Saturday, 1 April 2017

The 58th Chapter - How to keep your life simple by the choices you make.

Jan 22/17

I am thinking about tangible and effective ways of reference points to ensure your still on your correct path for you.  As humans we have the tendency to start out simple with a great plan or idea.  As time progresses sometimes we will start to create our own difficulty in this goal almost to the point it becomes unattainable because the choices we make - by creating an environment of complexity.

So what started out to do with our greatness of intentions - ends up not getting completed due to our added complexity.  So something that I found really helpful is this journal I am currently writing these words in.  As months pass I will go back and reread what I have created - by doing this it allows me to remember and return to a focus of my growth.  It also provides a check point and an measurement tool to see if I have made any progression in my life's quest.

I find comfort in rereading my thoughts that were lost and provides me the fuel I need to gather my energy to keep growing and evolving .  It is also valuable in ensuring I maintain my goal of clarity.  Ensuring I am not getting going in too many directions all at once and not allowing my focus to be so wide that will not allow me to go forward.

The picture reference to this point is the old story of a young kid in a candy store - only allowed to pick one candy with 25 cents that they have for the one candy.  When there is thousands's of different choices that all may look good to this young kid but yet really has no idea what they may taste like.

All the emotions we feel in our adult life is what that young kid now feels - and questions come to mind life, What if I make the wrong choice?  What if I do not like the taste?  What if another is better?  Sounds familiar doesn't it in our adult life - when we are faced with so many important choices but yet really don't know what choices to make with so many unknowns.

Should we go to school?  Who should we marry and spend the rest of our life with?  Is this the correct candy for us?  Sometimes life can be truly overwhelming and the choices are endless.  So for me - when I am unsure and have lost my clarity of focus - I enjoy rereading what I have created.  It provides comfort and simplicity for me to go forward.  It allows me to select the correct candy for me at the time I need it.

Isn't life great and so simple as patterns keep repeating over and over in our journey.

The same building blocks of our foundation keep repeating yet our experiences are usually always different.  One of life's key's to living a fulfilled life is being able to recognize your current pattern you have experience before in your new current life experiences.  In a way picture that candy store you experienced as a kid, you now know what exactly you like and recognize the patterns with you as you go into the adult store of life.

By doing this first step correctly of identifying your pattern, it will provide you the confidence in your choices that you need to make that will all be in alignment of what you truly want.  So if you decide you want the best candy in the store - go out and create that reality.

The secret is to remember to keep your life simple in your daily choices.  By doing this it will allow you to not be paralyzed of what you should do next.  Have you ever been in a place in your life at the candy store and you can not select that candy and you will endlessly be froze with the lack of ability to create a decision?  That leads to the point of you getting frustrated by being frozen in time?  When others around you seem to be effortlessly making their selection and moving on?

Clarity of focus is key and when you find yourself in a spot consistently going in circles - recognize what is going on.  Ask why this is happening.  Look for the current light houses showing you a safe direction - make your choice with your purpose - be ok with the fact you might take the wrong candy.  Take comfort in knowing the choice you made at that time was the best choice you could take with the information you had.

Now step up and take your step forward to your purpose.

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