Saturday, 4 March 2017

The 51st Chapter - Facing Your Fears

Dec 31/16

I am now back home, back to my normalcy, from a beautiful beach paradise to a cold snowy day.  The contrast is significant - almost one extreme to another in regards to climate.  I am so grateful to be able to have the gift of everything I was able to experience.  From all the people and also to the island way of life to local food and all in between.

This morning I was remembering all the incredible interesting and diverse people I met.  From local people to visitors from all over the world, with each and everyone a diverse story that was like no other.  Isn't life really a miracle of  every moment?  The one thing I realize is the gifts I have on a daily basis - others would love to have in their life.

The ex-marine that would love to have children however by the choices he makes in his life - it would be unlikely he will.  It is interesting that what we seek the most, in some cases, we will make choices that will not allow us to have what we think we want.  We are truly complex and strange creatures that we view ourselves as normal - when you actually start to think about what we do - seems so crazy.  The rules or routines of some people are the foundation for their life and sometimes others looking on do not understand this - we seem to others somewhat not normal, with this lack of understanding.

We will run from the rain yet get wet swimming.  The common foundation is we will rationalize whatever we do or choices and make them our normal.  So what is normal?  Who decides in our community the "proper" rules of protocol?   Like everyone's individual story being so different so is each community.  How does that evolve?  How does this environment we live in daily form our reality?

 All the moments spent with new people I met - I truly cherish to a lever I never experienced before.  The lessons I have learned of staying in the moment and being open to whatever gift comes by.

 I also realized another thing about me.  As I have gone through my life I would sometime meet people that left a positive impact on me.  When this happened I would often wonder if I had left a impact on anyone else that I have met as well.  So as my two week adventure unfolded I noted a pattern.  That pattern was a common theme expressed by all of the people I met.  A rough estimate of around 18 people of who I got to know and spend time with.  At the end of each day or event all of them expressed statements like "greatest day every" with vast amounts of positive energy generated.

It was almost like everyone was on a natural high from the energy that was created that day in that moment of time.  About three quarters of the way into the 2 week trip I started thinking about the why was everyone feeling the same thing, including myself.  As each day was different, I realized the one common element that did not change was me.

I was there in each event and each moment.  Please do not take this as I feel conceited or arrogant - because that was not my intent.  I realized that yes - as a person I have value and can impact people in a positive way.  From my past choices I was not able to realize I am able to leave a positive impact on others.

Like you - you have a gift as well - have the confidence to use this gift and share this gift with everyone that is open to receive this gift of you.

Truly one of the greatest experience you can have is freely giving your gift to others that would like to experience it.

Love and embrace the difference "you" will make.

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