Saturday, 21 January 2017

The 39th Chapter - Power of Positive Thought

Nov 26/16

I would like to share a story that happened to me about three years ago in the middle of the summer.  It was during a time in my life where I was really questioning pretty much everything and did not know a direction for me.

At that time it seemed like everything was overwhelming and I did not have a clear sight or any direction.  Also at that time period a great friend planted the seed about the thought that you can truly get whatever you put out to the universe.   At this time I was, in general, very negative and did not fully believe in that concept of you can bring things into your life with your thoughts - whether that be positive or negative things - not only physical things but also your emotional well being.

So as I was quite skeptical and not fully believing in this concept whatsoever I thought - well I shall prove this concept wrong and at the next opportunity I will prove that there is no way you can bring things into your life by the power of a thought.

Not long after this I was invited to go to a golf tournament and it was one that had a lot of prizes.  Not only for the usual best performance prizes but also general prized to be won by getting your name drawn.  I realized this was my moment to disprove this theory.

Some of you that know me will know I love to cook with a BBQ, so I was drawn to one of three smokers.  They were quite large and could smoke any kind of meat you would like.  So I put my mind on the thought that I will win one of the smokers.  So the time comes to start drawing names for the smokers - one, two names are drawn and not mine yet - and the third name - sure enough I was the winner for the last smoker.

I was taken aback - I did not really believe in this concept and when I challenged it - the universe did prove me wrong - so many thoughts come to mind once this happened - and it took a while to fully understand and I am still learning and want to learn more.

Things like the importance of not letting my ego ruin what the universe wants to provide.  Our minds are so powerful and we will create a reality that we want to be in.  In general as little beings in this life time we are taught at a young age that we cannot do a lot of things that are non-tangible.

One of the results of this type of conditioning end up causing most of us to not be able to reach for the greatness that is inside of each of us.  We will retreat to do the basic of how to survive - which our society does a great job of providing that skill set to us.  Unfortunately it stops there and most of us end up living a life that could be so much richer - the key to that or changing that is awaken your inner child again and open up your intuition.

Look at your feelings, that for years you may have repressed as you were told to do.  As you start to have these feelings begin to grow inside of you - stop and listen to what is happening around you - start by writing down in a journal so you can start to identify patterns that start repeating.  Also start thinking about attracting a mentor type person into your life - with the thought to truly learn and start exploring a side of you that has been dormant for a lone time.

That person or readings will appear exactly when you need them to in your life.  Be open to whom your attracting and do not have any preconceived notions of what you expect this person to provide.  Also listen to your instincts if this person truly has your best interests in mind.

There are people out there that do not have others interests in mind but will be serving their own agenda.  So you will attract those but have the strength to believe in your gut and follow the direction you need to go..  Be mindful of your own current self esteem as well, as it is very important to ensure your mindset is one of strength and health.  If your in a low period of your life and you attract someone new into your life be cautious with how much you let them influence you.   The old saying you are what you attract and you attract what you are is key.  So you might be attracting someone new into your life that will not bring you up but continue to keep you down and to not grow in a positive manner.

As you start to practice this type of thoughts in your mind and truly want to grow your dormant  side - at first it will go slowly but as time passes, like the marathon runner, your practice will pay off and this growth in you will become easier and more noticeable to yourself and others around you.

The pattern of growth will start in you - like a small apple tree planted in the soil and over time it will grown into a strong tree that provides not only apples for you but others around as well.  Another example that nature and the universe will always provide more than the minimum.   There is so much abundance in life.

So your choice is whether that abundance is positive or negative and your choices will provide that.

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