realized this, I started to write my 3rd book on leadership. As I was writing, I also made sure to restart my daily physical activity routine. I remember starting this process over again and how hard it seemed to be able to achieve my goals. That it seemed a lot easier to sit down to let life pass me by instead of pushing forward. I didn't let life push past me; instead, I focused harder on what I knew I needed to do to become successful.

Time always passes so quickly when you look backwards although in a moment it seems like it's standing still when you're caught in life’s whirlpool of fear. Each day I started my routine with physical activity followed by writing and writing and more writing. I have no idea if my 3rd book will be a success in the commercial world; however, I am confident, at least one person will read it and receive value. My thoughts continued to flow as I put the words together, and as I got closer to finishing the book, the emotion a fear started to surface in me. The fear of rejection, the fear of failure, the fear of conflict were all foundations that were starting to build a focus point for me. It was at this time I realized the importance of shifting my focus point and that the law of attraction applies right at this moment. What I started to do in these moments when fear would creep into my thought, I would actively stop that thought and remind myself the feeling of uncomfortableness is good, which is positive. Then I started to practice searching out for that uncomfortable feeling as I realized the importance of this feeling. It is so much more than a feeling because you are reprogramming your brain to do something completely different and these are moments that are the hardest moments in your life end up being the most valuable moments when you look back.

After several months of struggles and mini restarts of regaining my focus, the 3rd book is ready to be shared to all on June 1st. I excitedly logged on to my Facebook and I couldn't believe a memory that was posted exactly two years to the day. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected what I saw that morning when I opened my Facebook. It was amazement as I looked on my memory exactly two years ago to the day my very first book is ready to be shared. What are the chances that randomness to come together at that moment, and it reminded me of the fact that I was following my internal GPS. I realized this was like the wind coming to my sail and provided me with the gift of energy. Moments like these when they are unplanned should not be wasted random moments by you. These moments are from the gift of life that allows you to move forward. They allow you to create and grow the belief that you are a valuable person and that you do deserve what you are working towards. I am reminded of a stat I heard years ago by the time we turn 18 years old we have been told no on average 150,000 times and have only heard yes on average about 5000 times. So, when life gives you the gift of wind for your sail, take that gift, embrace that gift and erase one time of the number of times you heard no.

As I was searching how to create an effective analogy for our sail, my thoughts shifted to the question of what my focus is? What am I looking at in my day and is it in alignment to my growth, or is it not? In my physical routine, I have kept track of 658 of my runs, which have taken me over three years to complete. A few months ago, when I started running again, I was disappointed by my time and how sore and uncomfortable I felt at the end of each run. Before each run, the feeling of dread would slowly come over my thoughts, which would then generate my feeling that I want to stay in bed. As each run passed, my feeling of dread continued to grow, and my pace slowly plodded along. With each footstep, my focus was on how uncomfortable I felt, and I just wanted the run to be over. Then I realized my problem was my direction of focus I was focusing on all the negative aspects of my activity and not one positive aspect of my activity. During the last four weeks, my performance has stayed close to the bottom, and it was on June 1st, I realized I was going to change my focus while I ran.

With each step and each breath, I didn't allow myself to focus on the negative thoughts, and I focused on running fast. At the halfway mark, I looked at my time, and I could see a significant difference in my performance. I could feel the wind blow against my sail as I realized I was on the right track by changing my focus. As I completed my distance, I pushed stop and checked my time, with a great sense of satisfaction. I just completed my 376 fastest time, and I completed this by a simple change in my focus. I allowed the gift of life that comes in the form of wind to push me forward on my sail.

The randomness of life is freely given to you, and it is up to you to take that wind and connect it to your sail. Is up to you to love yourself and by loving yourself, you invest in yourself, and you gain value from the randomness of life. For far too many years, I ignored the gift of wind and allowed fear to dictate my life. I will never allow my thoughts of fear to choose for me and miss the opportunities provided for me. I have realized these GPS moments are the moments where a U-turn is required for me to achieve my goals.

Now it is your turn and time to take your moments and put them into action. Take the gift of the randomness of life’s wind in whatever form it may come to you and allow it to blow your sail freely. Remember, it's never too late to complete your U-turn in life and create your focus every morning to your success and your achievement.

Friday, 31 May 2019

The Third Book The 7th Chapter - The Value of Making a Difference

Value of Making a Difference
May 29/2019

Have you struggled with getting to your change and mastering the skill of transition? Do you push harder on your dreams and goals or do you abandoned them, when it seems like your goals are eluding you?

I have experienced this thought that quickly translates into a feeling of defeat. That feeling is one of uncomfortableness and questioning the overall thought, or are you on your right track? The answer is yes if you started moving on an idea and positive change then you'll have to keep moving. The how is sometimes the one item needed the most yet is the most difficult to learn and master. I would like to share how to capitalize on how to understand the how and capture value on the how — all with the goal for you to achieve what you truly need.

When I am in moments of uncertainty is when I start to focus on the how. I ask myself, how am I going to achieve this goal? How can I learn something new that will help me understand the how? Then I start to observe the things in life that come as life experiences with a focus on how I can increase value from that experience or event.

Recently I realized I made a professional mistake, which had a result of me having to start over with a new marketing strategy. Roughly a year ago, I was offered when I thought it would be the right choice for myself and my family. So, I made that choice to shift my professional strategy and realized soon after that was a mistake. As I started the process to start over, there was a moment that I didn't see the how and was becoming frustrated.

I then received a phone call from a friend, and we discussed the general job market and reconnected over the time that had passed. Some of you know I write a blog and out of the conversation, my friend brought up my recent posting on my trip to Belize. The topic was brought up on the life-changing experience that I had with my son. At first, I was surprised I didn't realize my friend read my blog as they came out and shared with me they have.

It was at that moment I realized I was given the gift of a how moment. It was through this conversation I realized the value of making a difference. There is a lot of work ahead of me; however, moments like these are the ones that showed me how and provided the understanding to achieve the goals that I need to achieve in my life.

When you have moments like these, capitalize on them and don't let these moments fade away and go to waste. Moments like these are ones that will allow you to create you're why and how to create your next steps. It will provide you with the comfort that you know you are on the right track. 

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The Third Book The 6th Chapter - The Gift of Children

The Gifts of Children
Dec 7/2018

If you have adult children, you will relate to this chapter. If you plan on having children someday, you will fully connect with this story. Have you gone through life always providing strength, direction, and guidance to your kids? Have you always been the one person your kids can rely on for your support at any moment? 

For me, as a single father, this was my norm. From minor scrapes to mini medical sessions, to being an unofficial counsellor as they journey through their preteen years. The one common pattern is to always provide to them the best that I was able to at the time.

Yesterday was a life-changing event, and for the first time, I was truly dependent on my son for my life. We were at a beautiful beach in Belize on a sleepy island. We decided we could walk out into the water as the bottom did a slow drop off into the deep water. We were out from the shore about half a mile when the water came up to our necks we decided to turn around in the calm water and head back. It was at that moment I suggested we lay on our backs and leisurely start swimming back to the shore. We did that for about 10 minutes when I decided to check our progress by touching the bottom. Then the fear hit me as I realized the current had pushed us deeper out, and I couldn't touch the bottom.

I heard stories about how an ocean current can silently sneak up on you and here was the first time I had experienced it. In a brief moment, the relaxing picture perfect moment had turned to one of fear and panic on my part.  As panic started to set in, and I shouted to the shore for help, my son calmly stated: “let's swim hard Dad.” In that moment after over 20 years with my son, the balance of support changed to Nick providing support to save my life.

I looked at him, and I clearly remember listening to his words of support and feeling the strength of his energy. Then with regained focus, I went back on my back and started to swim as hard as I could back to the shore. All the while, I was watching my son, and we slowly made it back to shallow water. This was the first time I wasn't able to help him, and if he asked, I remembered how helpless this feeling I had at the moment because I couldn't help him.

Now it is almost 24 hours later since this has happened, and the feelings of that moment are still strong. The significance of this change of energy between us is life changing, and it is a moment for me, I will remember. I am also sure that he is aware of this too and is also a natural progression of life. Where the cycle of the teacher now becomes the student is replicating now. Words cannot express the magnitude of my realization of how grateful I am for my son and what he has taught me today. 

Thank you Nick for the person you have become and for the leadership you have given to me. As you continue your journey in life my hope for you is to continue to keep growing stronger and add value to each day. You are truly someone that I look up to and appreciate the time that we have together. I love you and keep being you.               

Monday, 13 May 2019

The Third Book The 5th Chapter - GPS Feelings

May 19/2018

Have you ever had that funny feeling that you just couldn't put your finger on what it was about? As time would pass, you would get some clarity and act or make changes that a feeling was pointing you in that direction? Once you make those choices, you feel a sense of satisfaction, clarity, and an overall sense of growth. Then as you have achieved something more you ask yourself what was so unsure of or why was I afraid?

Once you choose to move with your GPS purpose, there are not any detours required. As you gain momentum on your new experiences, you ask yourself why did it take so long to make this choice of purpose. The mental barriers we put impose on ourselves are so high they limit our ability to live life and most importantly to grow.

These are two brief encounters that added to my life and how following my GPS made life that much better. On one of my trips, to Whitefish Mt, I bumped into my new friends from southern Alberta. Before the meeting, I had a feeling I needed to go to this one spot in Whitefish for some reason. As I walked into a full place, I notice one seat left by a couple. The moment I sat down I knew I reconnected with energy friends that I have not met before, but strangely felt I had known all my life. We quickly hit it off, and we shared some information about each other. They were in the area to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. Normally they didn't leave home as they have a grandbaby that's birthday is on the same day but decided to go on a trip this time.

From that choice and the choices, we made all lead to that moment that all three of us will remember and cherish. Almost every possible topic was discussed at that time with an avalanche of laughter during the entire moment. Moreover, I met another like-minded soul, and he and I shared that recognition. We shared contact information, parted ways, and remain in contact with a plan to connect soon.

Isn't that what makes life worth living? Moments like these if they were fear based and they are ignored and weren’t moved forward with purpose, and the return is not timeless.

The second short story is about one of my leadership sessions I recently led. In that session, there were 22 that all are wanting to learn a new skill set on developing themselves and others. One of the things I have always done when I have a class is to start the session with the role of 50/50 tickets.

With the introductions complete, I ask people if they would like to win a life-changing the prize at the end of the training session. Of course, they all want to win a prize, so I say that anyone that asks a great question or share some insight, are even says something funny will get a ticket to a life-changing prize. At the end of the training session, three tickets are drawn, and a life-changing prize awarded. During this session one individual stated loudly; after these instructions, I want to win a prize like that. In a moment I was struck with the thought of the book the secret.  In that split second, I decided to share about the book the secret and the power of intention. I then proceeded to write down on a piece of paper that is on the wall that this person will win one of the prizes at the end of the session. I left that piece of paper up on the wall over the two-day training session and didn't refer back to it until the end of the session and at draw time.

The three life-changing prizes were three different leadership books, and one of them was my first book. The room started to fill with excitement before I drew, I pointed to the statement written on the wall two days prior. The first ticket drawn, and he didn't win, the second ticket drawn, and before I read out the number I said out loud and pointed to the piece of paper on the wall - this is your winning ticket. The room laughed, and you could feel the excitement grow as I read out the ticket number. Guess what? And no, I am not taking dramatic artistic license while I write, but yes this ticket was his. The room erupted in a combination of surprise and laughter and even harder when he expressed he wanted my book instead of the two remaining ones.

That moment in time captured because of the start of day one of following the idea that was download to me. The key takeaway is ignoring unfounded fear and moves forward to action.  Your best idea will always fail if no action taken.  Your action is key and to act is to movement and movement is to live. It is a simple as a three-step process that you need to keep simple and repeat countless times in your life. One is to allow you the opportunity to come to you. Step 2 is to ignore your self imposed barrier or fear. Step 3 is to create a plan and act. Your GPS, gift given to you is waiting for you to move in the direction with your purpose and your vision.

Yours to grow and feel the energy of life to fuel you to achieve more than you thought was possible. As you read this what is your GPS telling you right now at this moment?  Have you passed a number 3 are you still on number one?

Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Third Book The 4th Chapter - Walk Along The Pier

May 14/2018

When is the last time you have moved to an area in your life that required less energy? Or when have you acted on something when your intuition is telling you to do something? I have been so lucky to have been given the gift of travel. Over the last few years, I have been to several destination cities and have met so many amazing people. A few months ago, my dad had mentioned that he would like to go to Victoria BC. I was recently there in July of 17 and was amazed by the beauty of the area. I as time went on over the last few months Victoria visit with my dad came up a few times.
I could feel my intuition telling me that the time was now to make this trip. Fast forward to the early morning of May 12th, and away we left Calgary to fly into Victoria. During our three-day adventure, we filled the time with meaningful visits, travel, and food. It all officially started with a pickup all the rental car. It was the first time I had driven a hybrid and was immediately confused as to when I pushed the start button; there was not any engine noise. I looked over to my father and stated this new car doesn't start after a few brief moments I realized it was running on the battery and soon after that some chuckles filled the car.

From that starting point off we went to Tofino BC and a ferry ride. Each experience seemed as rich and full as the next and time seemed to fade away effortlessly. From clam chowder on a patio in Tofino to ceviche in the Victoria harbour, each moment was meant to be. Several sites we saw that neither of us had seen before. As each moment went on, I knew that following my intuition had increased the value to a special moment in time with my father. Several times my dad commented of how grateful that we were able to take this trip together.

After our last dinner on the harbour I took a walk by myself. As I was walking, I bumped into an incredible street performer named Jacqueline Dawn and the talent that she has is amazing. Not long after she started to plug in and sing another performer came up and informed her that she had to move, as this was his spot. She quickly apologized and started to pack up, and a few of us in this audience also started to help her. We all moved down about 100 meters and helped her set up again. Not only does Jacqueline have musical talent but she also has a talent for life. Her grace and gentle spirit that she showed during and after her move was a true gift to observe. Free energy she was like a feather floating in the breeze and following with the current. Completely at peace with what is and what a minor adjustment she kept on with her goal of providing a special moment for all of us in the crowd.

We all have challenges in life and have gifts all around us to enjoy. The hard part is to keep our focus even when faced with challenges. The difference between significance and ordinary is determined by how we view the experience. Whether your intuition is talking to you or you have a challenge, the gift of life's positive experiences is waiting for you. Hope and dreams are your starts, but then you need to put in the hard work to make your dreams start to come alive. It is up to you to make your magic and start to act on your intuition. As your intuition is your invisible treasure map for you to live your dreams and it is critical for you to open your gifts.

If you are feeling comfortable with life and you want to achieve more than you need to do more. The uncomfortable feeling is required, and that is your support to move along to your treasure map of dreams.