Sunday, 15 January 2017

The 38th Chapter - Are You Benefiting From Synchronicty

Nov 20/16

My thoughts are on synchronicity and how a person can use that for your fuel and also gather comfort knowing you are on your correct path.  I am visiting some amazing family friends that live close to Houston Texas.  I have been running for quite sometime now and at home I have a specific distance I run each time.  As my goal is to increase my speed and overall physical cardiac condition.  I use the basic time and distance calculation to monitor my progress.  As I arrived at my friend's place, I asked where I could run, a route was given to me and when I completed the run the total distance was exactly the same distance as my route at home.

Perhaps somethings in life are random, however I know this distance that I did not chose this route - was not random.  I remember completing the first run and the surge of energy coming in my body because of realizing the distant was identical as I read the measurement.

I felt first hand the fuel of light flowing into my body and provided me with all the energy I needed for that day.

As I like patterns and the importance of having your life foundation strong so it will enable you to be a great person that each of us are.  This pattern will replicate in a smaller way in your day to day life as you start out your morning.  Your thoughts and routine create the foundation for you that day.  If you start out in a positive place there will be little that any negative influences will be able to take you off your course of greatness for that day.

The small replication of your repeated actions with the intent of greatness will provide you with the foundation to open yourself up to not only feel great but have the confidence you deserve within in you.

So whatever you truly want to achieve, whether it be family richness, financial wealth or community achievements - you will have it and if you decide you want all of the above you will achieve that as well.

The power of your thoughts combined with your daily small steps and your life's quest will allow you to have whatever you chose in your life.

It really is that simple.

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