Jan 15/17
Have you ever found yourself in a place in your adult life where you lack direction? You realize your living life by going through the daily motions of life but not actually living life? People around you seem to be moving forward and growing yet you may feel a sense off drifting? Or maybe you know someone that does not seem to know where they need to take their life?
Sometimes folks that are lacking the ability to self charter their ship may turn to others for that direction. While for a short time that make work for some - it will never have a lasting positive affect as on what the individual can provided those choices for them. As they might feel temporary comfort by someone helping them make their live choices, there will always end up in a long term failing scenario. The further complications of this style of choice is the person that was trying out of kindness to help will usually end getting resented by this intent of help.
I have a great friend that we both share some past relationship experience that is very similar and he is the only person I know that can fully relate to my past choices. He has made the choice of moving forward based on several factors. As we were discussing this concept on choices and the impact on our life is large. We identified the fact of how some people seem to have a built in instinct of how to life their life and for the most part will make correct decisions in their life - Which leads to them to have a fulfilling life. Where as some people seem to lack this insight completely and are not able to make choices that lead them to a fulfilling life.
As I thought about this observations - I wondered how to illustrate in words what might be going on inside people that lack this self direction. I thought about my natural admiration of Canadian Geese and specifically what guides them in their semi yearly trek north to south and back again when winter fades away. What is that insight that guides their physical direction that allows them to fly 1000's of miles and find their location perfectly. How does that natural compass work for them? Yet they seem to do it so easily and without hesitation.
A natural reality they live with ease. So whatever that is that guides these geese, call it an unknown force, is that the same unknown force we have in our life that we use to guide our course? Then my thoughts turned to, how do I provide some direction to folks that seem to lack that unknown force in their life.
As my thoughts digested that concept, the more I felt the secret of this key component is to always remain in the moment. While use only a brief amount of time and energy using your past learned experiences to help your charter the future you desire. A equal brief time spent about where you want to go to in your future - however the vast majority of your energy needs to be spend in the moment and by doing this it is possible to capture this unknown force. Then use this force in your life in a positive way to guide you to your destination.
I once knew a beautiful person and when they allowed themselves to be in the moment - that combined energy was incredible. So simple examples would be while driving in traffic green traffic lights were everywhere in our direction which lead to ease of movement and flow. To times walking into a busy store with no line up and literately seconds later a line would be formed behind us to the door.
So as you start to practice the use of this unknown force and you start to notice the similar type of examples of above - you will know you are starting to effectively use this unknown force in you to charter your life.
Like any new skill set, at first it may not come easy, but briefly remember what you have learned and keep practicing this skill. As you use it more it will come easier and feel more natural.
Enjoy your gifts and grow it.
Keep growing.
Create your life charter!!!!
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