Wednesday, 22 November 2017

The Second Book The 70th Chapter - Power of Reflection

Oct 15/17

Have you used the power of reflection to adjust your course?  Do you use the process of reflection combined with being in the moment?

When I was younger I was not aware of the power of reflection and how to use those moments to help show me if I am in my alignment.  I was always in a state of constant hurry and always looking forward to the next goal. 

My sharing of this experience of practicing the act of reflection happened today.  This morning I was standing on Navy Pier in Chicago and just completed doing my weekly live video blog.  It was in that moment I paused, I thought of the journey that took me to this moment in time.  I just finished doing my first speaking engagement in Janesville, WI and was on my way back home.  I had traveled all this way by myself and was following my initiation on this journey to here.

At this moment I'm not sure where I will end up however I know this experience is adding to my life.  As I reflected, I remember back to when I was a young shy boy growing up on an isolated farm in central Alberta.  At that time I would never imagined I could have the courage to follow my dream.  When I was young I never knew of the gift of travel and the depth that it provided to me as each new travel experience is completed.

The education in travel can never fully be explained our understood until you travel.  It provides a level of awareness that is not possible by any other way.  To be able to experience other people and cultures in their way of life is a special gift.  As I completed my speaking engagement, I could feel real connections being created.  Once again something I would never had thought I would be able to do.  I know I have the gift to connect with others but I didn't think I had the courage to leave my safety kennel.  I did experience moments of being fearful on my travels yet I pushed forward.

So as I reflected and looked around Navy Pier and realized how far I have come, I have taken this energy and use that force to set the seeds for my next adventure of growth with purpose.  To achieve the success you desire in your life, it is vital that each decision and action you take is in alignment of your passion.

Using the results of what you have accomplished this far, measure it to your moment and ask yourself if you are on your course?  If so, then create your next steps and plant your seeds to grow into your next goal.  If not, compare your reflection to your moment and ask what you can do to improve.  Look at your goal and perhaps you need to readdress your strategy and take bite size chucks on the way to your goal vs trying to complete the entire goal in one moment. 

With that correction you will be able to achieve what you want and need.  Remember if you currently don't feel you are not in your correct spot for you, your not, and by the power of reflection you will unlock your next doors to your success.   

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