Sunday, 7 May 2017

The 66th Chapter - Gratefulness and Your Alignment

Feb 20/17

The choices we make on a daily basis ultimately will add to our life or will take away from our energy.  Currently I have posted 48 chapters of sharing of my thoughts onto my blog.  I was recently asked by someone who has read each one.  How does it feel when you have finished posting a chapter?  This has caused me to pause as I never really put this specific thought into a feeling.

So as I thought about what my answer would be and how to articulate this thought from my feeling.  The sense of gratefulness was the first thought that came to me.  This person also communicate how much they have enjoyed reading them.

The next thought was the sense of accomplishment with the completion of each chapter followed by the wish that others feel a sense of value also in reading the blog.  Then lastly followed by a sense of excitement to where the future will direct my quest.  The sense of feeling more confident and that this is truly another beginning for me also comes to mind.

The sense of wanting to continue creating as well to improve the quality of these writings is another goal I have.  One of my original goals was to use the venue to help provide a foundation of my personal healing combined with growing my confidence.  As I check in and reflect over the past year.  I think about what have I done well and have a sense of accomplishment.  What are areas that I could improve?  Have I made choices that are in alignment to my healing?

Once you start on a new journey in your life the importance to take a moment to reflect on your progress is vital for your continued growth.  Perhaps changes have occurred or your growth has shifted your lenses of reality and it is time to move onto something else.

We are genetically programmed to improve and grow.  Ultimately it is up to you to create that growth so be mindful to the fact if you stop to grow.  Identify what is causing you to stop to grow and focus back on your alignment.  The pattern will become clear to you as you reflect to your growth and next steps will also appear for you.  Also know that no one person or any external factors can stop that growth in you.  Granted your current situation might be extremely difficult in regards to how other people are impacting you.  However at the end of the day you have the power to change your reality.

The moment you blame others for your current lack of personal growth is the moment you have truly started to fade away.  With this mind set the quest of your growth and happiness will seem to be like a distant far away land.  You will become a prisoner in your own thoughts and will not be able to step forward to that oasis of greatness that waits for you.

Although there might be current external factors surrounding you that are creating an environment of not being able to grow.  The first step is to realize this growth has stopped and you are not able to recognize  the person you currently are.  Your inner child will always be there is is currently waiting for you to allow the quest of your growth to return.

You have all the strength inside you to make positive changes.  The secret is to believe you are capable to make these changes in your life.  Like a small tree that starts to grow in a crack in concrete and over time that tree will shatter the hard concrete.  You to will be able to replicate that level of strength.  The first step is to listen and feel your inner child.  This will enable you to once again love yourself which then leads to your confidence to blossom.

Even if your external factors of concrete feel too strong for you to grow.  Like in nature it can over come anything over time.  So can you replicate this process in your internal person you are.

Encourage your inner child to take that first step and go forward to realize your greatness.  Become a source of strength.

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