Friday, 1 December 2017

The Second Book The 73rd Chapter - Grow Your Perspective

Nov 3/17

Have you ever wanted to expand your perspective of life?  As you thought about that, have you wondered about a possible way to accomplishing growing your awareness of the world?

As I continue my quest to learn more, I also asked that same question.  One way I found to grow my perspective is to travel.  To travel, it doesn't mean to spend a lot of money on a trip but it is a simple as mentally traveling out of your current mindset.  Of course to be able to physically travel, will expand your perspective quickly to others way of life.  From the interaction of others that will provide you with experiences and thoughts you would have not achieved on your own.

There are so many ways to travel and grow your view of your reality.  To grow your reality of understanding will provide you with more of life's gifts.  It will also provide you a competitive advantage in your ability to gather energy to survive.

My story of travel today is the start of posting my spare room in my house on-line for travelers to stay.  This process hardly cost any money to get started yet once the room was on-line people started to come.  All of the people that have come so far have added a greater perspective and added value of their gift of conversation.

One guest in particular was from Kuwait and his visit has remained with me.  One evening we were sharing about our cultures and the general idea of exploring our world.  As the conversation progressed he commented on his observation of how much his travels have added to his life.  One observation he has was some folks are unaware of what is out there in the world and don't seem to have a desire to become aware.  His comment was not one of judgement but one of wonder of why some folks are not curious to grow their perspective.

My thoughts drift to John Maxwell and one of his quotes - "When is the last time you have done something for the first time?"  Ask yourself where would you view yourself currently in your growth cycle?  Are you wanting to learn or are you content to stay as is?  If your okay with staying as is, I highly encourage you to change that mindset.  With that mindset you are starting to build your mountain of regret.  This mountain of regret will grow all your life and when your out of time with this life;  you will be crushed with your mountain of regret.  All the things you weren't aware of, suddenly you will be and your gift of time will be wasted.

As you read and your awareness is starting to grow you do have time to adjust your course.  It is a simple as a start of creating your thought in your mind.  With this start you will feel your awareness growing and your perspective.  This growth of perspective happens with the re-engaging of your imagination, that you used so often when you were younger.

Where will be your first trip location be to grow your perspective?

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