Sunday, 14 May 2017

The 67th Chapter - The Gift of Interactions With Others

Feb 25/17

As you know I value the gift of experiences and interactions from other people.  As my journey goes forward I am reflecting about an experience I had this week.

The importance of how one interacts with others is brought to my mind.  I randomly bumped into a person I have known for quite sometime now.  I was surprised of the large amount of negative energy this person was carrying with them and projecting this energy towards others.  As I briefly started to talk with this person this behavior of projecting negative energy towards me continued.  It was like being in a dark room with someone having a flash light and that beam was negative energy.  One couldn't help but feel that beam of negative energy piecing the darkness.

I know we all struggle in our life from time to time however the importance of always being mindful of what your projecting onto others should be taken into consideration.  With this experience I have become quite curious if that same energy would be directed to me again if I saw this person in the future.  So I purposely went out of my way to see if this feeling could be replicated again.  Sure enough it was and it felt the movie Ground Hog Day.

So in both times of a brief conversation and the impact was a feeling of negative energy.  I was not personally offended or hurt by this persons negative tractor beam force in anyway.  The take away for me was to be mindful of how my interaction with others and how my impact can effect others.

The pattern of what the overall effect you create in your life is so simple.  How one moment and one thought at a time can shape your life.  The importance of always checking each and every thought before you allow that thought to grow.  Ask yourself what is the origin of that thought and did it come from a place of kindness or not?  Whatever your thought pattern is, does it align up to what you truly want in your life?

So when we enter into an area of our life that seem to be negative and to stop that spiral spinning of losing ones life force.  Step one is to realize you are the one creating your reality.  Step two is to make one thought at a time that is in alignment to what you truly want in your life.  From these two steps you will start to experience a shift of focus into your life.

With my interaction with this person I realized the negative energy had no effect on me and my positive energy actually provided an environment where this person felt compelled to leave.  In both meetings I could feel my positive energy overpower the negative energy.  When this person realized their energy had no effect on me this person quickly withdrew.

As these two interactions left an impact of observation and experience.  I couldn't help but wonder if these two interactions had left an impact with this person.  My guess would be no as there was such a high level of negative energy in this person.  I realized we can not impact everyone to see the world in a positive view point however what we can control is our mental work space health.

The great experiment would be to join these positive work spaces through mental energy to others around us that are like minded.  So picture a massive matrix of positive thoughts and energy.  We are all connect so by connecting this matrix of touch points with our alignment of thoughts would truly start to impact others.  I will suggest the ability to create a positive environment would be unlimited and only limited to the thought of what is possible.

This would be timeless and leveling up of our continuous energy to enable us to travel to places we have not thought possible.  All this is possible by one thought at a time in yourself and like the movie the Field of Dreams.  Having the thought of you to build your internal ball field they will come and by that you will continue to attract positive into your life.

This process will continue to grow and is truly unlimited in it's growth.  All starts with one positive alignment thought at a time.

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