Nov 5/16
As I am sitting in a large coffee chain location - I find my thoughts are all over the place and random. I was going to write about a different topic - however this day has been one that had not turned out as planned. Totally in a good way and filled with which appears to be random opportunities, that have came across my path today and they have altered my reality in a significant way. Sometimes I start to question to why today seems and feels so different - which I would like to share.
I met up with an old colleague that I have not spent time with in a long while. This person and I were also waiting for results on a submitted proposal to a third party for over four months now. So what appears to be a random lunch meeting - maybe it was not? One of the items discussed was I communicated I still have not heard any feedback from the proposal. While I was sitting over lunch and having a conversation - I could feel my phone going off a few times. As I related to in some of my previous chapters - time is truly a great gift - and to give your time to someone else, one should respect that person and this respect should also come back to you. One way of ensuring I do that - I will ignore my cell phone while I am having a conversation with someone else. As I feel it is disrespectful and it is another form of allowing interruptions with the precious time you are spending with someone.
After lunch was over and we had parted ways - I did check my phone and one of the messages waiting to be read was an email communicated that the proposal was accepted. ( another colleague taught me the importance of putting aside my cell phone. In my past as I was talking with people if my phone would go off, I will switch my attention to my phone and ignore the person. He respectfully commented that perhaps I should mange my time in a different way - which I am so grateful he brought this up to me. I also wanted to point out - the message was waiting - it was not going anywhere and that news would have no real impact waiting to read it. ) So all the months of waiting and at that particular moment news was received - was that random? Ultimately it is you that had to decide that. However my view is that it was not random and what that moment provided me was further fuel to propel me along the current path I am on. The choices I am making are the ones that are aligning up to the path written by me for me.
This has also turned my thoughts to balance and the importance to have that. It is important to allow life's randomness to provide you some kind of direction. Like floating with a current in a stream - however there are times when the moment is right that you need to make some decisions and to not always allow the current to fully direct your life. An example of that is your river might have a fork in it and if you stay in it, it will take you over a deadly water fall. Your survival instinct will kick in and intuitively you will know to paddle out of that current and go move your canoe to the opposite fork to avoid the fatal water falls. By doing this it will allows you to continue to grow and be provided with the experience of a new part of the river.
When you are struggling the most of what direction you should take in life, take a breath, pause a moment and your inner self will provide you the direction. You will have the knowledge in you to avoid the deadly forks and follow the ones that provide positive growth.
Use the natural energy around you to increase the joy of your life's journey. The healthy river currents are waiting for you to propel you to your greatness.
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