Saturday, 8 April 2017

The 60th Chapter - Make Your Daily Steps Count to Accomplish Your Goals

Jan 29/17

The thought of doing small incremental steps each day to reach your goal vs. doing nothing towards your goal with the end result of achieving nothing.  I was talking to a new friend today about my physical journey of becoming more active.  I was sharing about how the doctor told me if I did not change my eating habits and increase my activity levels that my health, over time, would slowly decline.

As life is so busy, I was sharing how it seems that the day is filled with so many tasks.  I commented that I wish I had more time than one hour a day to work on my physical workout routine.  Then we started to talk about people that do not take these types of warnings to heart from their doctor and do not act on them - whether it is our physical or emotional health.

The thought shared by this friend was better to work  on ones health at least a hour a day vs. not doing any work on oneself - which by not doing anything could end up having 24 hours a day of free time.  That point spoke so strongly to me as, a little sacrifice now - in whatever endeavor we are trying to achieve - will ultimately lead towards our goals.

Conversely if we do not do anything to the warnings given to us will ultimately end up in us not improving ourselves - which in this case about my health and that changing could end up possibly losing everything - hence have nothing but endless time and not anymore having the opportunity to create any amount of positive change.

The passing of time is relative to our current state of mind in how fast that time goes by.  One thing I have been learning is the importance of learning life's lessons and realize the gift that life will give you enough time if one is paying attention - however like most things, if you wait long enough your window of time will pass and unfortunately once these moments of time have passed there is not another opportunity  to ever wish you had a hour a day to make your changes.

Hence the power of the theory of relativity applies here and how time is so important where as for years that one hour window can no longer be utilized any longer.  As you read these words - the time is now for you to act and start now with spending your hour a day - while you have the time.  Whether it is your personal or emotional health, do no wait until tomorrow.

Do not wait until tomorrow - as you finish reading these words - start immediately to spend a hour on your goal.  Take your thought of your growth and take it to the next level and create a plan of action.

Regardless of how difficult it might be for you - put your thoughts into your action - as your life outcomes depends truly on your choices you are making right now.

Take your action now - when the theory of relativity is in  your favor in regards to time.

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