Monday, 14 August 2017

Second Book The 3rd Chapter - Learn From Your Regrets

June 17/17

It now has been three days on my new journey and during this short time I have been doing some thinking.  The thought of regret comes to mind and how paralyzing that can be.  To be stuck in a place of regret that does not enable us to move forward.

When I was a young father sometimes I felt I did not provide an environment where my young kids could grow to who they truly are.  As I look back over the 20 years I understand why my filter lenses of my reality were like it was at the time.  Starting out in a world that is not full of kindness, starting out being completely new to being fully independent.  Starting out with not knowing who I was or knowing where I needed to go.  I did not have my freedom and my innocence did not exist.

All driven by fear, which I know now with time.  So I clearly understand now what I didn't 20 years ago.  When these realizations become clear then what happened to me was getting set adrift in the sea of regret.  Specifically I know I can be a better father to my kids now however to be with them again as young children that time has past and there is no going back for a do over.

With my new 3 day gift I can see so clearly on what matters the most and that is my kids.  I also realized even though I could have been a better father their love to me is perfect now.  As I  write tears come to my eyes as I realize the wholesomeness of their love has been the entire time.  The gift of clarity and realization is a powerful concept.

So as I am sailing out of the sea of regret, it is with great joy I can connect and feel their love at a level I have never experienced before.  Actual connections where the connection is 100% solid and equal in people freely giving while receiving the gift from others with the same intensity.

Now that is beautiful and a key component to living life.  Traditionally it is the parents that teach their children and in this case I am so grateful I was able to learn from my kids.

Their innocence has help provide me my freedom of enjoying their love given to me.

Thank you Nick and Megan - I love you guys.

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