Wednesday, 27 December 2017

The Second Book The 82nd Chapter - Do You Know Your Gift

Dec 1/17

What makes you unique over the billions of others on this place earth we call home?  If you have identified your gift, do you use it?  If so how often?

In my travels I have had the pleasure to meet a fellow by the name of Brad.  During a few month period he and I would meet on a weekly basis with a group that focuses on sharing and helping each other in our growth.  Several times the group wold discuss our goals and our passion.  During these sharing moments I noticed Brad was quiet and vague when his turn would come to share his goals and aspirations.  Then one day he shared with the group, I don't know my passion or my gift.

I was shocked to hear that from him, as my perception his gift is public speaking.  During all the meetings he would command attention when he spoke due to a combination of his powerful voice and the energy he gave out.  Brad is the type of person that when he speaks, the room goes silent and still.

One of my gifts is the ability to see peoples gifts in a moment of observing them.  It was so clear to me his gift is speaking and that was why I was surprised he didn't see his gift.  I thought of how I could be his bridge to clear his sight and so he too could see his own gift. 

So the next meeting when I felt his pause about his goals and the direction he was taking in his life, it was then I spoke up.  It was in this pause I asked him, are you aware of the presence you command when you speak?  The room went silent, Brad paused for a moment and said no, I then suggested perhaps your gift is too speak to others.  I comment on the fact that when you speak you make an impact on others and I can feel your passion come alive with each word you express.

A week goes past and then Brad commented, I can now see my path and I now know my goals.  That unique gift of Brad is too speak and now he can also see it.  He commented once you see you can no longer go back and un-see.  How can you measure the impact of this one conversation with one person, when in a brief moment their entire view of themselves has now been changed forever.

As for as how often do you use your gift, as much as your able to possibly use it.  I spoke before on working your obsessions, this is your time now to work your obsession constantly.  By working it, you will grow your gift and create your energy to survive.  Also by using your gift that will create the magic that will attract others to your craft.

With some inward reflection you will know this gift and do not be deterred by others who don't understand you, as you start to apply your gift.  Like everything in your life, you will need to practice for 1000's of hours to master you talent.  That snap shot in time when your meeting someone new and successful can be replicated in you.  Realize before that snapshot in time when you met this person, they to have spent perhaps years perfecting their craft. 

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