Monday, 22 May 2017

The 73rd Chapter - The Fuel of Growth

March 18/17

I would like to share about the last few weeks.  During these last few weeks there has been moments and periods of time that have cause me to reflect on my current path.

Sometimes I wonder if I am achieving and growing as much as I can.  So like everything in life to grow we need fuel.  Plants need sun and water to grow.  Cars need gas and air to propel them forward to carry you to your destination.  As like us in our growth we too need a fuel mixture as well to propel us forward.

An example of that fuel came to me this morning.  I am on a start of a new journey of growth for me and that start is to head to Florida to attend John Maxwell University.  The goal is that at the completion of this trip is to be a John Maxwell Certified Trainer.

As I sat at the airport waiting to board the plane, I posted in my blog (Chapter 55 and for those of you familiar with that chapter you will immediately recognize the significance of the timing.  The overall theme is life is amazing and there is no way one can write these types of experiences in your life other than to live them.  You will experience moments like these when you are in your alignment.

As I was posting this blog I couldn't help but to call my friend and actually woke him up.  I then went on to share my experience of randomness and how things work out like they do.  When your living your life in your alignment how things just happen in a positive way.

All great leaders follow their path and the feeling of your intuition will lead you to become a great leader.  The more you practice following your insights the easier it will become to attract others that have the need to unlock their greatness.  This will be providing the correct fuel mixture you need to propel yourself forward.

A way to identity how to follow your intuition is something I would like to share.  For those that have not been exposed to John Maxwell there are four different streams that you need to pick one from.  As I am learning about the task of picking a learning stream and found the one for me.  What I received when I found my stream was a gut feeling and goose bumps all over my body.  That feeling of just knowing that this is learning stream for me.

So when you are at a crossroads of your life and a growth pattern is about to start.  Use these feelings I have described above as these are your internal compass directing you to your alignment.

This alignment will lead you to your passion that leads you to your purpose.  All of us have been given our greatness and it is up to you to unlock it.

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