Sunday, 15 January 2017

The 37th Chapter - Synchronicity and Balance

Nov 13/16

My thoughts turn to main stream popular movies - that although they are presented as works of fiction - I am wondering if all parts of these popular works are not all fiction?  Thinking of the universe and the energy it provides all forms of life.  Also the concept of synchronicity and how things that happen are not always random.

When I am lost in my own thoughts - I often will think the possible of what some people would think it is not possible.  I have realized that some of these fictional type thoughts and concepts, I have later watched being played out on the movie screen.  So I wonder how that is possible?  How can I think of concepts and later they are in new movies?  Is that an example of being in a collection of energy?  Time and space does it all happen at once?  So that is the reason concepts of the above are possible?  Does everything seem so large in regards to time and space?  Yet there is also a equal and opposite reaction that everything is actually very small?

I do not have the answers to these questions, I just have feelings and thoughts that I might know.  Picture a dust storm that is so dense you can not see what is on the other side of the storm.  Every once and a while the wind will momentary shift and you get a brief glimpse of what is on the other side.  It is almost like another quest of trying to understand what the universe is about.

So as I stated I do not know the answers but the time like these - when you can feel something is out there and you are wanting to learn and grow - to trust your past experience and your gut.  As long as your intent is one always based on kindness you will start to have answers being reviled to you.

The hope in this chapter that someone reads this general concept of being in the current of the universe and be the seed of something to grow and build on the start of this thought.  Like any quest of becoming a master in whatever activity - the quest always starts with a thought and a beginning first step.  Like a young child learning how to walk - rely on your instincts and have faith you will be provided with the knowledge and energy exactly when you need it.

Do not be discouraged if you see someone else appear to be learning faster than you - the energy to become a master is always the same and you are only seeing a part of what others may or may not be doing.  Focus on you and what you truly want to master.  With time, as long as you stay true to you and remain real - keeping the human ego out of your growth - the ego will not allow you to fully grow and will eliminate some great experiences that were meant for you.  You may realize this and have enough time to lower the impact of your ego and still enjoy rich experiences.  Usually though you will realize it when it is too late.  These rich experiences full of the fuel of life that were meant for you will be lost forever and you will not be able to go back in time.

So perhaps goodness is all around us and even shown to us - in the form of fictional works - however it is people that are based on goodness are showing the entire world some of the universe keys.  It is up to us to learn from some of the key messages that you relate too.  Start by asking how come I noticed this concept and how can I start replicating that pattern in my life?

Be open and honest to the thoughts and ideas given to you freely and see how they can be applied to your life.  Once you successfully apply them in your life - use the pay it forward concept and share with others to help them grown their life.

Keep repeating this pattern and remember the key is to freely give with no expectation in return.  As what you received in return as gifts is directly related to wanting nothing in return from acts of teaching others.

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