Sunday, 14 May 2017

The 68th Chapter - Personal Relationships and Honesty

Feb 26/17

My thoughts turned to personal relationships and honesty.  The communication process of getting to know someone and to trust your instincts when you have feelings.

As I have moved through life there was a time when the need to have a personal relationship was important.  Regardless of the fact of what my insights were feeling I would sacrifice them to satisfy the need to have a relationship.  At the time I did not realize this unhealthy behavior was causing a end result of me losing myself.  By one conversation and thought at a time I slowly disappeared to a place of terminal and internal dismay.

The importance of trying to make something happen out of nothing comes to mind.  No matter how hard I tried to be successful in my past relationships I was not able to level up.  The signs were all there as well as the patterns of replications.  Yet I refused to acknowledge them and integrate them into my life.

As I continue my quest to learn and grow by using these types of thoughts in my life.  The confidence and knowing has been expanding in who I am as a person.  It feels incredible and at first this process was difficult for me in the beginning.  There was not as many good days as there is now.  As time goes forward I am experiencing more great days and the sense of positive well being is felt.

This is a key takeaway to have this component in your life's quest to find your direction.  If you find yourself in your current situation that your insights are telling you to change.  Follow them as this is the universe providing you with tangible tools for you to integrate strength into your life.

When you have a moment of quiet time, quiet your mind and ask yourself are you happy?  If not, write down a list of three things that are affecting you in a negative way.  Once identified explore ways that you can address these three things.  Return back to your alignment core and determining what you really want.  In this modern age of convenience and internet dating a lot of folks are sometimes looking for the next best thing.  While continuing a current relationship and having a eye looking for something else.   If you find yourself thinking and feeling this applies to you.  The importance of taking a time out for yourself is what is required.

Create your alignment of what you truly want and listen to your internal insights.  Once you successfully completed this task the universe will provide the perfect partner for you.  You will know before this person comes into your life exactly what your looking for.  Once you meet this person you will know this is the person sent for you.  The desire to look for anyone else will be over.

Like the passing of time, you will feel a sense of calmness and be able to live life.  You will know you have learned with your past and have integrated a new skill set in your life.  The sense of the feeling of leveling up will provide you that feeling of comfortableness.

Nature always trusts their instincts and this concept needs to be replicated in you.  This will allow your growth and you will notice you will start attracting positive new people in your life.  Allow your insights to guide your growth.  Be mindful to not live your life in fear of not following your insights.

Imagine a bird never following their instincts to leave the nest and to never fly.  That concept does not make sense so as your insights are telling you to fly then leave your nest.  Wouldn't you naturally want to fly and grow?

What is your instincts telling you?  What are you doing to do right now?

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