Sunday, 29 January 2017

The 42nd Chapter - Power of Your Thought and Your Destiny

Dec 4/16

My thoughts turn to the power of a thought or idea and that, as humans, that single act is the creation of everything.  Since the beginning of time of man on this earth - everything that we have learned or built - has it origin in the human mind at one point.

Sometimes I feel a sense of awe when the relation of a single thought translate into the pattern of growth.  Also that all great works and break through's starts with the replication of a simple pattern.  From that pattern (foundation) everything we, as a human race, have been able to experience  a impact of a direct benefit of what was created.

The great pyramids of Egypt are made up of thousand of individual building blocks that together a great structure has stood for thousand's of years.  Thoughts of  perseverance and about one single small action at a time has created this great feat.  The value of that single thought of that created - when the vision of the great pyramids were created has left an almost unmeasured able value to man kind.

This same concept can be used in your own self-growth and the ability for you to unlock your greatness.  All of what you want to become starts with a single thought from you.  From there explore how you are going to achieve what you need to do to unlock your greatness.  From there it will require small repetitive actions over and over to build your own personal great pyramids.  Ones that will stand strong, true and will withstand the constant sand storms of life.  The challenges you face will never disappear, like the sand storms of the dessert, the only change you can do is build yourself strong to withstand what life's storms will send your way.

Once you become strong and have your pyramids complete, the next step is to take a step out of your comfort zone to help others build their own pyramids and help them unlock their personal greatness.  That is when a great amount of growth is experienced when you truly serve others.  The power to lead others to be strong and emotionally healthy is the greatest gift one can do for another.

Imagine being able to create great pyramids all over the world and do it very quickly.  Imagine the impact and change your one step at a time can make on people.  Now even further imagine the folks that you teach this concept too, also pay it forward to the folks that are seeking to grow.  So by one conversation at a time the world would truly change and start becoming a better place.

Some might say this task is impossible, but like the creation of the great pyramids to putting a man on the moon - it is possible - the root and foundation is the thought that this can be done.  From there, by one single stone at a time, the momentum starts to grow.

People have the almost magical type ability to create whatever they want to create.  As the time when people were building the pyramids - the thought of creating a ship to go into the dark vastness of space would have been thought of as impossible.

So whatever quest you are going to embark on - as long as your motivations are true and right - you will accomplish what you set out to do.  Also remember, although it is simple to use the tools you need to unlock your greatness, you will experience storms on the way to your goal.  Be mindful you will have all the help you need when you need it.

Whether it is people or signs there will be light houses along your journey that will warn you of danger and will direct you the course to be on the correct course to get what you truly need.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

The 41st Chapter - Communication - Understanding - Trust and The Impact

Dec 3/16

The thought of communication, understanding and trust with other people and how that three things can interact with two people.  How several different outcomes can be felt from these components.  It also can translate into possible bonding issues as well - From there can lead to levels of respect that vary from different levels in people.

Recently I went on a business trip that was overall very positive - however it did take a lot of energy.  Prior to the trip I did communicate to someone that I would be very busy and not have a lot of spare time - as this was an important business trip.  So based on that communication and understanding an agreement was created between two people.  As the week went on the agreement was kept 100 percent of that time.  No boundary was crossed, high levels of respect was maintained and a very important learning objective was achieved for me.  I realized from this that no energy was drained from me to try to maintain a connection with that person.

A feeling of comfort and understanding was also received during that week - even thought there was almost no contact.

As some of you reading this probably have had experiences of changed demands of communication and understandings put on you from someone else.  As a sensitive and kind person - you may have had a feeling - energy drain - and depending on the level of energy drain - you may have tried to meet the demands of changing expectations - that you had not agreed too.

What I did not realize at the time of not understanding - my boundaries were not being respected.  So a symptom I would focus on was to try harder to communicate and try to estimate the next changing agreement - which over time, would finally lead me to a state of being completely depleted of my energy and nothing left to give.  Which leads to fundamentally low levels of trust between two people as communication is not followed and boundaries ran over by one person to another.

As I reflected on this point I realized I totally missed the root cause and grateful that I have been taught how respected communicate should be between two people.  As I thought about this concept it is amazing of how much I would deny who I am as a person with this type of negative behavior in my life.

It seems so clear now as I write this of how unbalanced this type of communication was - at the time I did not see it.  Like the frog put in cold water and slowly the temperature of that water increased, the frog did not move which resulted in being cooked alive.

This can be compared to the slow emotional drain of energy in you.  So slow at first the changes were not noticed, until you have no energy left.  I had no idea what was happening, when I was learning this life's lesson.  So grateful of the clarity now that I have been gifted - the gift of understanding.

Like any new learning, I am not an expert at this, however awareness has been achieved and now I am practicing this process of clear communication with being able to realize if there has been follow through or not based on clear understanding between two people.  It is now becoming easier to have understanding and agreements.  When agreements change without clear communication be mindful of this and that this is happening of your boundaries being crossed.  (and no you are not crazy)  From there feel the impact of this to you - is it adding or taking away energy from you?  Whatever you decide - you will bring more of this into your life.

As it is not possible to control how others treat you - the only choice you have is to remove yourself from interactions from people like this - if these interactions with this person are causing a negative outcome to you.

As I write these words today, I feel myself growing more calm and confident. I am so grateful that I have been given the gift of starting to see positive or negative impact of choices I make directly now.

Thank you to my family and friends that have always been there - like a lighthouse - standing strong and lighting the warnings until I saw them.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

The 40th Chapter - The Importance of Gratitude

Nov 27/16

I am thinking of the importance of gratefulness.  Specifically I would like to express, as I continue my journey of growth, having the growing awareness of knowing and being able to identify patterns in my life that contributes to life's experiences.  I am grateful that when something happens that triggers a negative emotion that I now have the ability to firstly recognize that negative experience and secondly I am able to control my thoughts in a way to enable me to not lose my balance and focus.

In the past I would allow experiences or people to dramatically affect my center of being.  When that would happen a feeling helpless would surface combined with a lack of clarity of what happened.  To now have the ability to provide my own strength and reset my own course in a very short amount of time, the feeling is very empowering.  Life is truly incredible.

Sometimes when you are in a a energy force or one of life's storms - it will sometimes cause your thoughts to wonder - the patterns of life will always repeat.  Right now the image of a ocean storm comes to mind.  With the crashing of waves and wind that makes your forward course of your journey difficult.  So your thoughts can also be impacted by someone energy and can cause slowing of your direction.  Once the wind and waves quiet down the journey becomes easier and a lot more clarity is possible.

As the storm, one can not control when or where a storm will exist - the same with a persons energy you cannot control this energy.  The course of action is up to you to realize the impact and pull away from people that are causing a storm within your journey of life.  By doing this it will allow the waves and wind to become calm and your journey will become easier again.

The importance of time and the value of what you spend your time on - come to mind now.  It may seem there is endless amount of time and it is easy to get swept up in the day to day events,  Once awareness is triggered on time - what will your thoughts be on how you spend your time?

Did you fill your days with success?  Did you accomplish what you set out to do today?  Is there a feeling of job well done?  Or one of regret?

Today is the exact moment for you to ensure you will feel job well done and full steam ahead to conquer any storm that you may face.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

The 39th Chapter - Power of Positive Thought

Nov 26/16

I would like to share a story that happened to me about three years ago in the middle of the summer.  It was during a time in my life where I was really questioning pretty much everything and did not know a direction for me.

At that time it seemed like everything was overwhelming and I did not have a clear sight or any direction.  Also at that time period a great friend planted the seed about the thought that you can truly get whatever you put out to the universe.   At this time I was, in general, very negative and did not fully believe in that concept of you can bring things into your life with your thoughts - whether that be positive or negative things - not only physical things but also your emotional well being.

So as I was quite skeptical and not fully believing in this concept whatsoever I thought - well I shall prove this concept wrong and at the next opportunity I will prove that there is no way you can bring things into your life by the power of a thought.

Not long after this I was invited to go to a golf tournament and it was one that had a lot of prizes.  Not only for the usual best performance prizes but also general prized to be won by getting your name drawn.  I realized this was my moment to disprove this theory.

Some of you that know me will know I love to cook with a BBQ, so I was drawn to one of three smokers.  They were quite large and could smoke any kind of meat you would like.  So I put my mind on the thought that I will win one of the smokers.  So the time comes to start drawing names for the smokers - one, two names are drawn and not mine yet - and the third name - sure enough I was the winner for the last smoker.

I was taken aback - I did not really believe in this concept and when I challenged it - the universe did prove me wrong - so many thoughts come to mind once this happened - and it took a while to fully understand and I am still learning and want to learn more.

Things like the importance of not letting my ego ruin what the universe wants to provide.  Our minds are so powerful and we will create a reality that we want to be in.  In general as little beings in this life time we are taught at a young age that we cannot do a lot of things that are non-tangible.

One of the results of this type of conditioning end up causing most of us to not be able to reach for the greatness that is inside of each of us.  We will retreat to do the basic of how to survive - which our society does a great job of providing that skill set to us.  Unfortunately it stops there and most of us end up living a life that could be so much richer - the key to that or changing that is awaken your inner child again and open up your intuition.

Look at your feelings, that for years you may have repressed as you were told to do.  As you start to have these feelings begin to grow inside of you - stop and listen to what is happening around you - start by writing down in a journal so you can start to identify patterns that start repeating.  Also start thinking about attracting a mentor type person into your life - with the thought to truly learn and start exploring a side of you that has been dormant for a lone time.

That person or readings will appear exactly when you need them to in your life.  Be open to whom your attracting and do not have any preconceived notions of what you expect this person to provide.  Also listen to your instincts if this person truly has your best interests in mind.

There are people out there that do not have others interests in mind but will be serving their own agenda.  So you will attract those but have the strength to believe in your gut and follow the direction you need to go..  Be mindful of your own current self esteem as well, as it is very important to ensure your mindset is one of strength and health.  If your in a low period of your life and you attract someone new into your life be cautious with how much you let them influence you.   The old saying you are what you attract and you attract what you are is key.  So you might be attracting someone new into your life that will not bring you up but continue to keep you down and to not grow in a positive manner.

As you start to practice this type of thoughts in your mind and truly want to grow your dormant  side - at first it will go slowly but as time passes, like the marathon runner, your practice will pay off and this growth in you will become easier and more noticeable to yourself and others around you.

The pattern of growth will start in you - like a small apple tree planted in the soil and over time it will grown into a strong tree that provides not only apples for you but others around as well.  Another example that nature and the universe will always provide more than the minimum.   There is so much abundance in life.

So your choice is whether that abundance is positive or negative and your choices will provide that.

Sunday, 15 January 2017

The 38th Chapter - Are You Benefiting From Synchronicty

Nov 20/16

My thoughts are on synchronicity and how a person can use that for your fuel and also gather comfort knowing you are on your correct path.  I am visiting some amazing family friends that live close to Houston Texas.  I have been running for quite sometime now and at home I have a specific distance I run each time.  As my goal is to increase my speed and overall physical cardiac condition.  I use the basic time and distance calculation to monitor my progress.  As I arrived at my friend's place, I asked where I could run, a route was given to me and when I completed the run the total distance was exactly the same distance as my route at home.

Perhaps somethings in life are random, however I know this distance that I did not chose this route - was not random.  I remember completing the first run and the surge of energy coming in my body because of realizing the distant was identical as I read the measurement.

I felt first hand the fuel of light flowing into my body and provided me with all the energy I needed for that day.

As I like patterns and the importance of having your life foundation strong so it will enable you to be a great person that each of us are.  This pattern will replicate in a smaller way in your day to day life as you start out your morning.  Your thoughts and routine create the foundation for you that day.  If you start out in a positive place there will be little that any negative influences will be able to take you off your course of greatness for that day.

The small replication of your repeated actions with the intent of greatness will provide you with the foundation to open yourself up to not only feel great but have the confidence you deserve within in you.

So whatever you truly want to achieve, whether it be family richness, financial wealth or community achievements - you will have it and if you decide you want all of the above you will achieve that as well.

The power of your thoughts combined with your daily small steps and your life's quest will allow you to have whatever you chose in your life.

It really is that simple.

The 37th Chapter - Synchronicity and Balance

Nov 13/16

My thoughts turn to main stream popular movies - that although they are presented as works of fiction - I am wondering if all parts of these popular works are not all fiction?  Thinking of the universe and the energy it provides all forms of life.  Also the concept of synchronicity and how things that happen are not always random.

When I am lost in my own thoughts - I often will think the possible of what some people would think it is not possible.  I have realized that some of these fictional type thoughts and concepts, I have later watched being played out on the movie screen.  So I wonder how that is possible?  How can I think of concepts and later they are in new movies?  Is that an example of being in a collection of energy?  Time and space does it all happen at once?  So that is the reason concepts of the above are possible?  Does everything seem so large in regards to time and space?  Yet there is also a equal and opposite reaction that everything is actually very small?

I do not have the answers to these questions, I just have feelings and thoughts that I might know.  Picture a dust storm that is so dense you can not see what is on the other side of the storm.  Every once and a while the wind will momentary shift and you get a brief glimpse of what is on the other side.  It is almost like another quest of trying to understand what the universe is about.

So as I stated I do not know the answers but the time like these - when you can feel something is out there and you are wanting to learn and grow - to trust your past experience and your gut.  As long as your intent is one always based on kindness you will start to have answers being reviled to you.

The hope in this chapter that someone reads this general concept of being in the current of the universe and be the seed of something to grow and build on the start of this thought.  Like any quest of becoming a master in whatever activity - the quest always starts with a thought and a beginning first step.  Like a young child learning how to walk - rely on your instincts and have faith you will be provided with the knowledge and energy exactly when you need it.

Do not be discouraged if you see someone else appear to be learning faster than you - the energy to become a master is always the same and you are only seeing a part of what others may or may not be doing.  Focus on you and what you truly want to master.  With time, as long as you stay true to you and remain real - keeping the human ego out of your growth - the ego will not allow you to fully grow and will eliminate some great experiences that were meant for you.  You may realize this and have enough time to lower the impact of your ego and still enjoy rich experiences.  Usually though you will realize it when it is too late.  These rich experiences full of the fuel of life that were meant for you will be lost forever and you will not be able to go back in time.

So perhaps goodness is all around us and even shown to us - in the form of fictional works - however it is people that are based on goodness are showing the entire world some of the universe keys.  It is up to us to learn from some of the key messages that you relate too.  Start by asking how come I noticed this concept and how can I start replicating that pattern in my life?

Be open and honest to the thoughts and ideas given to you freely and see how they can be applied to your life.  Once you successfully apply them in your life - use the pay it forward concept and share with others to help them grown their life.

Keep repeating this pattern and remember the key is to freely give with no expectation in return.  As what you received in return as gifts is directly related to wanting nothing in return from acts of teaching others.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

The 36th Chapter - Who is Your Mentor

Nov 12/16

To my great friend from Tomahawk - you know who you are.  My thoughts turn to how you have been a positive role model and mentor to me.  Our back grounds are quite similar and even to being single parents and raising our kids without a partner.

As the years go by the constant quest of him living a life that shows great and positive traits.  It is one thing to say great words but completely another of how your actions reflect those words or not.  Depending how they align up determines the depth of a person you are.  Some that might not know him well might think he is a micro manager or maybe he has an agenda.  The passion and energy he gives off is always one of excellence combined with determination to succeed in whatever he does.  Whether if is from raising his son to winning a trophy in a large car show.

The attention to detail he is able to have is incredible and by being able to do that - he is able to bring into his life success.  He has several different passions and each one of them he is able to recall in great detail of each characteristics  of all them.   That success is shown in his relationships to nice tangible assets he is also able to enjoy.  The common theme in his life is that he works very hard at everything he does and he is provided with positive gifts because of that hard work.

This ties into another example of the power of ones thoughts and intentions will provide you with what you truly seek.  As my journey of this life continues I am amazed of how easy it is to create my reality.  Of course I experience struggles and frustrations but when I started to align up to my gut feelings and to what I truly wanted - I started to experience a shift in the richness of positive feelings that I have in my life.

Going from a place of confusion and being unsettle  to a place of quiet confidence has been a fantastic living experience.  I am learning it is not about the tangible wealth around you and what you may have or would like to have.  It is truly how rich you are inside - the richness of your internal house is a key to living a full and diverse life.

So I thank you my friend of being that constant example of positive strength and providing me with a way of being able to model my behavior.  Thank you for coming into my life and showing me some life skills of what I did not know before.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

The 35th Chapter - Allow Great Gifts to Grow You

Nov 10/16

I feel compelled to write this story - I can feel the excitement grow as I recall events that has happened over the last few days.  So a total of three things I noticed happened over a period of three days.

So it was a normal Tuesday for me at the office when a few random events happened that I had no idea what would be the start of a chain of amazing events.   I would normally stay late at the office in this location however a few hours later on this day there was some changes and I ended up going on a plane to another office.  I remember clearly getting to the security line - Immediately realizing there was a large line up.  I looked at the time and knew I would barely have enough time to catch my flight.  The old me would have suddenly became stressed, today though, not one ouch of stress came over my body, in fact the opposite.  I felt calm and knew I would get through security in time to make my flight.

 At the start of the of the line, a man in his mid 40's asked if he could by-pass the line because he was late and was concerned that he would miss his flight.  The security officers told him no and that he would have to wait like the rest of the travelers.  He then waited in line until the next corner of the line and ask another officer if he could by-pass the line while using the same story as his first attempt.  This time he was successful and by-passed the line,   It would have been approximately 10-15 minutes later when I made it through security and I look over and the same man was clearing at the same time as I was.

It created a moment in me to pause and reflect - I could visually observe he was worried about time, and rightly so, as I am sure he had a important destination to go to and did not want to miss it.  The point is accepting the flow of every moment was meant to happen and you will receive all you need, when you need it.  You will get to where you need to go.

Which leads me to the start of my second experience and that was - I walked right from security to the boarding gate, produced my travel documentation and walked onto the plane with no stress at all.  With the memory of the stressed out middle age man in my mind.

I get to my assigned seat and I am waiting for a older lady that is standing beside my seat and she politely waved me by her and I said that is my seat beside you.  So she proceeded to put several bags away in the overhead compartment and under the seat.  All the while politely saying sorry for taking so much time,  I responded by saying there is no rush and it is all good.  I got seated and buckled in and then another lady came and hold her she was in her seat.  Now keep in mind it took sometime for us to sit down, she polity responded of I am sorry and I will move.  The lady in the aisle said no problem and I will just take your seat and politely laughed.

So picture this, I am not supposed to be on that plane, the lady was in the wrong seat, yet for a brief moment in time I was given the gift of her company.  Immediately I could recognize her sensitivity, intelligence and physic ability.   We shared several stories back and forth about our life's experience and how we now embrace the gifts we both have, but reflected on a time where our surroundings suggested that we do not embrace who we really are.  We both have lived most of our life not being true to who we are and finally now we are able to live life truly in the moment.

To you on the plane that I had this conversation with - you will know who you are if you read these words.  I can not express enough words of how grateful I am, as you helped build more confidence in me by a simple conversation of sharing.  A random event that truly turned out to be a moment that I will never forget.  Thank you so much Ms. K.  I am truly grateful for you and what how much you had given me in such a short time.

The third event was on the return flight home three days later.  Once again there was someone seated in the aisle seat.  This time a man in he late 20's with several tattoos all over his neck and arms.  I asked to get let in beside him as my seat was at the window.  Immediately I was struck by how nice of a person he was.  We started a fun conversation and when the plane was getting ready to take off, I put my head against the window to have a brief rest, even though I could feel he still wanted to talk to me.  At the time I felt I did not have the energy  to communicate with him, as it was early in the morning and had a long day ahead of me combined with the fact of a long few days of work.

As we started our descent we started the conversation just like it never stopped, it flowed so easy and way up-lifting.  We soon discovered we had a lot of things in common with our lives and he invited me to look him up the next time I was in the city.  I said for sure - exchanged details and parted ways - once again this moment provided me with strength that I am on the correct path for me.

As I am walking in the airport, I noticed a lady walking towards me that was seated in front of me on the plane.  She came up and said excuse me but I couldn't help but overhear your guys conversation and how incredible and positive it was.  I wanted to say thank you to you and express my appreciation of that conversation.  I felt she wanted to say more, however at that time I had never experience a moment like this and I was actually speechless and felt my energy become unfocused as I was so surprised.  I then felt guilty as I almost missed an opportunity to make a positive difference in someone's life - even though I knew I should have talked more.

If I  chose to ignore my insights I would have  missed the experience of something great that will stay with me forever.  Pay attention to what the universe is providing you - all is what you need.  This three day trip provided me with more energy and support to follow my feeling and insight.  As I asked not long ago to provide me some more confidence that I was indeed on the right track for my life.  As I wanted this I have been provided with more support than I ever expected to receive.

Love yourself and by doing so the universe will love you fully with all it's energy - yes it is for you and you are great.

Sunday, 1 January 2017

The 34th Chapter - Your Psychic Ability

Nov 6/16

I would like to share a very personal painful yet a positive growth story.  This experience has provided me strength on determining who I am.  I think we all have many different special and unique abilities.  One of my gifts that  has been provided to me is that I have a type of psychic ability.  This type of psychic ability comes in a way  that picks up thoughts and emotions from other people in a form of energy.   For some reason I am able to "just know" that when I pick up that energy I have the ability to decode it and to be able to know what a person is truly thinking.   This can happen from thousands of miles away as well.

Some of you might think this is a great gift - I will agree with you when the energy is positive coming from a person however when it is the opposite it is very uncomfortable and sometimes very painful.  Depending of the intensity of  the energy being directed and duration, it is times like these where I wish I did not have this gift.  When this intensity would become too strong I would start to change myself to survive.  There has been times in my life where I would shut down this gift, however that was only temporary and who I am would always come back to the surface.

The process to decode this energy varies in regards to time, sometimes it will take a few seconds or it might take days to understand.  When it takes days to understand it will start with an unsettling feeling that will cause side effects of slight moodiness in me and in extreme cases it will cause me to lose sleep.  I will be awaken out of a deep sleep and immediately my thoughts will turn to that negative energy that has been getting directed my way.   At this point keep in mind I am not able to know why though this is happening.  So as this process or min journey progresses to determine the why is reached, this may happen several times and I can feel my energy start to lower.  It feels like a test to see if I am able to become healthy - it is almost like a seesaw action and a struggle of emotional dominance in two beings.

So finally this morning the answer came clearly to me on this latest quest.  I completely know what has been going on now for the past three days.  Now that this has happened it feels like a sense of relief has wrapped me like a warm blanket on a cold rainy day.  So to add to this struggle is that my nature is one of kindness and understanding.  I am always looking for the good and usually never be able to see the ugliness that is around me sometimes.  One that would normally always extend a helping hand to people that need it in a emotional context.  Which I would encourage you too, if you have the psychic ability and this self awareness of a gift.

The caution I would like to discuss - is when you do this it will give a part of your emotional energy to someone else.   As long if both of your intent is positive  that energy you extend will then be somewhat returned to you when you need it.  However if your intent is to be positive and the others is not - you will slowly start losing your power or strength of your psychic energy to the other person.  No matter how hard you try and provide them the energy they need you will never be able to fill their void - this can be compared to a emotional black hole.

So even though in this example I felt compelled to reach out and provide the energy that was getting asked of me.  I did not and the result has been I can feel settled, warm and at peace knowing I made the decision for me and did not provide the energy to someone else.  During this exchange the intent from the other person was to by me experience emotional pain then would be provided pleasure.  I hope this is explaining this concept in a way that makes sense to those that also suffer or benefit  from this gift.

Now to some reading this chapter there might be some thinking I am crazy and these thoughts are completely off base.  That is totally OK - however to those that have read these words and you can relate, you also know it is true.  My whole intent is to heal myself with a hope that at least one other person will feel value from reading these words.  My intent is based solely on kindness and compassion with every interaction to provide value.  A quest to build a beautiful masterpiece of a internal emotional house for me.  As time fades on the recent completion of this past min journey it feel better and better.

The take away was ever though it would have been easier to reach out in a way that was non-psychic based at that period of three days in time - I resisted.  I followed my path and what felt was the correct choices for me.  It has provided me strength to know I am still on the path that was wrote for me by me.  I can feel confidence come to me in the way it was prior to the last few days and I am truly grateful I was able to overcome this quest.

I am in the moment now looking forward to the next positive adventure to come my way.  Thank you for sharing your time reading about a personal story.