Oct 22/16
I am thinking of energy and when you are in the energy moment that is the healthy place for you. It will provide you strength. Also people, when you least expect it, are paying attention to you and your energy as well. I would like to share a experience that happened about a year ago. I was walking with a co-worker from a parking lot to our head office. We had to wait at a cross walk for the light to change. As we were waiting a early 30's year old man, with blonde curly hair, blue eyes and a tan long coat walked up to us. As he looked at me, a feeling of recognition came across me, and I could also feel he recognized me. However I know I have never met him before in this life. He looked at my co-worker looked back to me, no words were exchanged but of a moment of recognition and energy. It felt like that brief moment was an invitation but I am unsure of what that invitation was. The light changed and we walked our different directions. After a brief moment had passed I asked my co-worker if they had observed the same thing I just did. The response back was - what are you talking about? I said you didn't see the guy that walked up to us and I describe him. My co-worker said - what guy? I have not fully understood what that moment fully meant, however it has stayed with me for a year.
During the past year I had shut down exploring and growing my spiritual side. I have normally never been able to see spirits and in the past I could only feel them. So because of that experience on the street corner, it had left me of not sure who I saw, until about a week ago. I was in a period of my life of not feeling like I had balance. I had felt I had lost my direction, my stability and my passion. This past Monday I was on my way to work and I realized I forgot my office keys. As I am early to work and most often the door is locked. So I turned around and went home to pick up my key. I knew at that moment that something was going to happen that day that would provide a key to help me find some balance and realigning my energy. That moment of forgetting my key cost me about 15 minutes of time (keep in mind I never forget my office keys) because of that delay in time, I ended up bumping into a couple that I have known for years but have not seen them for over three years. This chance meeting was only because of the 15 minute delay I experienced in the morning.
The conversation started out like the normal, one of meeting up with good friends and catching up however it rapidly it changed to a spiritual recognition. This change in conversation lead me to learn about a whole new side of their life that they shared freely with me. During that moment we shared several different ideas and experiences over the last while, one of them was the experience of the above of the blonde stranger. As I finished the story the husband went out to their vehicle and brought a book. He stated he was carrying around this book for a year and wasn't sure who it was for until now.
As I started reading the book later that night the author describes her experience of meeting a guy that met the description of the blonde stranger at the beginning of this chapter. The thought came to me when you are truly seeking and needing help or direction it will come to you. The harder part is to being open to when life brings you something of value. Also just as important is to have patients with yourself and your journey of life.
For me it took over a year for me to understand what that brief moment meant that took place on a side of a street. I also am fully aware that even now, I do not fully understand that moment, it is truly about understanding a little more at a time. It would be unrealistic to finish a race with one step and this same pattern happens in our life's journey of understanding - it is about taking one step at a time to reach your full knowledge. With each step a little more refined the goal will become - picture an iceberg, where you can only see just a little of the total volume of that ice on the surface. Like this experience just the tip to understood and a beginning of learning. Combined with the realization of fully committing myself to a new journey in my quest.
I have so much more to learn and my hope is by sharing these thoughts with those that have chose to read it - will in turn I hope supports your own new life journey. Your journey is yours and yours alone - to be able to create and feel all the greatness that life has to offer. Keep in mind, like the person training for their marathon, it takes commitment and dedication. Although this task my seem hard or maybe you feel like you could never do whatever journey you are on - You can and the universe will provide you all the strength and energy you need to successfully complete your goals.
The more you align yourself to your surroundings and maintain your balance - this quest will actually feel easy to complete.
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