Friday, 18 August 2017

Second Book The 6th Chapter - Let Your Sun Rise

June 22/17

Recently the area I live in was hit with a powerful wind storm that left a lot of damage.  Shortly after the storm passed the sun broke through the clouds and a sense of calmness descended on the area.  This is when the clean up begins after the calmness starts.

It is in our nature to replant the trees that have been destroyed and repair the damaged buildings.  Once again this pattern replicates in our own life and we all face storms of personal testing.  Once this does happen the importance of letting your sun rise and break though your clouds is your first step in another growth phase.  As when you let your sun rise, your calmness will grow and during these moments are your most futile times where building and growing will be the easiest.  The energy you put in to you growth in these calm moments are the highest return on your energy investment.  The more rebuilding and replanting you do now in these moments will have a lasting effect on your journey.

These moments of calm will plant your anchor in the foundation to hold you strong when your next storm hits you.  So take these moments of calm and plant your anchor deep in your alignment.  Whatever direction you want you life to head, strategically place your anchor in your passion.

An experience comes to mind of a storm period in my life, let's rewind the clock and allow me to share a moment with you.  Years ago I became a single father of two beautiful intelligent children and we spent our free time together living our normal life, which led us calling ourselves the three musketeers.  When my daughter became a teenager the three musketeers dynamic started to shift and events happened I later became aware of.  However these events were the start of a storm, a storm that lasted about a year and during this year this time was painful on all of us.  Yet we remained loyal to the core of our family unit.  With each day with a new sun rise I would check to see if the storm was finally over and one day it was.  It was a blessing and during the time of calmness all three musketeers reunited in a way that was similar to what our normal was.

It was during this time a deeper connection has resulted in our anchor into our alignment of being that family unit.  Even though that storm was dark and painful with many tears shed, I am now so grateful for the sun rising and spending energy rebuilding and replanting.

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