Tuesday, 26 December 2017

The Second Book The 77th Chapter - Sharing Experiences and Increasing Value

Nov 8/17

Have you wondered how to increase value in others?  Can you think of a time when someone added value to you?  Remember back of how that person has made that impact on you. 

All of us deep down want to provide value and to be valued by our tribe.  Sometimes as our life goes on we forget how important the simple things in life really are. 

I know when I was in my previous managing role there was a time I lost my balance.  In my work world I excelled however at the cost of my personal life.  I realized what I enjoyed doing and I was good at the gift of conversation and increasing the value of what others thought of themselves.  Through that gift of conversation I am able to leave a sense to that person of an increased value.  I now practice that fully in my personal life as well.

As I am creating this book there has been several times while I am writing that a random conversation occurs.  One has remained with me as a conversation that has left value in both me and that other person.  This conversation occurred with the waitress I had that day while I wrote.  It happened at the end of my lunch while I was paying my bill.  It started out the typical general talk but quickly she shared she is also a writer.  Turns out she creates self development reads based on her life's experiences and from these experiences she shares of how to improve the readers life. 

So a very similar style and format of how I create.  I asked what her current status is in having her book published.  She stated that she has tried the traditional way with several publishers however at this time she has not had success in getting her first book out there.  I then shared my story of how I self publish and how easy that process is.  I could immediately see by that sharing the spark of hope come alive in her eyes.  I offered to provide any help I could to help her achieve her goal of having her book out to the world.

The gift I received from this brief interaction was I was able to help someone else.  My goal is to daily make a positive difference in everyone I see.  If you are unsure of how to start enjoying your life perhaps it's as simple as one conversation at a time.  Focus on what you want to achieve with each moment and repeat.  Allow the natural flow of energy to carry you to where you want to level up.

Take some healthy risks to get out of your comfort zone.  If you remain in your comfort zone you will never grow into your potential as a human being.  When I first started having random conversations, I wasn't very good at it and I was nervous.  Now it comes easily and I am allowing my natural gift to make a difference with others.

What do you want to do different today?  How are you going to be different today?  When are you going to take your action?

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