Oct 16/16
So it has now been a half a month since I published my first blog on chapter 1. These first writings are over a year old and my thoughts turn too the content of this writing. I am reflecting on my confidence of this writing and what is the value add for anyone that might be reading it. My thoughts turn to time and the fact that time is truly a gift I do not want to waste in anyone, like emotional energy, there is only a limited amount available to each and everyone of us.
My thoughts went to a story I read a while ago, I am not sure the author or the origin of the story, so I will paraphrase my memory of it. This story takes place by a ocean, on a beach. The previous night that was a massive storm and during that storm thousands of Starfish are washed up onto the beach from the waves. In the morning, after the storm is over and all is quiet, a man is walking down the beach and notices all of the Starfish covering the beach. He continues walking and after a while he comes across a young boy picking up one Starfish at a time and gently placing them back into the ocean. The man watches the boy for a short while then comments to the young boy - why are you picking up the Starfish and placing them back into the ocean? You can not physically pick up and save all the thousands of Starfish stranded far up on the beach. What difference are you actually making? The young boy quickly responded back with the difference is been made to each and every individual Starfish I save and return to the ocean.
What a fantastic statement and how can you counter that thought to the souls of each Starfish the boy saved that day. As we get older our perception may get clouded on what really is important and this is an example of the same facts of reality and yet how different two people view that reality. The value of our choices are measured each day and from each choice our house of life is getting built. Are we making choices that are making a difference or we making choices that are not? Also are our choices actually taking away or questing people that are making positive choices?
That leads me to my original thought to if this writing is of any value or not to the people that may read this. I have taken comfort in the fact that if this writing helps or makes a positive impact in just one person - then yes there is value. I know my original goal of a venue to provide healing to my emotional self is working. In moments of my discomfort I turn to writing, my wonder of what will be created as pen meets paper truly does excite me each time and the feelings of discomfort slowly start to fade away. The gift of life, the gift to be able to feel, the gift of being able to grow and evolve is truly amazing. What will be the next adventure? Will I be ready for it?
Which leads to some more reflection on time and how brief moments of time of interactions with others or our personal internal triumphs can be so brief, but yet have so much definition of who we think we are are or what others may believe we are. That marathon runner might spend years getting ready for that one race in public. That one event will show to themselves or people watching on the impact of all that struggle and determination that has lead to that event or moment in time. During these moments have you trained enough? Have you put in enough effort for the results you would like to experience? At the completion of whatever that moment maybe for you, will you feel the satisfaction you have truly done your best? Did you return enough Starfish to the ocean? Or do you feel you could have done more? When these brief moments have been completed be mindful of the outcome and feel it. Even if it is not exactly the way you pictured the outcome, take comfort in the fact you have achieved so much and gather strength to the fact you can achieve so much more. Keep in mind the important factor of balance and in the above the story - the one part the man did get right was the fact it was not possible to save all the Starfish. Like in our lives - we can not individually save everything and if we were to try, we would end up hurting ourselves.
Do not let these events in your your like lock you into a past, whether this experience was good or bad, that to stay in the moment as the event is now complete. Learn from these moments and start putting your emotional energy into your next accomplishment. Whether it is a quest for personal growth, relationships or your next promotion. Set yourself clear and concise goals - once that has been complete determine the steps you need to take to achieve that goal and take that first step.
It truly is that easy to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.
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