Monday, 13 November 2017

The Second Book The 68th Chapter - Living Your Peace

Oct 20/17

How do you capture and hold onto your peace?  How do you start to put your dream into action and benefit from that energy? 

When I was younger, I was often filled with moments of unsettledness  and a feeling of something is missing in my life but was unsure of how to fill that void.  In our society today there are thousand of different ideas, developmental plans and ideology to pull into our life to make us a complete person.  The quick fix is to pull something that attracts you and to lean on that new addition to make you a whole person.

In my experience this would usually not have a lasting effect and I was always looking for more.  Then I realized to bring in new ideas to my life does add to the person I am and that I had to assemble the pieces in a form that provides my purpose.  So the main difference as I grew was I didn't lean on one item but put several different positive influences together. 

One key component to find my peace was to start to follow my steps to living my dream.  My dream is to make a living providing value to people everyday and to show them they already have the greatness in themselves.  Now with ever conversation and interaction the people I connect with are left with a sense of increased value as I practice connecting their bridge to their greatness.  This has been a life long journey for me to get to this point of starting to create my peace.

I remember back as a young child that one of my grade school teachers commented that I would never amount to much and I should be more like the rest of the class.  That statement took years out of my true growth however I also know that statement has given me more motivation to follow my dream.

Fast forward to a week ago and I was boarding a plane to travel to Chicago for my first speaking engagement in Janesville, WI.  Picture a little quiet farm boy from western Canada that was told 30 years ago he wouldn't amount to much, now having the opportunity to live my dream to provide value to others.  As the trip unfolded there is on example I would like to share of one of my interactions. That was, a person I met on my trip just had a meeting with Paul Ryan a few days before I met with him.  When I heard that, I was hit with a positive energy flow of support of know I was living my dream.

My past searching of my building components to locating one and finding my peace were satisfied at a high level and in that moment.  A feeling that remains with me and is not fleeting life some of my other past choices.  I also know my dream is not fully written yet and there is work I need to complete.  But I know by these choices and by my actions I am benefiting from living in my peace.  I also know that like the success of the rules of nature that I need to continue to repeat this process with a razor focus. 

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