Wednesday, 8 November 2017

The Second Book The 65th Chapter - Recognizing The Flow

Oct 16/17

How do you know if you are in your zone?  What are indications you are moving with your flow?  How do you recognize your flow and integrate this flow in your life to leverage your efficiency? 

This might sound complex to integrate into your life yet it is actually quite simple.  To have this concept in your life is key to making the most of your life on a daily basis.  Small choices and planning of your days activities will enable small results of improving your efficiency, which in turn add up to large gains in you being able to receive your value.

Have you ever found yourself endlessly looking for required items on an on-going basis?  For example looking for your house keys?  It might not seem like a large waste of your time looking for your keys, yet every time you engage in that type of activity your are wasting your energy.  Each time events like this happen it is slowly robbing you of your limited energy for the day.

It's in your choices of planning that can start to make a measurable impact for you and paying attention to patterns that are emerging in your life.  Another example of how to recognize patterns in your life is being in heavy traffic.  As your driving, pay attention to the flow of traffic and visualize where your destination is located.  If your in multiple lanes of traffic and you need to change lanes, as you visualize where you need to go.  Suddenly almost magically space will appear in another lane and you can then change your lane. 

These are moments to recognize your opportunities to allow the ease of your flow and the need to make changes with the least amount of expended energy.  With the use of this concept you will start to feel a difference of the feeling of increased energy.  As you start to make these small changes of movement of where you want to go, your direction will become clear.

Your huge massive goal starts with your first step and keep repeating that step until your success is realized.  It's through processes like these you can start to actualize the dreams you have that will take you from ordinary to extraordinary.  Like your biggest idol in your life, you too will be able to achieve your dreams.

With this increase of flow in your life you will notice you will start attracting like minded people.  These same people will help provide you with the support you need to see your dreams come true.  Everyday you will need to have the relentless focus on recognizing your flow and practice this every spare moment in your day.  Chances are high your idol that you look up too, does some kind of razor like focus and uses this concept.

All great things take a plan and dedication to that plan, which you can freely access.  Where you go with your gift is up to you and your outlook.  I encourage you to live big and take your steps to change your current reality to live your dream.  Your first steps will be difficult and uncomfortable but they will become easier.  Hence this cycle of climbing your mountain will provide you increased amounts of energy by what you are achieving.

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