Sunday, 12 November 2017

The Second Book The 67th Chapter - Enjoy Others Growth

Oct 19/17

What is your vision of mentorship and how you will be able to see the results in someones growth?  How will you recognize these moments of growth?  What is your goal in the feelings that are created in that moment of someones growth?

About six years ago was the stating steps for me in my changing of my leadership strategy.  In the early stages of my change, I had more unknowns of where this new approach would take me vs. the knows.  I knew the way I was currently leading at the time was not value add, I realized I was doing the same task over and I realized a effective leader would be providing an environment where the team would start to take over recurring issues.  Not only would they handle these issues but come up with now process that would eliminate these issues.  In short I was  creating a environment where people became follows and not leaders.

All it took to start for me to grow in my leadership path was the self-awareness of my need to improve.   I believe growth in  leadership will never stop and to be an effective leader the ability to always change your leadership style is paramount for effectiveness.  One area of leadership I want to focus on is providing encouragement to a person or team.  Once the basic tasks of a job is learned then people need support in their development.

As I started to practice a focus on encouragement the results were almost intimidate in the fact of increasing the comfort level of the people on the team.  I noticed individual members start to have a lighter energy around them and start to share more ideas of how to repair ongoing issues.  All of this was a great start but I had no idea where this type of encouragement would led to in individual growth within the team. 

All of the team started to grow in their own way and I want to share about on individual's growth.  The moment I want to share took about five years for this moment to occur.  With my change of leadership style a higher level of relationships started to be create by spending quality time together.  In this individual I started to share how I was starting to write my first book.  I shared with him how it was an emotional experience of when I posted my first blog.

Sometime had passed from that sharing and then one day he shared he always wanted to write but didn't know where to start writing.  Which I gave some ideas and encouraged him to start putting words to paper.  With that conversation it started a pattern that emerged from him that was meaningful with the creation of his first work.  At that time I asked him to share with me his writing and he was ready to share.

Approximately six months passed and we met again.  The excitement in his eyes I will never forget when he asked if I wanted to read his first three stories.  As I read I was overtaken by the quality of his work.  A diverse array of emotions came over me as I read and how quickly he could paint a visual picture of his words spoke to me.

As I looked up after reading, he almost had tears running in his eyes of the sharing of his growth.  In that moment I realized the full effect of seeing someone grow and a sense of enjoying his accomplishments.  How can anyone even measure the value in that moment?

I think anyone that leads others is typically wanting to grow themselves and effective leaders are truly wanting their people to become leaders as well.  Where would you place yourself on your ability to led yourself and others?  Where do you place your level of integrity in a position of influence?  What is your story of growing others?

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