Saturday, 3 December 2016

The 24th Chapter - Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life

Oct 10/16

My thoughts drift to who I really am as a person.  Do you ever feel you wish you could change some of the things you feel are not thought as positive traits?  Either thoughts you have of yourself or the feeling that you can pick up from others you interact with?  That underlying feeling (although not entirely sure where the specific feeling is coming from) that you feel that something is off or not in alignment.  Where does this feeling or energy come from?  Is it leftover remnants of energy from past experiences from ones childhood upbringing?  Influences of religion?  Parents?  Teachers?

The feeling of not belonging comes to mind, perhaps the root cause of un-comfortableness, as humans we are social beings and need to feel part of a pack.  There might be times that no matter how hard you try to fit in to this pack, sometimes it just does not feel right.  When this does happen, What do you do?  In previous chapters the concept of the universe will provide you what you need and when you need it  has been discussed.  So when these feelings of being uncomfortable and not belonging occur, look around and pay attention to what the universe is showing you right now.  A key to be able to benefit from this information is to be able to stay in the present moment.  Be mindful of looking either forward or back into your future.  From this starting point you will be able to grow your internal strength and eventually find the pack that you belong too.  Push your boundaries of what you think you can accomplish.  When you have those feelings of un-comfortableness try to embrace it as it can be a sign from the universe that you need to grow.  Perhaps if you never have that feeling you are not fully living life?

Just recently I connected up with a old man and I noticed in that old man his power to actively listen was impactful to me.  Picture a tough, tall, strong man and in about 15 minutes of time, as our conversations progressed, he was talking about his childhood memories and I could feel emotions come up in him.  All I did was to extend back his actively listen lesson he just had taught me and listened to him.  The gift of sharing is all around you and to accept it and embrace emotions of others as well.  These moments will be providing you the keys to unlock your feelings and provide you fuel for your quest.  Do not feel guilty if you think you are taking energy from them, as this was a gift that was meant to be given to you.  Always be mindful to ensure you communicate energy back to others when they need it.  This is  a concept if we all practice this daily - it will help with the balance of not only us, but for our community, which of course leads to have global effects.  Picture the concept of the butterfly effect or a pebble dropped into a pond.  When you are truly actively listening to a person that is giving you their energy - this interaction will be in perfect balance of energy and it will feel right.

At that time I met this older gentleman, I was feeling unsettled, and because of this experience it provided me a calmness.  Also the perfect randomness of this experience made a impact to me, for the chances of all our combined choices in life - brought us to that very moment in time.  That moment was brief and there is a very high chance I will never see him again.  I truly hope I was able to give a small fraction of energy back to him, as he provided me with powerful gifts - the gifts of his time and provided me with the gift of life's fuel.

As I reflected this is another example of life being at balance and the universe will always provide.  The importance of always been open and feel that you are worth great things.  All of us are born with greatness in us - that is the easy part - the hard part is to allow that greatness to come out.  Allow and grow to truly become full adults.  It is easy to see physical growth and age in people however just as important is to always grow your inside energy.   At first glance you might assume that this physical growth matches the internal growth - however most people struggle with this growth and our greatness may never fully develop.

Everyday I am grateful of the people I meet and their time.  Maybe life is not random at all?  Complex yes but not random - but yet in complexity is simplicity.  Pattern realizations make things simple in life.

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