Sunday, 26 November 2017

The Second Book The 72th Chapter - Live Your Passion to Fill Your Dream

Oct 24/17

How do you grow into your dream?  Or have you wondered how to even identity your dream?

It took my until my early 40's to start to identify I wasn't living my dream.  With the start to my realization of my lack of my dream, it took another few years to be able to feel and see my dream with clarity.  One of the hardest things I did was to give up my security of my know work for 20 years and to exit out of the traditional workforce.

This is a key point to integrate into your life is to take your jump of faith, for taking that first jump will lead you to your passion.  Believe that you have inside yourself more than enough to provide the energy you need to survive.  However if your unwilling or unable to make a drastic life change to shift your alignment, you will give up your gift. 

This special gift in you is your passion and your passion is your gift.  The pattern of risk and reward will apply in you in unlocking your steps to ultimately unlocking your passion.  For me, once I started to follow my passion it allowed my dream to become clear.  I remember attending a John Maxwell conference and in that conference I learned to follow opportunities when they are presented to you.  Even if it is a small opportunity, it is a start and it will also provide you with validation of your dream.  It will provide the answer if this dream is the correct dream for you.

I was exposed to this idea about 8 months ago and during that time I have worked hard on following my passion.  That passion is to write and share my life experiences and through this act of sharing, my goal is to help others see value in themselves. 

The specific steps that I took to get to my opportunity was I  first realized I wasn't living my dream.  From that point I changed my career direction and once that happened I started to make choices based on my passion.

One of the people I met at this conference was Mark.  Mark and I remained in contact over the last 8 months and have encouraged each other to grow into our dreams.  About 2 months ago he asked if I would like to come down to support his goal and to also speak about my first book.  I knew at this moment this was an opportunity and I gratefully took it.  Even though this was a small step of one event, I knew this was time to validate my path.  I was able to come to a place where I can fill my dream and that is to connect with one person at a time.  With this one event it added to my passion and I realized as I spent time with this group of people, I was in fact adding value and creating connections.

This investment on myself was already paying off and through following my passion I have unlocked another door of my dream.  The beautiful thing about a dream is that once your follow your passions this dream becomes unlimited in its capacity to provide value to you and others around you.  The only limiting factor to your dream is if you stop your growth.  Growing and your dreams are not linear and they will expand to the size you want your dream to become. 

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