Sunday, 12 March 2017

The 54th Chapter - Use Your Experiences For Your Growth

Jan 8/17

I would like to share about some positive random experiences of late.  All of these experience have provided such positive growth and enjoyment of the greatest gift of all - the gift of time of other people sharing and coming together for a brief period of time.  Sometimes the time with them is over and will never repeat again and other times they will replicate again.

As I grow older in this life I realize that people will come and go - that is ok - when I was younger I was hoping I could repeat all positive experiences with life and those same people.  But I realized that is not possible - the importance of enjoying and living in each moment is magnified to me as time passes.  Also the realization that some moments with people can not be repeated as they come into my life - they have provided their gift of time and have moved on.

There are two experiences that I would like to share that might appear to be random - but perhaps they are not?  One is very positive - it is like a story is starting to be created of these people coming together.  I first met this couple in a far away place at a small airport at a boarding gate.  We enjoyed each others company with no future plans made - however ended up bumping into them again on a small island and did make plans to spend sometime together.  It was a great and fulfilling experiences filled with great conversations and laughter.

So last night my son and I decided to go to a local chain restaurant for a diner as I was given a gift certificate.  As we walked in the hostess asked where we would like to sit, as the menu was the same in the dining side and the lounge side.  We randomly chose the lounge side and walked right into the couple that I met in the small airport.

A moment of recognition and shortly after a flood of happiness seeing my new friends again.  They invited us to sit at their table and we had a fantastic visit - once again filled with great conversation and laughter - all of which my son was able to experience.  Near the end of that meeting the couple made the comment "well now it is official" - bumping into each other again we will become life long friends.  These people live about 20 minutes away from me for about 15 years and I have not met them until now.

Now with each visit the exchange of time and conversation grows - always with a feeling of positive energy that is experienced and new feelings of gratefulness.  This time the value of my son being able to meet them and also experience this exchange.

The second experience involves a life long child hood friend that I have know since about the age of 8.  We have not talked to each other in over 20 years and once about 3 years ago I asked to connect up however timing was not correct for them.  On my recent trip I asked again and the response was a yes.  We re-connected for the first time after 20 years and we had a great experience.  Memories of  times passed were shared and I remembered so many things of my childhood that I long since forgotten.

We met up twice and between the two meetings some deeply personal news was received by me.  This news I will not share as it is so painful - however I would like to give thanks to the universe of providing me another great gift.  As some of the time exchange with the long lost friend I was provided some great coping tools to address the horrible incident that had occurred in my life.  So long lost friend - thank you to you and that time.

I hope I have been able to provide a fraction of value that has been provided to me on these two stories and people involved.  The value I received was tremendous and has left a positive impact on my life.

As at the beginning of this chapter I know a loop has been closed, even though a great person, there will not be a long lasting time spent together.  In my past I would struggle with that thought - now I am totally at peace knowing that this chapter is closed and have felt the feeling of growth again.

One moment at a time I hope the best for them on their life's journey and a huge thank you from me.

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