Oct 29/16
I would like to share an experience that happened yesterday - that is once I have made small choices on a daily basis that align up to what I truly want in life. I can feel more each day the energy around me and inside of me. Now I know that to traditional beliefs this might not sound plausible or even somewhat crazy. To me it is totally real and my hope is to provide support to whatever your non-traditional ability might be. From that point embrace it and let your gift grow stronger in you. Fully allow yourself to be who you know you are. Please be mindful to always have positive thoughts in mind and not putting out negative energy to others or causing pain to anything.
Use whatever gift you may have in a positive way and be confident that you are not crazy. I believe, as an advanced people that we think we are, we have only started to begin to understand the complexity of been a human. Usually our normal behavior, when we do not understand something, we will usually discount it and provide a easy explanation to what is going on or what we just observed.
The patterns I enjoy and how they seem to happen over and over. In modern times when we see or hear people do things that we cannot explain, usually in young people, our institutions will slowly start to change their behaviors into a way that most of us act in that current reality. It is easier to ensure everyone conforms to a normalcy vs. trying to explain or accommodate someone that is different. If by small efforts into trying to change people's behavior does not work then the traditional combination of counselling and some form of medication that will start to change young peoples behavior. So instead of growing someones special gift and showing how to channel these gifts - we will alter their reality to align up with our know understanding of ours. With the belief, in general, we are providing tangible tools to help young people to succeed in life - when in reality the root cause of the issue has not been addressed.
It is like emotionally bondage that does not have long term positive effect and sometimes may lead to a life time of pain for these people. Our methods have changed on how we deal with people that are different in our current time however the root cause of misunderstanding has not. The same reality of creating a positive reality has still not been achieved. A couple hundred years ago people that were different were burnt to death and before that people were also treated like some kind of instrument of a dark force.
The pattern usually always turns back to what we do not understand or know we will in some form try to destroy whatever unknown beautiful gifts that is in front of use. Granted yes there are extreme causes of behavior where people either hurt themselves or others - then of course all measures need to be taken to ensure safety.
I am making references to the smaller impact of peoples energy around them. To support people you observe that are different by asking them questions and believing in them 100%. There are very popular movies out over the last few years that talk about people that have very unique abilities. They are usually presented in a fantasy and fiction based - but is it?
I think its possible to take a moment and think of at least one person that you have met that is actually different and do have some kind of gift. As you ponder that question - think and feel, use your internal compass and that will provide you the answers to that question.
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